diff --git a/_config.yml b/_config.yml
index 863e7af1a5a8826630575ee8243fa410a6aef07b..0801788b10f4c947aaf4a0d89f5dcdf5fe5b7662 100644
--- a/_config.yml
+++ b/_config.yml
@@ -7,26 +7,28 @@
 title: Interaction Programming (CSE 340)
 description: Interactive Tech is changing society. Help invent the future!
-baseurl: "/courses/csexxx/xxqq"
+baseurl: "/courses/cse340/21wi"
 url: https://courses.cs.washington.edu # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
-twitter_username: username
-git_username:  username
-git_url: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/jmankoff/class-website-core
-git_branch: CSExxx-xxQQ
-piazza: https://us.edstem.org/courses/xxx/discussion/
-canvas: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/xxxxx
-gitlab: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/students-group-for-assignments
-gitgrade: https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/student/summary/xxxx
+twitter_username: jcmankoff
+git_username:  jmankoff
+git_url: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse340-21wi-tas
+git_branch: CSE340-WI21
+piazza: https://us.edstem.org/courses/381/discussion/
+canvas: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1370612
+gitlab: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse340-21wi-students
+gitgrade: https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/student/summary/8723
+hcibook: "No HCI Textbook, just readings"
+androidbook: "No Android Textbook, just readings"
 paginate:            5
-quarter: "Quarter YYYY"
+quarter: "Winter 2021"
 copydate: "3/30/20"
 status: draft
-    name: Name
-    url: "https://website"
+    name: Jennifer Mankoff
+    url: "https://make4all.org/jennifer-mankoff/"
-email: "email@university.edu"            # Your contact email
+email: "jmankoff@uw.edu"            # Your contact email
   # probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list
 # The Reveal theme
diff --git a/_config_production.yml b/_config_production.yml
index 863e7af1a5a8826630575ee8243fa410a6aef07b..0801788b10f4c947aaf4a0d89f5dcdf5fe5b7662 100644
--- a/_config_production.yml
+++ b/_config_production.yml
@@ -7,26 +7,28 @@
 title: Interaction Programming (CSE 340)
 description: Interactive Tech is changing society. Help invent the future!
-baseurl: "/courses/csexxx/xxqq"
+baseurl: "/courses/cse340/21wi"
 url: https://courses.cs.washington.edu # the base hostname & protocol for your site, e.g. http://example.com
-twitter_username: username
-git_username:  username
-git_url: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/jmankoff/class-website-core
-git_branch: CSExxx-xxQQ
-piazza: https://us.edstem.org/courses/xxx/discussion/
-canvas: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/xxxxx
-gitlab: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/students-group-for-assignments
-gitgrade: https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/student/summary/xxxx
+twitter_username: jcmankoff
+git_username:  jmankoff
+git_url: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse340-21wi-tas
+git_branch: CSE340-WI21
+piazza: https://us.edstem.org/courses/381/discussion/
+canvas: https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1370612
+gitlab: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse340-21wi-students
+gitgrade: https://gitgrade.cs.washington.edu/student/summary/8723
+hcibook: "No HCI Textbook, just readings"
+androidbook: "No Android Textbook, just readings"
 paginate:            5
-quarter: "Quarter YYYY"
+quarter: "Winter 2021"
 copydate: "3/30/20"
 status: draft
-    name: Name
-    url: "https://website"
+    name: Jennifer Mankoff
+    url: "https://make4all.org/jennifer-mankoff/"
-email: "email@university.edu"            # Your contact email
+email: "jmankoff@uw.edu"            # Your contact email
   # probably want to update this to be the class teaching staff mailing list
 # The Reveal theme
diff --git a/assets/css/style.scss b/assets/css/style.scss
index d49312b1457c6c1ffe0260780db223b586bb1ff7..22fcd4f118e4bc83a81be2fb1878eeefb67f85da 100644
--- a/assets/css/style.scss
+++ b/assets/css/style.scss
@@ -1,10 +1,10 @@
 # This is where the style colors for the website are set
-$navbar-color: #003459;
-$dark-color: #003459;
-$gradient-dark:  #004d85;
-$gradient-light:   #004d85;
+$navbar-color: #3a1c6f;
+$dark-color: #3a1c6f;
+$gradient-dark: #3a1c6f;
+$gradient-light:  #006666;
 $lecture-background: #164756 ;
 $background: #d8e6c9;
@@ -120,7 +120,7 @@ dl dt.lab {
 .navbar {
-    background-color:  $navbar-color;
+    background-color:  $gradient-dark;
 table.schedule {
diff --git a/docs/index.md b/docs/index.md
index bea510f6b665593e7912f743f56071224b11c07f..ba11d1e5e55d9d83c70b03752c623c7e4ac23f8d 100644
--- a/docs/index.md
+++ b/docs/index.md
@@ -21,4 +21,6 @@ slowly and will continue to be added to.
