diff --git a/_data/navigation.yml b/_data/navigation.yml
index 8360c10beb2bbdf4743ed27719a2e4a46e439980..8ea20dcc1471973e631a24c282390bb93ea14937 100644
--- a/_data/navigation.yml
+++ b/_data/navigation.yml
@@ -6,13 +6,5 @@ nav_list:
   url: /schedule.html
 - title: Assignments
   url: /assignments/
-- title: Canvas
-  url: canvas
-- title: Ed
-  url: discussion
-- title: COVID-19
-  url: /docs/covid/index.html
-- title: Accessibility
-  url: /docs/accessibility.html
 - title: Academic Conduct
   url: /academic-conduct.html
\ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/assets/css/my-remark.scss b/assets/css/my-remark.scss
index 54c80c0c66bb514835a9af2649394f021ec3234a..d6651ffc46f165df8d269a611915bfeccc6f2cc9 100644
--- a/assets/css/my-remark.scss
+++ b/assets/css/my-remark.scss
@@ -5,6 +5,7 @@ $fa-font-path: "../fonts/font-awesome/";
 @import 'fontawesome.all.min.css';
 @import "remark-base";
 $body-font: 22pt;
+$h2-font: 30pt;
 $list-font: 20pt;
 $code-font: 18pt;
 $mediumsmall-font: 16pt;
@@ -53,7 +54,7 @@ a {
 strong {
-    color: $mediumdark;
+    color: $darkest;
@@ -254,6 +255,7 @@ blockquote p {
 .remark-slide-content {
     background-position: right;
     font-size: $body-font;
+    color: $mediumdark
 .body {
@@ -607,6 +609,7 @@ html.remark-container, body.remark-container {
     height: 92%;
     h2:last-of-type, h3:last-child {
 	color: $darkest;
+	font-size: $h2-font;
     font-size: $body-font;
@@ -751,7 +754,7 @@ html.remark-container, body.remark-container {
 .bottom {
-    bottom: 5px;
+    bottom: 125px;
     float: left;
     position: absolute;
diff --git a/assignments/disabilityjustice.md b/assignments/disabilityjustice.md
index 3ca1c8dd5c0133912860d646b649512081b119c2..1dbef54ea7ec0e11c7fd462b9ceea7cda72a724d 100644
--- a/assignments/disabilityjustice.md
+++ b/assignments/disabilityjustice.md
@@ -30,6 +30,8 @@ Some things students have told us about this assignment:
 - "Writing well in Plain language is harder than I thought."
 - it is sometimes hard to identify a remedy. Again, reach out if you need help here.
+We do not yet have an example of the latest version of this assignment for this year.
 # Details
 To complete this assignment, you will need to do the following
@@ -91,7 +93,7 @@ Then use the guidelines to simplify the text from your 250 word summary. Include
 You will need to submit your writeup to the class [discussion board]({{site.discussion}}/). The category should be "Assignments", the subcategory should be "Disability Justice". Also submit a link to your discussion board post on [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}). Your writeup should include
 - The article you read
 - Your 250 word abstract
-- Your Disability Justice analysis including definition of the 3 principles you picked, analysis, and remedies
+- Your Disability Justice analysis including **definitions of the 3 principles you picked**, analysis, and remedies
 - Your revised, simplified 250 word abstract
 - A list of the specific plain language guidelines you focused on
 - Remember the [academic conduct guidelines]({{site.baseurl}}/academic-conduct.html) and tell us if and how you used generative AI in your assignment, or any other sources of information you used.
