From a598cb1679fbf0dec5b782f01f2454069c44206c Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jen Mankoff <>
Date: Wed, 18 Oct 2023 07:49:15 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] small updates to slides

 slides/access-trees.html | 115 ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++---------
 1 file changed, 88 insertions(+), 27 deletions(-)

diff --git a/slides/access-trees.html b/slides/access-trees.html
index 2e4270ac..a4b35e15 100644
--- a/slides/access-trees.html
+++ b/slides/access-trees.html
@@ -25,6 +25,17 @@ class:
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
 ## Make sure captioning is turned on
+# Announcements
+Reminder: what to do if you miss a class 
+Reminder: regrades
+Summary: We'll keep doing it and add some moer details to it as requested
+Visual calendar: We've heard this a few times. But I'm not sure where to put it or why canvas doesn't work. Can someone who's asking for this help us out with some user-centered desgin after class? :) 
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for today
@@ -201,25 +212,24 @@ Easy to split this up among a group
 - Style sheets must be linked to an html page in the <head> for the styles to work
      `<link href=“style.css” rel=“stylesheet” />`
 - Great example is [CSS Zen Garden](
-  - Exercise in [Ed](
-# CSS
+<!-- --- -->
+<!-- # CSS -->
-- Files consist of one or more rule sets
-- Each rule set has a selector which chooses which HTML elements you want to style
-- Style properties are set with rules which are  property/value pairs
-- Syntax is important
-- More on [CSS](
+<!-- .left-column50[ -->
+<!-- - Files consist of one or more rule sets -->
+<!-- - Each rule set has a selector which chooses which HTML elements you want to style -->
+<!-- - Style properties are set with rules which are  property/value pairs -->
+<!-- - Syntax is important -->
+<!-- - More on [CSS]( -->
+<!-- ] -->
-![:img CSS rules description, 100%, width](
+<!-- .right-column50[ -->
+<!-- ![:img CSS rules description, 100%, width]( -->
-From [W3Schools](
+<!-- From [W3Schools]( -->
+<!-- ] -->
 # Layout in CSS
@@ -233,11 +243,10 @@ fortunately there is CSS [Flexbox](
-# Document Object Model (DOM)
+# Document Object Model (DOM) (1/3)
-![:img DOM Example, 110%,width](img/building/dom.png)
+![:img Initial screen for the spot the heron app, 90%,width](img/building/spottheheronscreen.png)
@@ -247,24 +256,76 @@ fortunately there is CSS [Flexbox](
-# Let's compare that to an app
+# Document Object Model (DOM) (2/3)
+![:img Initial screen for the spot the heron app, 90%,width](img/building/spottheheronscreen.png)
-**Interface Programmers** combine library elements according to toolkit rules &
-constraints of architecture (common to all UI toolkits).
+What does this hierarchy look like?
+# Document Object Model (DOM) (3/3)
+![:img Initial screen for the spot the heron app, 90%,width](img/building/spottheheronscreen.png)
+<div class="mermaid">
+%%{init: {'theme':'base', 'themeVariables': { 'primaryColor': '#4CAF50', 'tertiaryColor': '#009688', 'fontSize': '16px', 'textMargin': '0px', 'text-align': 'left' }}%%
+flowchart TD
+    A(Main Window)
+    B(Vertical Layout)
+    C("Spot the Heron" Label)
+    D(Picture of a heron in water with some reeds)
+    E(Horizontal Layout: Controls)
+    F(Left arrow)
+    G(Play)
+    H(Right arrow)
+    A --> B
+    B --> C
+    B --> D
+    B --> E
+    E --> F
+    E --> G
+    E --> H
+classDef default fill:#009688,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px, color:white;
+classDef reflect fill:#4CAF50,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px, color:white;
+class A,B,C default
+class A,B,C,D,E reflect
+linkStyle default stroke: black,stroke-width:8px
+# Let's compare that to an app 
+**Interface Programmers** combine *library elements* (e.g. buttons and labels) according to *toolkit rules* &
+constraints of *toolkit architecture* (common to all UI toolkits). Example: let's list all the components of this image:
-Example: let's list all the components of this image:
 ![:img Picture of a very simple interface showing a ringing bell at
 left and an x at right to close the window with the words Google
 Calendar reminder Christian and Anind (Jen Mankoff) is starting at
-12:30pm. Video call between them, 60%, width](img/building/interface.png)
-**Pause and think:**
-- How does the toolkit know where to put the components on the screen?
-- How does the toolkit know how to draw each component?
+12:30pm. Video call between them, 100%, width](img/building/interface.png)
+Discussion (post on Ed)
+- What are the "components" in this image?
+- What does the "interactor hierarchy" look like for this image
 discuss with your neighbor
 - what to draw; where to draw it