diff --git a/slides/introduction.html b/slides/introduction.html
index 9806e6cb9012753da635ad28da264fc59be57b4a..d3d8cdba4f330b8c1a19f092d917cf3a99f11392 100644
--- a/slides/introduction.html
+++ b/slides/introduction.html
@@ -49,12 +49,17 @@ and accessibility of our digital future.
 # Venkatesh Potluri
 Pronouns: he/him
-[TODO: Description of interests ]
+PhD Student in the Make4All lab. I understand accessibility gaps experienced by blind or visually impaired software developers and address them by improving programming tools for domains such as:
+- Collaborative software development (https://blvi.dev/codewalk)
+- Data Science (https://blvi.dev/noteably-inaccessible-paper)
+- User Interface design (https://blvi.dev/uitap)
-![:img alt text here, 100%,width]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/img/staff/tbd)
+![:img a man with medium brown skin and short hare, 100%,width]({{site.baseurl}}/assets/img/staff/potluri.JPG)