 - [Debugging]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/dev_mode)
 - [Android File Explorer]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/android_files)
-- [Java 101]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/java.html)
+- [Java 101]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/java/java.html)
+- [Advanced Java]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/java/java-advanced.html)
+- [Java example code]({{site.baseurl}}/docs/java/JavaRefresher.zip)
diff --git a/docs/java/JavaRefresher.zip b/docs/java/JavaRefresher.zip
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..25f27c4c6f164f4fa2ad7b747dc793d0083ec75d
Binary files /dev/null and b/docs/java/JavaRefresher.zip differ
diff --git a/docs/java/java-advanced.html b/docs/java/java-advanced.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..2b1e57a58736db7a29c7dcc9bfc41f7f73d0cd24
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/java/java-advanced.html
@@ -0,0 +1,219 @@
+layout: presentation
+title: Advanced Java 
+description: Advanced Java Slides
+class: middle, center, inverse
+name: inverse
+layout: true
+class: center, middle, inverse
+# CSE 340 ({{site.quarter}})
+## Advanced Java
+layout: false
+# Roadmap
+- Inheritance
+- Generics
+- Anonymous Inner Classes
+- Lambdas (and `::` notation)
+# Inheritance
+Interfaces: a promise that you will implement these methods
+- Interfaces can only implement other interfaces
+- A class can implement many interfaces
+- Examples: Comparable interface
+Regular class: fully defined behaviors that you want to add to
+- All functions in the parent class have been implemented and are inherited
+- Usually would use this to add more specific behavior by changing implementation or adding new methods
+Abstract classes: like interfaces but has some fully implemented methods as well
+- Can have abstract functions that are only defined in subclasses like interfaces
+- Also allows you to define shared member variables and functions for all subclasses
+- Examples: Pets all have a name (inherited member variable), are adopted the
+same way (function defined in abstract class) but eat different foods (abstract function defined only in subclasses)
+# Inheritance common errors and tips
+Be careful:
+- Make sure not to redefine a variable you inherited from a parent class 
+- Check and make sure that you are using the same method signature (return types and parameter types) when overriding inherited methods, otherwise this is actually overloading 
+- These might lead to undefined and weird behaviors! :( 
+- You can only subclass one class, but you can implement as many interfaces as you want
+- Subclasses are able to access and change public and protected member variables of parent
+- You must implement interface methods and all abstract superclass methods 
+# Switch Statements
+A form of a conditional with different execution paths
+public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, ON_EDGE, OUTSIDE };
+EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
+switch (where) {
+ case ON_EDGE: // do the edgy things
+   break;      // and skip everything after this
+ case INSIDE:  // do the inside things but also fall through
+               // and do the OUTSIDE things because no break statement;
+ case OUTSIDE: // do the outside things
+   break;      // and skip everything after this
+ default:      // do default things
+               // automatically falls through
+# Private class fields are often labelled with a lowercase “m” at the front 
+This notation comes from AOSP<br>
+(Android Open Source Project) [Code Style Guidelines for Contributors](http://source.android.com/source/code-style.html#follow-field-naming-conventions)
+Follow Field Naming Conventions
+- Non-public, non-static field names start with ‘m’.
