diff --git a/schedule.md b/schedule.md
index 175448aee57bd456c004d88e80efe82de5f6eb2a..34dec41ad2a8695e1c455f687cd264c42c11a869 100644
--- a/schedule.md
+++ b/schedule.md
@@ -191,7 +191,9 @@ Try to find something you didn't find with an automated tool. ([Post a UAR on Ed
 {: .week}
 # Week 4 (1/24): Accessible Needfinding and Evaluation
 {% details Learning Goals %} 
-How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
+- How to present accessibly
+- How to write using plain language
+- How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
 - How do you make sure your *product is accessible* to people with disabilities
    1. Data Equity and implicit bias
    2. Beyond automated assessment: Accessible Summative Studies
@@ -204,19 +206,16 @@ How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility t
 {% details Class Plan %} 
-{: .topic}  5:30-6:00 Introduction to Accessible Evaluation 
+{: .topic}  5:30-6:15 Introduction to Accessible Evaluation 
 : **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Assessing Accessibility" loc="evaluation.html" %}
-{: .topic}  6:00-6:15 Practice Study Design
+{: .topic}  6:15-6:25 Practice Study Design
 : **Amazon Alexa** 
     1. Write down a list of accessibility assessment goals (metrics) 
     2. Write down a sampling goal (who is included)
     3. Discuss
-{: .topic} 6:15-6:30 Plain Language Writing
-: **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Plain Language Writing Introduction" loc="plainlanguage.html" %}
-{: .break}  6:30-6:40 
+{: .break}  6:25-6:40 
 : Break / Food 
 {: .topic}  6:40-7:30 Slides & Discussion:
@@ -239,7 +238,7 @@ Discussion of Disability Dongle Paper
 - {: .homework} **Post-module Reflection:**  [Accessibility Basics Reflection](https://forms.gle/Wk8C51m5Sbq8RX7W8)
 - **Required Readings** Respond  to the Reading Questions and Preparation Requirements on Ed
     - Read [Fairness issues in AI Systems that augment sensory abilities](https://arxiv.org/pdf/1908.07333.pdf) and [**Respond on Ed**](https://edstem.org/us/courses/31170/discussion/2424082) 
-   - Read [A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/20/7719) and [**Respond on Ed**](TODO)
+   - Read [A systematic literature review of handheld augmented reality solutions for people with disabilities](https://www.mdpi.com/1424-8220/22/20/7719) and [**Respond on Ed**](https://edstem.org/us/courses/31170/discussion/2436103)
     - Read [7 benefits of AR and VR for People with Disabilities](https://arpost.co/2022/02/09/7-benefits-ar-vr-for-people-with-disability/) and [**Respond on Ed**](https://edstem.org/us/courses/31170/discussion/2423831) 
 {% enddetails %}
diff --git a/slides/designing.html b/slides/designing.html
index 203ca5fe9847f7ae3fcecb909bc20ce6ceff29ee..df2f2327763038206d61b2ffb4bba03867816d52 100644
--- a/slides/designing.html
+++ b/slides/designing.html
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ class:
 - Picking a direction that the disability community cares about
 - How to get a first person perspective without burdening the disability community
 - Running an inclusive need finding study to prove that something is (or is not) a disability dongle :) 
-- Presenting Accessibly
+- Plain Language Writing
 # Disability Dongle
@@ -216,198 +216,150 @@ Power dynamics come into play when negotiating access needs
 - Picking a direction that the disability community cares about
 - How to get a first person perspective without burdening the disability community
 - Running an inclusive need finding study to prove that something is (or is not) a disability dongle :) 
-- Presenting Accessibly
+- Plain Language Writing
-# Presenting Accessibly
-- First, make your slides accessible (and share them ahead of time)
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (1 of 6)
+# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (1 of 2)
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
-- unique slide titles
-   - makes navigation easier
-   - put (x of y) in the title if repeating
+- Practice presenting accessibly
+- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
+- Experience finding first person accounts
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (2 of 6)
+# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (2 of 2)
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
+- Practice presenting accessibly
+- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
+- Experience finding first person accounts
-- unique slide titles
-- avoid clutter
-# What is clutter?
-Please, for the love of all that is good on this fine planet we call home, do not do this to your poor audience members
-They don’t deserve this! What did they do to you? They probably flew hundreds of miles and of all talks and things to do in this new place came to YOUR presentation. And what do you do? You greet them with this GIANT wall of text! How rude. It’s ugly to look at. It’s hard to read. It’s annoying as he
-ck for me to type out this thing just to make a point!
-So please, don’t do this to your audience members. Be a responsible presenter. Practice your talks so you don’t have to read off the slide (or use speaker notes! also okay!). Break up your content so looking at your slides isn’t like getting smacked in the face with a wall of text.
