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 table thead {
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 ## This is an important reminder
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
+## Make sure captioning is turned on
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 ## This is an important reminder
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
+## Make sure captioning is turned on
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
@@ -54,10 +55,94 @@ But *how*?
 - How does Machine Learning solve a problem?
-# Components of Machine Learning
+# Helping Computers Learn Patterns
-- Collect data (and lots and lots of it!)
+![:fa bed, fa-7x]
+## How might you recognize sleep?
+- Can you come up with a yes/no question or a set of categories or simple description of sleep?
+   - Sleep quality?
+   - Sleep start/end? 
+- What data would you learn from?
+- How might you need to take disabilites into account?
+(sleep quality? length?...)
+How to interpret sensors?
+# How do we program this?
+Old Approach: Create software by hand
+- Use libraries (like JQuery) and frameworks
+- Create content, do layout, code up functionality
+- Deterministic (code does what you tell it to)
+New Approach: Collect data and train algorithms
+- Will still do the above, but will also have some functionality based
+on ML
+- *Collect lots of examples and train a ML algorithm*
+- *Statistical way of thinking*
+# Shift in Approaches
+## Old style of app design
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+I(Input) --Explicit Interaction--> A(Application)
+A --> Act(Action)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
+class U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
+count: false
+## New style of app design
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+U(User) --Implicit Sensing--> C(Application)
+S(System) --Implicit Sensing--> C
+E(Environment) --Implicit Sensing--> C
+C --> Act2(Action)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
+class U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
+# This is *Machine Intelligence*
+Often used to process sensor data
+Goal is to develop systems that can improve
+performance with more experience
+- Can use "example data" as "experience"
+- Uses these examples to discern patterns
+- And to make predictions
+Not really intelligent, just my word for Machine Learning, AI, Neural Programming, etc etc
+# Components of Machine Intelligence
+- **Collect data (and lots and lots of it!)**
 - Discern patterns
@@ -73,49 +158,370 @@ But *how*?
 - Who do we collect data from?
-# "Goodness" of Data
+# Problems with Data
+- System timeouts that are trained on movement speeds of <q>typical</q> people
+- Biometrics that cannot function on a person who isn't still for long enough
+- Inferencing about people that doesn't account for height; stamina; range of motion; or AT use (e.g. wheelchairs)
+When groups are historically
+marginalized and underrepresented, this is
+.quote[imprinted in the data that shapes AI
+systems... Those who have borne discrimination in the past are most at risk of harm from
+biased and exclusionary AI in the present. (Whittaker, 2019)] 
+This can cascade -- e.g. measurement bias can exacerbate bias downstream. For example, facial mobility, emotion expression, and facial structure impact detection and identification of people; body motion and shape impact activity detection; etc. 
+# How might we address bias/fairness in data sets
+We need to know it is there (Aggregate metrics can hide  performance problems in under-represented groups)
+We need to be careful not to eliminate, or reduce the influence, of outliers if that erases disabled people from the data because of the heterogeneity of disability data.
+# Approaches to measuring fairness 
+We may need to rethink <q>fairness</q> in terms of individual rather than group outcomes, and define metrics that capture a range of concerns
+- Movement speed might favor a wheelchair user
+- Exercise variety might favor people who do not have chronic illness
+- Exertion time might covers a wide variety of different types of people.
+Defining such unbiased metrics requires careful thought and domain knowledge, and scientific research will be essential to defining appropriate procedures for this.
+# Small Group Discussion [Post on Ed]({{site.discussion}}2514887)
+Who might be excluded in the data set you found?
+How was fairness measured in the data set you found, if it was discussed?
+How would you go about testing for fairness in that data?
+# Best Practices For Data Fairness
+How do we motivate and ethically compensate disabled people to give their data?
+What should we communicate at data collection time? 
+Is the data collection infrastructure accessible? Does it protect sensitive information about participants adequately given the heterogeneous nature of disability? 
+Does the meta data collected oversimplify disability? Who is labeling the data and do the have biases affecting labeling?
+  - Whittaker (2019) discusses the example of clickworkers who label people
+as disabled <q>based on a hunch</q>. 
+# Components of Machine Intelligence
+- Collect data (and lots and lots of it!)