diff --git a/assignments/webegs/example-report.docx b/assignments/webegs/example-report.docx
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..717a19daee91d5754ed45737ad131c989ed9059b
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignments/webegs/example-report.docx differ
diff --git a/assignments/webegs/example-report.pdf b/assignments/webegs/example-report.pdf
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..bcaad29cb13f41a6bd8bcad4f4d3f034724af368
Binary files /dev/null and b/assignments/webegs/example-report.pdf differ
diff --git a/assignments/website.md b/assignments/website.md
index 8cfebf772b063ce0534dd70b266fe82034072647..ddbc087eb7dbc9e872a32e1d9b057045d08c51b8 100644
--- a/assignments/website.md
+++ b/assignments/website.md
@@ -20,14 +20,15 @@ The goal of this homework is to learn about basics of website accessibility and
 ## Competencies
 This homework may contribute to your competency grade on 
-- Can apply web/app accessibility rules to identify problems, including
-  - 1 whether content is perceivable
-  - 2 whether content is operable 
-  - 3 whether content is understandable
-  - 4 whether content is robust
+- Can apply web/app accessibility rules to understand and identify, including
+  1. whether content is perceivable
+  2. whether content is operable 
+  3. whether content is understandable
+  4. whether content is robust
   <!-- - 5 the meaning of conformance -->
 - Can use an accessibility checker to assess whether a web page or app is accessible
 - Can use an accessibility technology to find web page or app accessibility problems that are not found with an automated accessibility checker
+- Demonstrates familiarity with a range of accessibility technologies (at least 2)
 - Can articulate paths to addressing accessibility problems
 - Accessible written document creation
 - Image description
@@ -38,6 +39,8 @@ Students in the past have reported that taken together, part 1 and part 2 of thi
 - It helps to use the [UAR template](webegs/UAR_Template.doc) when filling out the UARS.
 - It was very motivating to do this for a real client
+Here is a [sample set of UARs](webegs/DDUARS.docx) that a prior student who completed this assignment has kindly shared with us for you to look at. 
 # Details
 Your goal is to generate a range of UARs documenting accessibility concerns (and perhaps successes) with a website or app. You will use [W3C guidelines](https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/) for the site or app you are assessing. 
@@ -55,17 +58,29 @@ Optional reading: [Its complicated: Negotiating Accessibility and
 (Mis)Representation in Image Descriptions of Race, Gender and
-## 0. Pick a website and/or app and two tasks 
-You may submit your top three choices for website/app from listing below and include at most one of your own on the [Discussion thread for selection]({{site.discussion}}) for this assignment. Our goal is to have *at least four students** working independently on each website. Note that there is a *task* associated with each website/app (and if you pick your own, you should also have a task in mind).  
+## 0. Look over your assigned website and select 3 tasks
+You will be assigned to one of eight websites that were submitted by external organizations for review. Please see Canvas for your specific assignment group. Note that this is *not* a group project, we are asking you to individually work on your assigned website this week. You will join forces *next* week to write a report. 
-{% details Possible websites/apps %}
-In the past, website have been sponsored by CREATE partners and community members. Student reports have been received by them with great gratitude, generating comments such as "This is fantastic" and "What an amazing and helpful report!" with plans to implement the recommendatinos. We also sometimes do a group of similar websites so that we can make a recommendation about which ones to use (if choosing, say, between grocery stores).
+You will need to select what aspect of this site to test, you should have at least 3 different well defined tasks that you test. For example, for DSHS, you might select tasks such as something from the "How Do I" column; contacting support, and finding information about something in the Disability support section.
-- [Commerce.way.gov](Commerce.wa.gov)
-- TBD
-- Other: We are happy to take submissions for other websites that you might want to focus on. If you do this, you must recruit *at least one* other student in the class (preferably three others) who will (independently) look at the same website
-{% enddetails %}
+{% details List of Websites %}
+- [DSHS.wa.gov](https://www.dshs.wa.gov/) -- Our community uses this site for public health services and disability support information. 
+- King County Library Systems
+  - [KCLS app](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/kcls/id746221889) (requires an iPhone). No specific task was provided, but they said "Assessing this App will benefit patrons with disbility who use this App to access KCLS resource" 
+  - [Libby](https://apps.apple.com/us/app/libby-by-overdrive-labs/id1076402606?utm_campaign=libby&utm_medium=lightning_banner&utm_source=lightning). Again, no task is provided, just that it is "important for accessing library services".
+- [HuskyAdapt](https://depts.washington.edu/adaptuw/) -- This is a UW student group. They say "A lot of individuals with disabilities and adults that work with individuals with disabilities access our website." 
+- [Mason County Elections](https://masoncountywaelections.gov/) -- "It provides information on services available to help people with disabilities vote."
+- Thurston County Government
+   - [Thurston County Auditor's Office](https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/departments/auditor) --  "The county just relaunched our web content management system. In addition to our other public facing services, we also conduct election in Thurston County. We would like to especially know if our website works for all users prior to the 2024 election cycle." Focus on the Thurston County Auditor's Office section only. 