+Find one computer access technology
-**But there are exceptions! (e.g., if you have a thick accent)**
+Find one about "the world"
+Key points
+- Try not to pick the same things as your classmates
+- Should include a first person video
+- Should be able to try it out yourself
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (3 of 6)
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
+# Handin requirements
+- Two accessible slides per AT (see Canvas for slide deck)
+- Present one of them next week (accessibly) in 3-4 minutes (will take about half of class)
+Slide includes: 
+- A summary of the AT you researched
+- Information about its audience
+- A picture of the AT
+- A link to the first person account you found
+- Something you learned from the video and/or by trying it about its strengths and weaknesses
-- unique slide titles
-- avoid clutter
-- don't use color to convey meaning
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (4 of 6)
+# Research Opportunity
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
+I (Kelly) made a Google Slides Add-On that automatically checks for some accessibility issues
+You may join the study (use the tool, provide some feedback) and you will be compensated
+**You do not have to participate in this study. Your grade will not be affected if you do or do not participate in this study.**
-- unique slide titles
-- avoid clutter
-- don't use color to convey meaning
-- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
+![:img screenshot of the correction interface; it includes the features fix color contrast; give slides unique titles; identify slides missing layouts; identify missing alt text; identify bad linkt text; enlarge small fonts., 60%, width](img/wk04/correction_interface.PNG)
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (5 of 6)
+# Plain Language Guidelines 
+We are asking you to focus on this subset
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
+- Use simple words
+- Use positive language
+- Use short paragraphs
+- Use short sentences
+- Avoid jargon
-- unique slide titles
-- avoid clutter
-- don't use color to convey meaning
-- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
-- you rarely ever NEED that movement-based slide transition
+- Use active voice
+- Use present tense
+- Use examples
+- Use headers
+- Use transition words
-# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (6 of 6)
-- image descriptions
-- use headers & styles
-- color contrast
-- san serif fonts
-- plain language
+# Use Simple Words
+- <q>as a means of</q>  &rarr;  <q>to</q>
+- <q>at the present time</q>  &rarr; <q>now</q>
-- unique slide titles
-- avoid clutter
-- don't use color to convey meaning
-- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
-- you rarely ever NEED that movement-based slide transition
-- check slide order (like DOM order)
+# Use Positive Language
+- Avoid double negatives
+- <q>no fewer than</q> &rarr; <q>at least</q>
-# If you have a video in your slides
-- Make sure it is captioned
-- Make sure it has audio descriptions if non-verbal content is important
+# Use Short Paragraphs and Sentences
+- Consider if a clause should become a new sentence
-# Research Opportunity
-I (Kelly) made a Google Slides Add-On that automatically checks for some accessibility issues
-You may join the study (use the tool, provide some feedback) and you will be compensated
+# Avoid Jargon
+- Sometimes the complex word isn't necessary
+- If you must use jargon, define it
-**You do not have to participate in this study. Your grade will not be affected if you do or do not participate in this study.**
-![:img screenshot of the correction interface; it includes the features fix color contrast; give slides unique titles; identify slides missing layouts; identify missing alt text; identify bad linkt text; enlarge small fonts., 60%, width](img/wk04/correction_interface.PNG)
+# Use Active Voice
+- <q>The lake was polluted by the company</q> &rarr;  <q>The company polluted the lake</q>
+- A good check to see if you're using passive voice: are you using
+	- A form of <q>to be</q> (e.g., am, is, are, was, be, being, been)
+	- A verb ending in <q>-ed</q>
-# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (1 of 2)
-- Practice presenting accessibly
-- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
-- Experience finding first person accounts
+# Use Present Tense
+- Don't: <q>These sections describe types of information that would satisfy the application requirements of Circular A-110 as it would apply to this grant program.</q>
+- Do: <q>These sections tell you how to meet the requirements of Circular A-110 for this grant program.</q>
-# Next Assignment: [AT Around Us](../assignments/finding-accessibility.html) (2 of 2)
+# Use Examples
+- Especially for more complicated topics
-- Practice presenting accessibly
-- Exposure to a range of accessiblity technologies
-- Experience finding first person accounts
-Find one computer access technology
-Find one about "the world"
+# Use Transition Words
+- Use words: <q>for instance,</q> <q>also,</q> <q>however,</q> <q>to summarize</q>
+- Echo previous ideas
+- Avoid ambiguous <q>this</q>
-Key points
-- Try not to pick the same things as your classmates
-- Should include a first person video
-- Should be able to try it out yourself
-# Handin requirements
-- Two accessible slides per AT (see Canvas for slide deck)
-- Present one of them next week (accessibly) in 3-4 minutes (will take about half of class)
-Slide includes: 
-- A summary of the AT you researched
-- Information about its audience
-- A picture of the AT
-- A link to the first person account you found
-- Something you learned from the video and/or by trying it about its strengths and weaknesses
+# Use Headers
+- Preferably, use headers that are built into platforms (e.g., Google Docs, Microsoft Word, EdStem)
+- If those are not available, styling text in bold or underlined can still help visual readers
+- Live Demo!