+- Static field names start with ‘s’.
+- Other fields start with a lower case letter.
+- Public static final fields (constants) are `ALL_CAPS_WITH_UNDERSCORES`.
+For example:
+- `private float mCircleRadius, mThumbRadius;`
+- `private final Paint mPaintStart, mPaintEnd;`
+# Enums
+An enum type is a special data type that restricts a variable to be a set of predefined constant
+public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, OUTSIDE };
+EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
+# Generics
+Basically, abstraction over types
+Point<Integer>, Point<Double>
+// Type abstraction: abstract over element type
+Interface List<E> {       // Lets us use types such as:
+	Boolean add(E n);     //   List<Integer>
+	E get(int index);     //   List<String>
+}                         //   List<List<Double>>
+# Anonymous Inner Classes (1/3)
+In Java, Anonymous Inner Classes are inner classes (or a non-static class that’s nested inside another class)
+- Anonymous classes don’t have a name and are often used to make an instance of an object that has slightly different methods of another class or interface. 
+- This way, you don’t have to actually make a subclass of a class.
+- You’re going to see this type of class in some of our homework when implementing something called “listeners”
+# Anonymous Inner Classes (2/3)
+public class ExActivity extends AppCompatActivity {
+	private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {
+		public void onClick(View v) {
+			if (mButton!=v) {
+				return;
+			}
+		}
+	}; // remember to end this statement with a semicolon
+# Anonymous Inner Classes (3/3)
+Digging deeper: Creating an anonymous inner class <br>
+`private View.OnClickListener mClickListener = new View.OnClickListener() {`
+`private` -- it's only available inside the class that contains it (e.g. `ExampleActivity`)
+`View.OnClickListener` -- the variable type ([Documentation](https://developer.android.com/reference/android/view/View.OnClickListener)), a nested class in `View`
+`mClickListener` is the variable name which is being set to...
+a `new View.OnClickListener` which is an anonymous object from an abstract class
+- For those of you who have not taken 331, that means there are methods that have not been implemented in the class
+- The one method that you MUST implement (in order to create a new object of this type) is `onClick`, which overrides the abstract method
+# Lambdas
+What are Lambda expressions in Java?
+- Block of code that can be passed around to execute
+- Instances of functional interfaces
+- Think of it as using code as data
+- Useful for anonymous classes and functional interfaces, allows compact instances of one method classes
+- This will come up later in the course when dealing with callbacks!
+- Once instantiated, you can re-use it! Treat it is as a function 
+# Lambda Simple Example
+An example functional interface
+interface FuncInter1
+   {
+     int operation(int a, int b);
+     int multiplication(int a, int b);
+   }
+// Implementing interface w/ lambda function
+FuncInter1 add = (int x, int y) -> x + y;
+You can reuse this now!
+- `add.operation(2, 3)` returns 5
+- `add.multiplication(2, 3)` return 5
+# Another Lambda Example using `::` operator
+`::` is a method reference, same as using lambda but even shorter and readable 
+Syntax of `::` operator `<Class name>::<method name>`
+Lambda Example
+`numList.forEach(e -> System.out.print(e));`
+This does the same thing!
diff --git a/docs/java/java.html b/docs/java/java.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..eddb432302a41d8567436d1eb4970c212352869d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/java/java.html
@@ -0,0 +1,404 @@
+layout: presentation
+title: Java Refresher
+description: Java Refresher Slides
+class: middle, center, inverse
+name: inverse
+layout: true
+class: center, middle, inverse
+# CSE 340 ({{site.quarter}})
+## Java Refresher
+layout: false
+# What is Java?