+   - [Thurston County Board of County Commissioners](https://www.thurstoncountywa.gov/departments/board-county-commissioners) -- "This is where constituents go to get information on the activities/decisions/meetings/etc. of the Board of County Commissioners" 
+- Snohomish County Auditor's Office [Snohomish County Auditor's Office](https://snohomishcountywa.gov/176/Auditor) -- "We have recently received feedback from the Arc of Snohomish County that many voters with disabilities do not know about the options available to them for voting. We would like to be able to direct more people to our website, but have heard that there are barriers to navigating and accessing needed information. We want to embark on updating our website, but leadership isn't 100% convinced yet that this is necessary. This assessment would help to further make our case that an update is essential to improving accessibility of our services." They particularly want a focus on the information architecture; and it is ok to divide up the sub pages among all students assigned to this. Here is a suggested division:
+  - Animal Services
+  - Elections
+  - Licensing
+  - Recording 
+{% enddetails %}
 ## 1. Collect Data on  accessibility problems using an automated accessibility checker
 For each of these steps, you will record data about what you find so that you can complete the write up at the end.
@@ -96,7 +111,7 @@ Here are some resources that may help you in gaining comfort with these accessib
 - Advanced voice based input: [voice programming](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YKuRkGkf5HU)
 ## 3.  Record the data in a *Usability Aspect Report*
-Record each group of similar issues you find using this [Usability Aspect Report Template](webegs/UAR_Template.doc). Here is a [sample](webegs/DDUARS.docx) that a prior student has kindly shared with us for you to look at. Make sure that your UARs are accessible. Be sure to include problems that you found with an automated tool *and* things that you could only find using manual testing with a screen reader or magnification or other accessibility technology.
+Record each group of similar issues you find using this [Usability Aspect Report Template](webegs/UAR_Template.doc). Here is a [sample set of UARs](webegs/DDUARS.docx) that a prior student has kindly shared with us for you to look at. Make sure that your UARs are accessible. Be sure to include problems that you found with an automated tool *and* things that you could only find using manual testing with a screen reader or magnification or other accessibility technology.
 Some key things to make note of: 
 - **Good or Bad Feature** *If your website as very accessible* you may include UARS for particularly good features 
@@ -110,5 +125,5 @@ Some key things to make note of:
 # Turnin
-- Submit your UARS as an attachment to the appropriate  [discussion]({{site.discussion}})
-- Also write an answer to this question: What are some examples of problems you could only identify with manual testing?
+- Submit your UARS as an attachment to the appropriate discussion as specified in Canvas. Specify the tasks you were testing in your submission. 
+- Also write an answer to this question: What are some examples of problems you could only identify with manual testing using an accessibility technology (instead of an automated tester)
diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index df047048f365436eff5812188cfa798403f0513c..21579fbcceeee8cfbe671f4c4e3d54fb1d069ccf 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -125,6 +125,85 @@ Another great way to meet students is to come to class in person!
 {% enddetails %}
+# How is COVID safety handled in this class?
+All policies below are designed to match guidance from the [University
+of Washington](https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/spring2022/). It
+is possible for guidance to change as the pandemic evolves over the
+coming months, so we will update this page as rules/regulations
+change. Much of this text was copied and modified with permission from
+[CSE 163](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse340/22wi/covid-safety.html)
+and [CSE 340](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse163/22sp/covid_safety/).
+{% details Why are masks passed around in class? %}
+Masking is currently optional, but ``strongly recommended indoors'' according to the [UW face covering policy](https://www.ehs.washington.edu/covid-19-prevention-and-response/face-covering-policy). 
+In this class, people in the room include those who are high risk with respect to COVID and people who live with vulnerable family members. To help support the needs of these individuals, masks will be available in the classroom as you enter, and if you would like to mask, you are welcome to make use of them. 
+When masking, UW's masking policy states 
+> University strongly recommends wearing a well-fitted, high-quality mask indoors (e.g., KN95, N95, KF94 and surgical masks) to reduce the potential for transmission. High-quality masks are available at no cost in several locations on each campus. University units can purchase high-quality facemasks from the Safe and Clean Storefront. 
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details When should I attend remotely? %}
+If you are sick or have potentially been exposed to COVID-19, **stay home**. We will not be
+assessing you on attendance, so you will not be penalized for missing class to keep our community safe.