+- **Discern patterns**
+- Make predictions
+# Two main approaches
+![:fa eye] *Supervised learning* (we have lots of examples of what should be
+ predicted)
+![:fa eye-slash] *Unsupervised learning* (e.g. clustering into groups and inferring what
+they are about)
+![:fa low-vision] Can combine these (semi-supervised)
+![:fa history]  Can learn over time or train up front
+# Our Focus: Supervised Learning
+![:fa eye] *Supervised learning* (we have lots of examples of what should be
+ predicted)
+![:fa eye-slash] *Unsupervised learning* (e.g. clustering into groups and inferring what
+they are about)
+![:fa low-vision] Can combine these (semi-supervised)
+![:fa history]  Can learn over time or train up front
+# Supervised Learning
+## Training Process
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+L(Label) --> MI(Training Algorithm)
+D(Input Data) -- Extract Features--> MI
+MI --> C(Symbolic Predictor)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
+class D,U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
+## Extracting Features
+Symbolic requires feature engineering (humans deciding how to *summarize* data using features. Tends to be more *interpretable* (you can figure out why they make predictions)
+# Supervised Learning
+## Training Process
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+L(Label) --> MI(Training Algorithm)
+D(Input Data) --> MI
+MI --> C(Neural Predictor)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
+class D,U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
+## Designing Networks
+Neural approaches (e.g. ChatGPT) use massive amounts of data to train a network according to base principales. Designing the right network is critical. Cannot be sure *why* they make the predictions they do. 
+# Supervised Learning
+## Training Process
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+L(Label) --> MI(Training Algorithm)
+D(Input Data) --> MI
+MI --> C(Symbolic/Neural Predictor)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
-Let's consider this example: **We wish to train a ML model to recognize if a given picture is that of a nurse.**
+class D,U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
+## Prediction Process
-What steps do we take?
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
-Is the data "good"?
+D(Input Data) --> C(Symbolic/Neural Predictor)
+C --> P(Prediction)
+classDef normal fill:#e6f3ff,stroke:#333,stroke-width:2px;
+class P,D,U,C,A,I,S,E,Act,Act2 normal
-What other examples can we think of?
-# "Goodness" of Data
+# How do we Evaluate Predictors?
+Compare to Prior probabilities
+- Probability before any observations (ie just guessing)
+- Ex. ML classifier to guess if an animal is a cat or a ferret based on the ear location
+ - Assume all pointy eared fuzzy creatures are cats (some percentage will be right)
+Compare to simplistic algorithms
+- Ex. Classifying cats vs ferrets based on size
+- Your model needs to do better than these too
+Surprising how often this doesn't happen in published work/before deployment
+We did this to study gender's impact on academic authorship; doctors reviews
+# Adding Nuance
+## <q>Confusion Matrix</q>
 ![:img Confusion matrix of a machine learning model,100%, width](img/data-equity/ml-faulty.png)
+Don't just measure accuracy (percent correct)
+Lots of other metrics based on false positives and negatives
+- Precision = TP / (TP+FP) Intuition: Of the positive items, how many right?
+- Recall = TP / (TP+FN) Intuition: Of all things that should have been positive, how many actually labeled correctly?
+- ... Many More
-# Disability Bias in Machine Learning 
+# Using Proper Methods
-Data sets used to train biometric systems are biased: they rarely if ever have a comprehensive
-representation of the range of people they might encounter. *(Mankoff, 2021)*
+**Symbolic Methods Can Easily Overfit**
-- Human bias 
+When your ML model is too specific for data you have, it might not generalize well
-- Machine bias
+Best test is a data set you haven't seen before
-- Underrepresentation
+![:img overfitting is illustrated as a line snacking between data points to minimize error instead of smoothly rising among them , 80%,width](img/data-equity/overfitting.png)
-- Measurement Errors
+**Neural Methods Can Have Hidden Biases** 
+![:img A headline from the Verge stating that Twitter taught Microsoft's AI Chatbot to be a racist asshole in less than a day, 80%,width](img/data-equity/racist-chatbot.png)
-# Minimizing Bias
+# Disability Biases to Watch Out For
-- Appropriate representation
+Norms are baked deeply into algorithms which are designed to learn about the most common cases. As human judgment is increasingly replaced by biometrics, *norms* become more strictly enforced. 