+- Strongly, statically typed language
+  - Every variable has a type
+  - This type is decided at compile time (mostly)
+- Compiled, class-based, Object-oriented
+- Platform agnostic
+  - __Write once__, _run anywhere_ without recompilation
+  - Especially useful for Android
+## Java Basics: Primitive Types
+- Boolean
+boolean hasClassStarted = true;
+boolean isClassOver = false;
+## Java Basics: Primitive Types
+- Boolean
+boolean hasClassStarted = true;
+boolean isClassOver = false;
+- Integer
+int numStudents = rand.nextInt(30);
+## Java Basics: Primitive Types
+- Boolean
+boolean hasClassStarted = true;
+boolean isClassOver = false;
+- Integer
+int numStudents = rand.nextInt(30);
+- Float
+float gradePointAverage = 3.2f;
+- Double
+  - Higher precision than float
+double examScore = 97.362;
+- Byte, Short, etc.
+## Java Basics: Text
+- Characters
+char section = 'B';
+- Strings
+String instructor = "Jennifer Mankoff";
+All non-primitives types inherit from `Object` class
+  - Including `String`; note the capitalization
+## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
+public final String COURSE = "CSE 340"; 
+private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
+- `package private`
+  - This is the default access if no modifier is specified
+  - Accessible by all classes in the same package.
+## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
+public final String COURSE = "CSE 340"; 
+private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
+- `package private`
+  - This is the default access if no modifier is specified
+  - Accessible by all classes in the same package.
+- `private`
+  - Kept secret, can only be read/written by `self`
+  - Cannot be accessed by subclasses
+- `protected`
+  - Access restricted to `self`, subclasses, and package
+## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
+public final String COURSE = "CSE 340"; 
+private final String SSN = "123-45-6789";
+- `package private`
+  - This is the default access if no modifier is specified
+  - Accessible by all classes in the same package.
+- `private`
+  - Kept secret, can only be read/written by `self`
+  - Cannot be accessed by subclasses
+- `protected`
+  - Access restricted to `self`, subclasses, and package
+- `public`
+  - The world can read/write (fields) or call (methods)
+## Java Basics: Visibility Modifiers
+  - Generally, you want to be as restrictive as possible
+    - Usually, this means `private`
+  - Create getter/setter methods to modify the member variables
+  - .red[__Almost never use__ `public`] for fields
+    - Except for constants
+## Java Basics: `final`
+- Prevent value from changing after initialization
+// local variable cannot be modified ever!
+final double courseGrade = 95.0; 
+## Java Basics: `final`
+- Prevent value from changing after initialization
+// local variable cannot be modified ever!
+final double courseGrade = 95.0; 
+- Prevent subclassing
+  // can't subclass 
+  // (for example to make a Student class)
+  public final class Person {
+	...
+  }
+- Prevent overriding
+	// can't override!
+	public final int getValue() { 
+      return 0;
+  }
+## Java Basics: `static`
+- Use for constants or variables are shared by all instances of a particular class
+final static double SALES_TAX_RATE = 0.07; // Class Constant (never changes)
+static double mTotalAmount = 3.56;          // Class variable can change
+- Methods that can be called without an class instance (instantiating an object)
+static String toString(int i);
+// For example Integer.toString(100) => "100";
+# Naming Conventions
+   - class names are PascalCased
+   - local variables and method names are camelCased
+   - class or instance variables begin with a 'm' (for member), such as mTotalAmount
+   - constants are UPPER_SNAKE_CASED
+## Java Basics: Methods
+- Methods in Java typically follow this format:
+{visibility} [static] [final] returnType methodName(paramType paramName, ...) {
+    ...