+See more [here](https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/faq/#health).
+Below, we briefly describe the accommodations for students having to miss class due to potential
+illness, with full information in the linked pages.
+- [Lectures](index.html#lectures): Course content will be posted as a set of readings/videos
+  that can be watch asynchronously. Recordings of the live class posted on course website, and all
+  materials posted online.
+- [Office Hours](index.html#course-support): We will host remote office hours.
+  Please contact the   course staff on the [discussion board]({{site.discussion}})
+  if none of the times/locations work for you.
+- [Asynchronous help]({{site.discussion}}) is available via the [Discussion Board]({{site.discussion}}),
+  post online to get asynchronous help from a member of the course staff.
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details Do I need to maintain social distancing? %}
+Vaccinations and masking provide strong protection against the spread of COVID. Currently, UW does
+not require social distancing in the classroom or office hours for students who are vaccinated and
+wearing a mask.
+Of course, some students might feel more comfortable keeping a little distance. If you would like
+to keep space between you and another student, please kindly ask them to leave a space between you
+and them if there is room available. Similarly, if someone asks you to maintain a space
+between them, please respect that request if possible.
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details What if I get sick? %}
+See [this FAQ](https://www.washington.edu/coronavirus/faq/) by UW on what you should do if you get
+sick. You should also check out the [Remote Access](#remote-access) options listed above!
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details What if I am potentially exposed to COVID-19? %}
+Follow the recommendations outlined in this
+[flowchart by EH&S](https://www.ehs.washington.edu/system/files/resources/COVID-19-public-health-flowchart.pdf).
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details What if Jen or a TA gets sick? %}
+The course staff is committed to keeping you safe, so we will not make you risk a potential exposure
+to COVID to attend class. If one of the course staff feels ill, we will move any in-person activities
+we are hosting to be purely online or have
+someone else on the course staff fill in for us while we are potentially contagious.
+Please make sure you check your email frequently for announcements from the
+[discussion board]({{site.discussion}}) and before you attend an in-person event to make sure it is
+still happening in-person. We will always try our best to give as advanced notice as possible for
+any changes from in-person to remote for a day.
+{% enddetails %}
 # Is this class Accessible and Inclusive?
diff --git a/schedule.md b/schedule.md
index 1cae0e91570660ecf2782b4663f26b7b9e1f7e37..203d1338ad8a0a239208c6d9b6002e3e2c12cf95 100644
--- a/schedule.md
+++ b/schedule.md
@@ -79,8 +79,8 @@ And study disability justice
 {% details Wednesday: Plain Language and Disability Justice %} 
-- Finish **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Disability Justice" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
-- **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="disability-justice.html" %}
+- Finish **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Disability Justice" loc="disability-justice.html#17" %}
+- **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Plain Language" loc="plain-language.html" %}
 {: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective.
diff --git a/slides/assessment.html b/slides/assessment.html
index 71fd6b85c79e95d61e47f256df468f895f704ce0..9717f18b75d320fe0ba5fb9a1e9cf65630a47055 100644
--- a/slides/assessment.html
+++ b/slides/assessment.html
@@ -53,11 +53,12 @@ Understandable: Information and the operation of user interface must be understa
 Robust: Content must be robust enough that it can be interpreted by a wide variety of user agents, including assistive technologies
-This is appropriate for *all* disabilities -- don't think access is only an issue for blind and low vision (BLV) people
 .footnote[Note: There is a 5th thing, Conformance, which we are not covering today]
+This is appropriate for *all* disabilities -- don't think access is only an issue for blind and low vision (BLV) people
 Obviously there is some overlap between these, and they build on each other
@@ -91,6 +92,7 @@ Why non text?
 # Different Types of Non-Text Content
+Read up on some of these links when you are faced with specific description needs 
 - [Decorative and branding](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3308558.3313605) 
 - Formatting and text styling
@@ -99,18 +101,20 @@ Why non text?
 - [Visualizations](https://ieeexplore.ieee.org/stamp/stamp.jsp?tp=&arnumber=9555469)
 - [Memes](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3308561.3353792)
 - [GUIS](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3411764.3445040)
 - Animations/Videos (we'll talk more about this later today)
 - AR/VR ([Accessibility, Disabilities, and VR](https://educatorsinvr.com/2019/05/31/accessibility-disabilities-and-virtual-reality-solutions/))
 - Progress Bars (briefly described in [Cooper et al](https://d1wqtxts1xzle7.cloudfront.net/77917701/PEARL_20Paper_20for_20eLearning_202002_20submitted-libre.pdf))
 - ... 
