import sys

from message import LockCommand
from paxos_utils import Address
from typing import Dict

class LockManager:

    def __init__(self) -> None:
        self.locks: Dict[int, Address] = dict()

    # returns true if lock is acquired or the same client tries to acquire 
    # a locks it already has, false otherwise
    def lock(self, value: int, client: Address) -> bool:
        # acquire lock
        # print(f"Locking {value} for {client}", file=sys.stdout)
        if value not in self.locks:
            self.locks[value] = client
            return True

        # client already acquired this lock before
        if self.locks[value] == client:
            return True

        # lock is not available
        return False

    # returns true if lock is unlocked, false otherwise
    def unlock(self, value: int, client: Address) -> bool:
        # print(f"Unlocking {value} for {client}", file=sys.stdout)
        # lock does not exist
        if value not in self.locks:
            return False

        # client is not the owner of the locok
        if self.locks[value] != client:
            return False

        # unlock
        del self.locks[value]

        return True

    def lockstatus(self):
        print(f"\nCurrent Locks: {self.locks}\n", file=sys.stdout)

    def execute(self, lock_command: LockCommand, client_address: Address) -> bool:
        if lock_command is not None:
            lock_res = False
            if lock_command.op == "lock":
                lock_res = self.lock(int(lock_command.value), client_address)
            elif lock_command.op == "unlock":
                lock_res = self.unlock(int(lock_command.value), client_address)
            return lock_res