+# Plain Language Resources
+- If you have any questions or want examples about any of these concepts, you can look at the [PlainLanguage.gov website](https://www.plainlanguage.gov/guidelines/).
diff --git a/slides/evaluation.html b/slides/evaluation.html
index a1d3a373f83e4960668231eee3ca628d34db9f43..0abe3e175e6d1d4a50488d812989736c0b497c74 100644
--- a/slides/evaluation.html
+++ b/slides/evaluation.html
@@ -28,9 +28,155 @@ class:
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for Today
+- Presenting Acessibly
 - How to build inclusive experiment designs
 - Running an inclusive summative study
-- Plain Language Translation
+# Presenting Accessibly
+- First, make your slides accessible (and share them ahead of time)
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (1 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+   - makes navigation easier
+   - put (x of y) in the title if repeating
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (2 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+- avoid clutter
+# What is clutter?
+Please, for the love of all that is good on this fine planet we call home, do not do this to your poor audience members
+They don’t deserve this! What did they do to you? They probably flew hundreds of miles and of all talks and things to do in this new place came to YOUR presentation. And what do you do? You greet them with this GIANT wall of text! How rude. It’s ugly to look at. It’s hard to read. It’s annoying as he
+ck for me to type out this thing just to make a point!
+So please, don’t do this to your audience members. Be a responsible presenter. Practice your talks so you don’t have to read off the slide (or use speaker notes! also okay!). Break up your content so looking at your slides isn’t like getting smacked in the face with a wall of text.
+**But there are exceptions! (e.g., if you have a thick accent)**
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (3 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+- avoid clutter
+- don't use color to convey meaning
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (4 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+- avoid clutter
+- don't use color to convey meaning
+- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (5 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+- avoid clutter
+- don't use color to convey meaning
+- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
+- you rarely ever NEED that movement-based slide transition
+# Slideshow Rules of Thumb (6 of 6)
+- image descriptions
+- use headers & styles
+- color contrast
+- san serif fonts
+- plain language
+- unique slide titles
+- avoid clutter
+- don't use color to convey meaning
+- 9/10, you don’t need sound effects
+- you rarely ever NEED that movement-based slide transition
+- check slide order (like DOM order)
+# If you have a video in your slides
+- Make sure it is captioned
+- Make sure it has audio descriptions if non-verbal content is important
+# When presenting
+- Speak slowly and clearly
+- Read entire quotes
+- describe images and videos
+[//]: # (Outline Slide)
+# Learning Goals for Today
+- Presenting Acessibly
+- **How to build inclusive experiment designs**
+- **Running an inclusive summative study**
@@ -182,21 +328,21 @@ Supposed you are hired to perform usability testing of new food-delivery app wit
 # Tasks List
 To perform standard usability testing on the app based on disabilities represented in sample
-0. Assign Tasks
-1. Train study team 
-2. Handle recruitment 
-3. Pilot with people with disabilities
-4. Run the Study
+1. Assign Tasks
+2. Train study team 
+3. Handle recruitment 
+4. Pilot with people with disabilities
+5. Run the Study
     - Prepare study materials (e.g., print out protocols)
     - Hire access support staff
     - Participate in the study
     - Compensate participants
-5. Analyze the data
+6. Analyze the data
-# 0. Assign Tasks
+# 1. Assign Tasks
 - Consider:
 	- access needs
 	- effects of familiarity with the task
@@ -210,19 +356,20 @@ To perform standard usability testing on the app based on disabilities represent
 # Task Assignment List
-1. **Lua**: Train study team 
-2. **Jay**: Handle recruitment 
-3. **Jay**: Pilot with people with disabilities
-4. **Lua**: Run the Study
+1. ~~Assign Tasks~~
+2. **Lua**: Train study team 
+3. **Jay**: Handle recruitment 
+4. **Jay**: Pilot with people with disabilities
+5. **Lua**: Run the Study
     - **Lua**: Prepare study materials (e.g., print out protocols)
     - **Jay**: Hire access support staff
     - **Participants**: Participate in the study
     - **El**: Compensate participants
-5. **All**: Analyze the data
+6. **All**: Analyze the data
-# 1. Train study team (1 of 2)
+# 2. Train study team (1 of 2)
 As study lead, and a person with both disability and study related experience, Lua will train the study team. 