 All of these require different strategies to describe them well. 
 Read up on some of these links when you are faced with specific description needs 
 # Small Group Activity
@@ -197,17 +201,20 @@ Participants were aware of the overall structure of *phone apps*
 # My description of the leftmost GUI
-![:img Two screens of the Uber Eats app. The home page to the left and a map view to the right,120%, width](img/assessment/gui.png) 
-This is very hard to describe without knowing what is accessible; and whether the user is more interested in content or layout. 
+![:img Two screens of the Uber Eats app. The home page to the left and a map view to the right,60%, width](img/assessment/gui.png) 
+# My description of the leftmost GUI
 - App has two tabs at top center: Delivery and Pickup. 
-- Below is a seach bar with address and  time menu
-- Below that is an advertisement for The Burger Joint (25% of screen) with a details button
+- Below is a seach bar with address and  time menu and an advertisement for The Burger Joint (25% of screen) with a details button
 - Next is a scrolling set of tabs for Pickup; Grocery; Prescription; Top Sites; the rest is not visible off screen
 - The bottom 30% of the screen shows the title Hidden Gems (Up and coming spots you'd like) with a list of restaurants. Each row in the list shows an image, restaurant name, rating, and more. The list requires 2D scrolling to see everything. The top two are visible: Tsuki Ramen and Chocolate Co.
+This is very hard to describe without knowing what is accessible; and whether the user is more interested in content or layout. 
 # Describing GUIs is rarely necessary 
@@ -268,6 +275,7 @@ A picture of facebook with a like button visible at bottom left (a thumbs up fol
 ## Guideline 1.1
 Text Alternatives: Provide *electronic text* alternatives for any non-text content
@@ -308,6 +316,7 @@ Example Best Practices:
 ## Guideline 1.2
 Provide perceivable alternatives for time-based media
@@ -364,6 +373,7 @@ If you want to know more: [describing educational videos](https://dcmp.org/learn
 ## Guideline 1.3
@@ -386,7 +396,9 @@ Structure and information should be able to be programmatically determined by as
 # POUR: Perceivable: Guidelines 1.1-1.4
 ## Guideline 1.3
@@ -426,13 +438,12 @@ Distinguishable
 - Use of color is not the only way information is conveyed
-- Don't force screen reader users to listen to  audio longer than 3s without providing easily found controls; ideally use low or no background audio
-- Support text resizing (& therefore don't use images of text). Ideally (AAA) also support selection of color; justification, spacing, etc
-- Support users who need a 1 column view of content (AAA)
-- If you must have tooltips and popups, make sure they are: dismissable; hoverable; and persistent
-- Make sure you meet contrast expectations (minimum 4.5:1, ideally 7:1) in color (e.g. text and background; diagrams; controls; etc)
+- Audio longer than 3s should provide easily found controls; ideally use low or no background audio
+- Support text resizing (& therefore don't use images of text). (AAA)  supports changing color; justification, etc
+- Support a 1 column view of content (AAA)
+- Avoid tooltips and popups; make sure they are: dismissable; hoverable; and persistent
+- Meet contrast expectations (min 4.5:1, ideally 7:1) in color (e.g. text and background; diagrams; controls; etc)
@@ -489,7 +500,7 @@ Content should be
 - **Name** as "Missing Image ALT Text";
 - **Evidence** Guideline violated: 1.1 ([Text Alternatives](https://www.w3.org/WAI/WCAG22/Understanding/text-alternatives)); 
     - **Screen Shot** as the image and URL ([lib.washington.edu](https://www.lib.washington.edu/)); 
-![Screenshot of an image without alt text in WebAIM's automated accessibility checker showing an image that is missing alt text, marked with a red picture of a mountain with a link above it and an x in its bottom right corner,50%, width]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/img/library_evaluation.png)
+![:img Screenshot of an image without alt text in WebAIM's automated accessibility checker showing an image that is missing alt text; marked with a red picture of a mountain with a link above it and an x in its bottom right corner,30%, width]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/img/library_evaluation.png)
 # Example from the UW Library
diff --git a/slides/disability-justice.html b/slides/disability-justice.html
index d907606942bfec3cf659d202968c2a55d924fa3f..a053da02042aa83e334c830c91d91c7761872549 100644
--- a/slides/disability-justice.html
+++ b/slides/disability-justice.html
@@ -168,6 +168,24 @@ First Person Perspective [FastCompany Article](https://www.fastcompany.com/90790
 Discuss masking from a disability justice perspective and [post on Ed]({{site.discussion}}/3534307)
+# Announcements (1/2)
+Thanks for your feedback on this week's participation survey
+- Outdated links: Please keep posting them in Ed; we also have a TA checking links in slides and on the schedule page; and we're tryin to put assignments for everything on Canvas to help reduce errors
+- Reading question dates: We've added a due date for answering the reading questions starting this week.