+- Do outliers face higher error rates? 
+- Do they disproportionately represent and misrepresent people with disability?
+- How does this impact allocation of resources?
-- Large training data 
+# How does norming harm people with disabilities?
-- Validating the models 
+Machine intelligence  already being used to track  allocation of assistive technologies, from CPAP machines for people with sleep apnea (Araujo 2018) to prosthetic legs (as described by Jullian Wiese in
+Granta and uncovered in Whittaker et al 2019), deciding who is <q>compliant enough</q> to deserve them. 
-- Montoring the performance of the models
+Technology may also fail to recognize that a disabled person is even present (Kane, 2020),  thus <q>demarcating what it means to be a legible human and
+whose bodies, actions, and lives fall outside... [and] remapping and calcifying the boundaries
+of inclusion and marginalization</q> (Whittaker, 2019). 
-# Discussion
+# How does norming harm people with disabilities?
-- Identify biases in existing ML-based tools/platforms
+Many biometric systems gatekeep access based on either individual identity, identity as a human, or class of human, such as <q>old enough to buy cigarettes.</q>
+- a participant having to falsify data because <q>some apps [don’t allow] my height/weight combo for my age.</q> (Kane (2020))
+- a person who must ask a stranger to ‘forge’ a signature at the grocery store <q>.. because I can’t reach [the tablet]</q> (Kane (2020))
+- at work, activity tracking may define <q>success</q> in terms that exclude disabled workers. (may also increase the likelihood of work-related disability, by forcing workers to work at maximal efficiency)
-- Identify ways to make ML models more inclusive in your area of expertise
+# Components of Machine Intelligence
+- Collect data (and lots and lots of it!)
+- Discern patterns
+- **Make predictions**
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment (Whittaker,
+2019, p. 21).
+- HireVue, an AI based video
+interviewing company has a patent on file to detect disability (Larsen, 2018). 
+- This is illegal under the ADA, which
+   - forbids asking about disability
+status in a hiring process (42 U.S.C. § 12112(a)) 
+   - forbids <q>using qualification
+standards, employment tests or other selection criteria that screen out or tend to screen out
+an individual with a disability</q> (42 U.S.C. § 12112(b)(6)). 
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment
+Disability identification 
+- Examples: detect Parkinsons from gait (Das, 2012), and mouse movement (Youngmann,
+2019); detecting autism from home videos (Leblanc, 2020). 
+- What are the ethics of doing this without consent?
+- Many of these algorithms encode medical model biases
+Relatedly, failure to identify disability 
+- Legally under the ADA, if you are treated as disabled, you are disabled. Yet biometrics cannot detect how people are treated. 
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+Apps that Harm
+- Example: Training behaviors in <q>support</q> of autistic individuals without regard to debates about agency and independence of the target audience [Demo, 2017]; 
+- As with regular accessibility apps, AI based aps can harm, be disability dongles, etc
+- As with regular apps, AI based apps may not be accessible
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+![:img Three news headlines-- On Orbitz Mac Users Steered to Pricier Hotels; Google's algorithm shows prestigious job ads to men but not to women; Racial bias alleged in Google's add results, 60%,width](img/data-equity/bias.png)
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+Apps that Harm
+AI with Baked in Biases
+- Consequences of biased data and lack of control over training results more nuanced than just accuracy (as with headlines we just read)
+- Privacy can also be a concern. 
+  - For rare conditions, an algorithm may learn
+to recognize the disability, rather than the individual, reducing
+security when used for access control, allowing multiple people with
+similar impairments to access the same data.
+# Concerns at Prediction Time
+Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+Apps that Harm
+AI with Baked in Biases
+Transparency and Accountability
+- Power differences between builders and users 
+- Representation of disabled people among builders
+- Algorithms that are not *interpretable* or *correctable*
+- Users of algorithms whose use them to enforce larger societal harms
+# Small Group Discussion [Post on Ed]({{site.discussion}}2515387)
+Revisit the data set you chose
+Do you know what sort of predictions it was used for if any?
+What possible harms could be done with those predictions?
+Reminder of our list
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+- Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+- Apps that Harm
+- AI with Baked in Biases
+- Transparency and Accountability
+# End of Deck
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 ## This is an important reminder
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
+## Make sure captioning is turned on
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)