@@ -230,7 +377,7 @@ Her goal is to ensure that El and Jay are aware of best practices and considerat
-# 1. Train study team (2 of 2)
+# 2. Train study team (2 of 2)
 Some things they might discuss include
 - Ensuring that they address access needs and communication support from recruitment onward
@@ -241,7 +388,7 @@ Some things they might discuss include
   - When to help and when to end a task if participants have trouble
-# 2. Handle Recruitment
+# 3. Handle Recruitment
 As a person already connected to the disability community, the team determins that Jay will be most likely to be trusted, and to identify opportunities to build trust throughout the recruitment process
 Lots of details here
@@ -259,7 +406,7 @@ Negotiating access often requires working with gatekeepers
 Participants may see researchers as “just another professional, conducting professional surveillance”
-# 3. Pilot study
+# 4. Pilot study
 First, plan accommodations
@@ -297,25 +444,27 @@ Prepare:
 # Update Tasks List Based on Reflection
-1. ~~Lua: Train study team~~ (done)
-2. **Jay**: Handle recruitment (ongoing)
-3. ~~Jay: Pilot with people with disabilities~~ (done)
-4. **Jay & El**: Run the Study
+1. ~~Assign Tasks~~
+2. ~~Lua: Train study team~~ (done)
+3. **Jay**: Handle recruitment (ongoing)
+4. ~~Jay: Pilot with people with disabilities~~ (done)
+5. **Jay & El**: Run the Study
     - **El**: Prepare study materials (e.g., print out protocols)
     - **Jay**: Hire access support staff
     - **Participants**: Participate in the study
     - **El**: Compensate participants
-5. **All**: Analyze the data
+6. **All**: Analyze the data
-# 4. Run the Study
+# 5. Run the Study
 At this point the team should be well prepared. However, it is still important to monitor both the team's and the participants' needs and adjust as accessibility concerns arise.
-# 5. Analyze the Data 
+# 6. Analyze the Data 
 This is another area where access concerns may come up. 
 - Data analysis tools may not be accessible
diff --git a/slides/plainlanguage.html b/slides/plainlanguage.html
deleted file mode 100644
index 8ae1364fa8544f4cf2e1ecec2377347dbe84a82c..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/slides/plainlanguage.html
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,111 +0,0 @@
-layout: presentation
-title: Evaluation  --Week 4--
-description: Accessibility Needfinding and Evaluation
-class: middle, center, inverse
-background-image: url(img/people.png)
-# Week 4: Plain Language Writing
-- Guidelines for how to write clearly, with a goal of supporting people with a variety of cognitive abilities and reading comprehension levels
-name: normal
-layout: true
-# Important Reminder
-## This is an important reminder
-## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
-[//]: # (Outline Slide)
-# Guidelines We Ask You to Practice
-- Use simple words
-- Use positive language
-- Use short paragraphs
-- Use short sentences
-- Avoid jargon
-- Use active voice
-- Use present tense
-- Use examples
-- Use headers
-- Use transition words
-# Use Simple Words
-- <q>as a means of</q>  &rarr;  <q>to</q>
-- <q>at the present time</q>  &rarr; <q>now</q>
-# Use Positive Language
-- Avoid double negatives
-- <q>no fewer than</q> &rarr; <q>at least</q>
-# Use Short Paragraphs and Sentences
-- Consider if a clause should become a new sentence
-# Avoid Jargon
-- Sometimes the complex word isn't necessary
-- If you must use jargon, define it
-# Use Active Voice
-- <q>The lake was polluted by the company</q> &rarr;  <q>The company polluted the lake</q>
-- A good check to see if you're using passive voice: are you using
-	- A form of <q>to be</q> (e.g., am, is, are, was, be, being, been)
-	- A verb ending in <q>-ed</q>
-# Use Present Tense
-- Don't: <q>These sections describe types of information that would satisfy the application requirements of Circular A-110 as it would apply to this grant program.</q>
-- Do: <q>These sections tell you how to meet the requirements of Circular A-110 for this grant program.</q>
-# Use Examples
-- Especially for more complicated topics
-# Use Transition Words
-- Use words: <q>for instance,</q> <q>also,</q> <q>however,</q> <q>to summarize</q>
-- Echo previous ideas
-- Avoid ambiguous <q>this</q>
-# Use Headers
-- Preferably, use headers that are built into platforms (e.g., Google Docs, Microsoft Word, EdStem)
-- If those are not available, styling text in bold or underlined can still help visual readers
-- Live Demo!
-# Plain Language Resources
-- If you have any questions or want examples about any of these concepts, you can look at the [PlainLanguage.gov website](https://www.plainlanguage.gov/guidelines/).