+- Anything else unclear, please tell us.
+- I forgot to repeat questions! I will do this in the future (please feel free to remind me!)
+- I've tried to simplify the website navigation
+- Everyone has two late days on EVERY assignment.
+# Announcements (1/2)
+- For Friday, you will be assigned a room to present in and a slide (of yours) to present. Each room will also have a zoom link.
+- Virdi talk -- look for announcement. We have 25 tickets
+- Any other questions?
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for today
@@ -176,84 +194,81 @@ Discuss masking from a disability justice perspective and [post on Ed]({{site.di
 - **Understand terms about and models for disability-centered design**
-# Some terms used in Accessibility
+# Some terms used in Accessibility (1/2) 
 Accommodation-- we've already discussed
 - Co-producing access for all participants in a space or event
 - Legally mandated, but also so much more
-Universal Design (why is this problematic?)
-- One design works for everybody 
-- Typical example: curb cuts
 Ability-Based Design  -  Jacob Wobbrock
 - Technology that adapts to the abilities of the user in their current context
+# Some terms used in Accessibility (2/2) 
+Universal Design (why is this problematic?)
+- One design works for everybody 
+- Typical example: curb cuts
-Disability Justice Based Design
+Disability Justice Informed Design
 - Design informed by disability justice
 - What we practice in this class
-#  Disability Justice in Design (1 / 4)
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (1 / 6)
 The **central philosophy** in this class 
-1) Intersectionality: Ensure that the things we build address multiple disabled people, with varied identities, and multiple disabled people 
+1) **Intersectionality**: Ensure that the things we build address multiple disabled people, with varied identities, and multiple disabled people 
-2) Leadership of those most impacted: Disability led decisions, not disability dongles
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (2 / 6)
-When we design for people with disabilities,
+2) **Leadership of those most impacted**: Disability led decisions, not disability dongles. When we design for people with disabilities,
    - Ideally people with disabilities are part of the design process (or lead it)
    - In this class, we emphasize first person accounts to reduce the burden of asking disabled people to teach us while we are still learning
-#  Disability Justice in Design (2 / 4)
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (3 / 6)
-3)  Anti-Capitalist Politics
-When we create systems, we make them accessible even though it may cost time and money
+3)  **Anti-Capitalist Politics**. When we create systems, we make them accessible even though it may cost time and money
 - No segregation, even if it is cheaper to implement 
 Consider things like disclosure and invisibility
-4) Cross-Movement Solidarity
-Addressing accessibility isn't enough if we aren't inclusive of other identities tools
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (4 / 6)
+4) **Cross-Movement Solidarity**. Addressing accessibility isn't enough if we aren't inclusive of other identities tools
-#  Disability Justice in Design (3 / 4)
-5) Recognizing Wholeness
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (5 / 6)
-We should include accessibility in all the spaces that people interact with technology, because people with disabilities exist in all of the spaces -- as authors and consumers; programmers and users; and in every area of life
+5) **Recognizing Wholeness**. We should include accessibility in all the spaces that people interact with technology, because people with disabilities exist in all of the spaces -- as authors and consumers; programmers and users; and in every area of life
-6) Sustainability
-We should work at a pace that includes everyone in the work, and not value the rush products to market over access
+6) **Sustainability**. We should work at a pace that includes everyone in the work, and not value the rush products to market over access
-#  Disability Justice in Design (4 / 4)
+#  Disability Justice Informed Design (6 / 6)
-7) Cross-disability Solidarity: Again, we should support multiply disabled (and multiple disabled) people...