+- `static` and `final` are optional, special modifiers
+- `visibility` is one of `public`, `private`, `protected`, or empty for package private
+## Java Basics: Method Example
+Summing two numbers and returning the answer as a string
+public String getSumOfTwoNumbersAsString(int first, int second) {
+  int sum = first + second;
+  return Integer.toString(sum);  // could also return "" + sum
+## Java Basics: Declaring a class
+{visibility} class ClassName {
+  // Field declarations
+  // Method definitions
+## Java Basics: Constructing a Class
+public class Student {
+  // Class (static) variables -
+  public static final String STUDENT_KEY = "STUDENT";
+  private static final String ID_PREFIX = "S";
+  // Instance Variables
+  private String mIdNumber;
+  private String mName;
+  // Constructors - used to create an instance
+  Student(String name, String idNumber) {
+    this.name = mName;
+    this.idNumber = mIdNumber;
+  }
+  // Methods
+  public String getPrefixedIdNumber() {
+    return ID_PREFIX + mIdNumber;
+  }
+## Java Basics: Constructing a Class cont.
+  // Getter
+  public String getName() {
+    return mName;
+  }
+  // Setter
+  public void setName(String newName) {
+    if (newName == null || newName == "") {
+      newName = "Unknown";
+    }
+    mName = newName;
+  }
+  ... // etc.
+# Enums
+An enum type is a special data type that enables for a variable to be a set of predefined constant
+public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, OUTSIDE };
+EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
+# Switch Statements
+A form of a conditional with different execution paths
+public enum EssentialGeometry { INSIDE, ON_EDGE, OUTSIDE };
+EssentialGeometry where = EssentialGeometry.INSIDE;
+switch (where) {
+  case ON_EDGE:
+    // do the edgy things
+    break;
+  case INSIDE:
+    // do the inside things but also fall through
+    // and do the OUTSIDE things because no break statement;
+  case OUTSIDE:
+    // do the outside things
+    break;
+  default:
+    // do default things
+    // automatically falls through
+## More Java Resources
+- Java Documentation (https://docs.oracle.com/en/java/javase/13/docs/api/)
+- __Online Java Practice Problems__:
+  - http://codingbat.com/java
+  - https://practiceit.cs.washington.edu/problem/list
diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 6966318d6449ff8e7fd56368f5920bf4e6637968..ab70b09d90d2b49f7be3e81fbc4d830f97bc79ad 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -15,8 +15,8 @@ For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table
 See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links
-**Class Time:**  \\
-**Lab Times:** 
+**Class Time:** M/W/F at 10:30am PDT \\
+**Lab Times:** 9:30am PDT (Section AA) and 10:30 am PDT (Section AB)
 # Course staff
@@ -29,8 +29,8 @@ See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links
 ## TAs
 :--: | :---------: | :-- | | :--: | :---------: | :--
-	**Section AA** | ![Taylor Gotfrid](assets/img/staff/gotfrid.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Taylor Gotfrid (she/her) | | **Section AB** | | 
-	**Infrastructure** |  |  | | | | 
+	**Section AA** | ![Taylor Gotfrid](assets/img/staff/gotfrid.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Taylor Gotfrid (she/her) | | **Section AB** | | David Chen (he/him)
+	**Infrastructure** |  ![Jeremy Zhang](assets/img/staff/zhang.jpg){:class="ta-picture"} | Jeremy  Zhang (he/him) | | | | 
 # Should I take this class?
@@ -326,3 +326,116 @@ Accommodations must be requested within the first two weeks of this course using
 [Religious Accommodations Request](https://registrar.washington.edu/students/religious-accommodations-request/)
  form on UW's site.
+# Other relevant classes to know about
+There are a number of classes on campus that teach related concepts
+which you may wish to consider in addition to this one. As of Spring 2020,
+here are the ones we are aware of:
+- CSE 154: Web Programming: [Sp 20](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse154/20sp/)
+  This course covers languages, tools, and techniques for developing interactive and dynamic web
+  pages. Topics include page styling, design, and layout; client and server side scripting;
+  web security; and interacting with data sources such as databases.
