diff --git a/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.md b/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.md
index 10097498411eeccbe6627fefefd48a484740b732..a456975e2b3e9d2377f63ab66fc127f2a53d5aa2 100644
--- a/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.md
+++ b/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.md
@@ -2,19 +2,19 @@
 layout: assignment
 published: true
-title: Finding Accessibility
+title: AT around us
 code: act1
 assigned: March 31, 2021
 - <strong>Slides</strong><br>
-  Due 10:00pm, April 4, 2021<br>
+  Due 6:30pm, April 7, 2021<br>
 - <strong>Presentation</strong><br>
-  in-class on April 5<br>
+  In-class on April 7<br>
 - <strong>Peer evaluation</strong><br>
-  in-class<br>
+  In-class on April 7<br>
-revised: February 15, 2021
+revised: April 3, 2021
 objective: Find examples of accessibility in the world
diff --git a/assignments/index.md b/assignments/index.md
index a3f7f00d5d2f424de374fb20fe2b90f5da50090d..88b1765af54ae0150a725e13a4ff11a265780146 100644
--- a/assignments/index.md
+++ b/assignments/index.md
@@ -17,10 +17,10 @@ questions or run into issue, please contact the course staff.
 | Exercise |  Peer Eval        | Reflection |
-| [HW0: reflection on motivation]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw0-learninggoals.html)               |   |  |  
+| [HW0: Learning goals]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw0-learninggoals.html)               |   |  |  
 | [Activity 1: AT around us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.html)               |   |  |  
-| [HW1: improve a screen reader]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw1-nvda.html)               |   |  | 
-| Activity2: make a website usable with switch access -- spec coming soon.               |   |  |
+| [HW1: Improve a screen reader]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw1-nvda.html)               |   |  | 
+| Activity2: Make a website usable with switch access -- spec coming soon.               |   |  |
 | [Activity3: Describe pictures and videos]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/act3-describing-video-image.html)               |   |  |
 | [HW2: teach machines to recognize sounds and visualize them]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw2-soundRecognition.html) -- spec coming soon, timeline updated.               |   |  |
 | [Final project: Make the World more accessible]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/project.html)               |   |  |
diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 4607d1e3458b67ada5576fae68ad31e9d3ed5af7..4977187847487c447a345f648af9d97f079ca6ae 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -20,19 +20,25 @@ For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table
 # Class Times
-See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links
+See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links for classes and office hours.
-**Class Time:** Monday and Wednesday 6:30-7:50PM PDT\\
+**Class Time:** Monday and Wednesday 6:30-7:50PM (PDT)
-# Course staff
+# Mailing Lists
+**Staff** mailing list: [Mail]({{site.staff_email}})
+**Class** mailing list: [Mailman]({{site.piazza}})
+# Course Staff
 ## Instructor
-![Jen Mankoff](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"} | [Jennifer Mankoff]({{site.author.url}}) (she/her) <br>  Office Hours: TBD
+![Jen Mankoff](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"} | [Jennifer Mankoff]({{site.author.url}}) (she/her) <br>  Office Hours: Thursday 12:30- 1:30PM (PDT)
 ## TA
-![Venkatesh Potluri](assets/img/staff/potluri.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | [Venkatesh Potluri](https://venkateshpotluri.me) (he/him)<br/> Office hours: TBD.
+![Venkatesh Potluri](assets/img/staff/potluri.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | [Venkatesh Potluri](https://venkateshpotluri.me) (he/him)<br/> Office hours: Tuesday 12:00-1:00PM (PDT) and Sunday 1:00-2:00PM (PDT)
 (More information on [Pronouns](https://www.mypronouns.org/))