+7) **Cross-disability Solidarity**: Again, we should support multiply disabled (and multiple disabled) people...
-8) Interdependence: ... and create designs that encourage people (with and without disabilities) to work together to achieve access...
+8) **Interdependence**: ... and create designs that encourage people (with and without disabilities) to work together to achieve access...
-9) Collective access: ... and in the process our designs balance agency and control with interdependence and independence
+9) **Collective access**: ... and in the process our designs balance agency and control with interdependence and independence
-10) Collective liberation: ... and leave no one behind in the process
+10) **Collective liberation**: ... and leave no one behind in the process
 background-image: url(img/accessibility/old-phones.jpg)
@@ -300,19 +315,19 @@ The first mobile screen reader
-![:img iPhone generation 1,90%, width](img/accessibility/iphone1.png)
+![:img iPhone generation 1,70%, width](img/accessibility/iphone1.png)
-![:img iPhone generation 3G,90%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3.png)
+![:img iPhone generation 3G,70%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3.png)
-![:img iPhone generation 3Gs,75%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3gs.png)
+![:img iPhone generation 3Gs,60%, width](img/accessibility/iphone3gs.png)
@@ -328,12 +343,13 @@ Many pages of accessibility settings
 - Speech recognition for controlling device
 - Zoom – screen magnifier – 3 finger tap
 - Closed captions on videos
-- AssistiveTouch – so don’t need multiple fingers, don’t need to press Home 
-button, etc.
-- Switch Control (IOS7 and later): 
- - Optional connection to external switch or [head movement with built in camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXF2ThtYXzM)
+- AssistiveTouch – fewer fingers needed, etc.
+- Switch Control (IOS7 and later) [head movement with built in camera](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=RXF2ThtYXzM) or external switch
+assistive touch also saves you from pressing the home button
 # Analyzing the iPhone from a Disability Justice perspective
diff --git a/slides/plain-language.html b/slides/plain-language.html
index d426a40efcd61820e3b9ff6d1def301389ba388e..0ed50b340a195197f5a9deddd3c67d2350f85d64 100644
--- a/slides/plain-language.html
+++ b/slides/plain-language.html
@@ -23,6 +23,7 @@ class:
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
 ## Make sure captioning is turned on
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for today
diff --git a/slides/testing.html b/slides/testing.html
index d0bc58a14673e75a04d7979953de7be5bb90e3ef..66f200f7a7ebc35494376c50d498e101a1048334 100644
--- a/slides/testing.html
+++ b/slides/testing.html
@@ -86,31 +86,31 @@ At this point, a blind user new to this site still has no idea that an inbox eve
 # But it gets much better
 Accessibly design pages, combined with user expertise, work very well
-![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation start,60%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav1.png) 
+![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation start,40%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav1.png) 
 # But it gets much better
 Accessibly design pages, combined with user expertise, work very well
-![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation headers,60%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav2.png) 
+![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation headers,40%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav2.png) 
 # But it gets much better
 Accessibly design pages, combined with user expertise, work very well
-![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation landmarks,60%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav3.png) 
+![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation landmarks,40%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav3.png) 
 # But it gets much better
 Accessibly design pages, combined with user expertise, work very well
-![:img gmail landscape view showing to form inputs,60%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav4.png) 
+![:img gmail landscape view showing to form inputs,40%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav4.png) 
 # But it gets much better
 Accessibly design pages, combined with user expertise, work very well
-![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation to buttons,60%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav5.png) 
+![:img gmail landscape view showing navigation to buttons,40%, width](img/assessment/gmail-nav5.png) 
@@ -155,11 +155,10 @@ In this assignment we will use off-the-shelf, freely available accessibility tec
 # Screen Readers: Typical Bugs
-![:img  Same picture highlighting the hamburger menu (which has the alt text "hamburger menu") and an image (which has no alt text and just plays an unintelligible name). The audio of this page is the video at right,100%, width](img/assessment/banking.png)
+![:img  Same picture highlighting the hamburger menu (which has the alt text "hamburger menu") and an image (which has no alt text and just plays an unintelligible name). The audio of this page is the video at right,80%, width](img/assessment/banking.png)
 ![:youtube Banking failure, b-R5r_aKmKo]