+- [HCDE 310: Interactive Systems Design &
+  Technology](https://www.smunson.com/teaching/hcde310/a17/) This course is a
+  project based course that teaches how to prototype applications on the
+  web using Python that solve human problems or enable new
+  activities. Includes information about APIs and how people interact with them. It
+  differs from CSE 340 in its choice of platform. Additionally, it
+  doesn’t cover the theory of UI programming, nor issues such as
+  accessibility, undo, and so on.
+- [INFO 343: Client side web
+  development](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1118282) This is a
+  programming course, and there will be significant overlap between the
+  courses, as INFO 343 also touches on event based programming, output,
+  and accessibility. [CSE 154: Web
+  Programming](https://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse154/20sp/)
+  also covers some related
+  material. However, both are about programming on the web using
+  JavaScript instead of on Android, using Java. In addition, CSE 340
+  covers more of the theory of UI programming and design, similar to
+  HCID 520.
+- [CSE 440: Introduction to
+  HCI](http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse440/); [441: Advanced HCI](http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/cse441/) This is an advanced series of courses for undergraduate
+  seniors. The focus of 440 is less on programming and more broadly on
+  methods for designing, prototyping, and evaluating user interfaces to
+  computing applications, while 441 is an open ended capstone
+  course. These are excellent follow on courses to 340, for a student
+  who wants to go deeper into how to make usable, enjoyable effective
+  interfaces, and how to solve interesting problems with HCI. Related is
+  [CSE 510](http://courses.cs.washington.edu/courses/csep510/), the HCI
+  course for the professional masters program.
+- HCID 520: User Interface Software +
+  Technology ([Wi 17](http://uwdata.github.io/hcid520/17wi/), [Wi 16](http://faculty.washington.edu/ajko/hcid520/) [Wi 19](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1256337))
+  This course
+  teaches about user interfaces, including what they are, how they are
+  built, and some inventions in user interface software and
+  technology. There are many similarities between these classes. However HCID 520
+  is only open to [MHCI+D students](https://mhcid.washington.edu/) Masters students.
+- [HCID 521: Prototyping](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1128377/assignments/syllabus)
+  This class is for the [MHCI+D students](https://mhcid.washington.edu/)
+  only and focuses on prototyping techniques, not implementation. It
+  covers everything from paper prototyping to physical interfaces to 3D
+  printing.
+<!-- | head1        | head two          | three | -->
+<!-- |:-------------|:------------------|:------| -->
+<!-- | OK           | good swedish fish | nice  | -->
+<!-- | out of stock | good and plenty   | nice  | -->
+<!-- | ok           | good `oreos`      | hmm   | -->
+<!-- | ok           | good `zoute` drop | yumm  | -->
+<!-- ### There's a horizontal rule below this. -->
+<!-- * * * -->
+<!-- ### Here is an unordered list: -->
+<!-- *   Item foo -->
+<!-- *   Item bar -->
+<!-- *   Item baz -->
+<!-- *   Item zip -->
+<!-- ### And an ordered list: -->
+<!-- 1.  Item one -->
+<!-- 1.  Item two -->
+<!-- 1.  Item three -->
+<!-- 1.  Item four -->
+<!-- ### And a nested list: -->
+<!-- - level 1 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!--     - level 3 item -->
+<!--     - level 3 item -->
+<!-- - level 1 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!-- - level 1 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!--   - level 2 item -->
+<!-- - level 1 item -->
+<!-- ### Definition lists can be used with HTML syntax. -->
+<!-- <dl> -->
+<!-- <dt>Name</dt> -->
+<!-- <dd>Godzilla</dd> -->
+<!-- <dt>Born</dt> -->
+<!-- <dd>1952</dd> -->
+<!-- <dt>Birthplace</dt> -->
+<!-- <dd>Japan</dd> -->
+<!-- <dt>Color</dt> -->
+<!-- <dd>Green</dd> -->
+<!-- </dl> -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- Long, single-line code blocks should not wrap. They should horizontally scroll if they are too long. This line should be long enough to demonstrate this. -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- ``` -->
+<!-- The final element. -->
+<!-- ``` -->