diff --git a/slides/designing.html b/slides/designing.html
index 48936e97f890f7f6be6a393d8b7b5960f9c7c4cf..0489fddc33a31d1f7c08818410e989f65053d539 100644
--- a/slides/designing.html
+++ b/slides/designing.html
@@ -24,6 +24,15 @@ class:
 # Discussion of Final Project
+- Group project from the start
+- Timing 
+- Competencies
+# Announcements
+- Your participation grade is 10% of your grade. For equity reasons, a big part of that is based on the weekly survey you fill out. We assume you'll forget once, but please try to be consistent
+- At the end of the quarter we will have to turn your competencies into grades. A reminder that anything which is non-competent pushes your grade down significantly, so make sure you are assessed and at least competent on all the competencies
+- Section Upload ....
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
@@ -245,7 +254,3 @@ disability
 - How to get a first person perspective without burdening the disability community
 - Running an inclusive need finding study to prove that something is (or is not) a disability dongle :) 
-# Announcements
-- Your participation grade is 10% of your grade. For equity reasons, a big part of that is based on the weekly survey you fill out. We assume you'll forget once, but please try to be consistent
-- At the end of the quarter we will have to turn your competencies into grades. A reminder that anything which is non-competent pushes your grade down significantly, so make sure you are assessed and at least competent on all the competencies