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--- a/assignments/disabilityjustice.md
+++ b/assignments/disabilityjustice.md
@@ -3,10 +3,10 @@ layout: assignment
 published: true
 title: Disability Justice Analysis
-code: ass0
+code: hw1
-assigned: Jan 3, 2022
-due: Jan 9, 2022 5PM Pacific
+assigned: Jan 3, 2023
+due: Jan 9, 2023 5PM Pacific
 revised: Nov 22, 2022
@@ -16,7 +16,7 @@ revised: Nov 22, 2022
 # Learning Goals
-The goal of this activity is to apply a disability justice framework to analyzing a technology or service currently in use in the world. You will need to:
+The goal of this homework is to apply a disability justice framework to analyzing a technology or service currently in use in the world. You will need to:
 0. Read about [plain language writing for accessibility](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2020/10/22/plain-language-writing---an-essential-part-of-accessibility/?sh=4afd8af77935) and [plain language best practices](https://www.plainlanguage.gov/guidelines/)
 1. Read an article on the topic you have selected. You may use one of the articles we have provided (see below) or find one of your own (requires instructor approval)
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ You will need to submit this assignment to an EdStem discussion board before nex
 - at least one paragraph per disability justice issue you selected 
 - a paragraph summarizing your thoughts on what remedy, if any, could improve the justice of this technology or service
-# Grading
+# Competencies
 This homework will contribute to 
 - Your competency grade on understanding how to apply a disability justice framing
diff --git a/assignments/finding-accessibility.md b/assignments/finding-accessibility.md
index c9ecc06c1e9889118adf68b64a98acdf29a8e527..5efc0b01e774de60317d6f31b13f2af9beb9a378 100644
--- a/assignments/finding-accessibility.md
+++ b/assignments/finding-accessibility.md
@@ -3,20 +3,12 @@ layout: assignment
 published: true
 title: AT around us
-code: hw0
-assigned: March 31, 2021
-- <strong>Slides</strong><br>
-  Due 6:30pm, April 7, 2021<br>
-- <strong>Presentation</strong><br>
-  In-class on April 7<br>
-- <strong>Peer evaluation</strong><br>
-  In-class on April 7<br>
-revised: April 3, 2021
+code: hw3
-objective: Find examples of accessibility in the world
+assigned: Jan 17, 2023
+due: Jan 24, 2023, in class
+revised: Nov 23, 2022
@@ -24,69 +16,74 @@ objective: Find examples of accessibility in the world
-# Assignment Description
+# Learning Goals
+This assignment will expose the class to a range of in-use accessibility technologies, and give you experience with seeking out first-person accounts of disability experiences with technology. It will also give you experience with presenting accessibly.
+## 0. Learn about how to present accessibly
+Watch [a video about presenting
+accessible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9TxhGv91kc) by Kyle
+Rector. Review information about [describing images](https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/) and [describing people](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By6nzFefcxs) in images verbally (during a presentation) or in text.
-This assignment requires you to find two examples of accessibility technology and document them (one for computer access and one for access to the world). In each case, you will make a short video demonstrating the technology and create a slide summarizing what you found. 
+Optional reading [Its complicated: Negotiating Accessibility and
+(Mis)Representation in Image Descriptions of Race, Gender and
-## What counts as an accessibility technology
-An accessibility technology is something that is used by a person with a disability to increase accessibility. It can be something that is included in the infrastructure (such as a [curb cut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curb_cut)) or something that is used by an individual (such as [Proloque2Go](https://www.talktometechnologies.com/pages/proloquo2go), a symbol-based communication system). 
+## 1. Select two examples of an accessibility technology or disability hack
-Given the themes of the class, 
-- One of your two technologies should improve access to the world (such as Microsoft's [Seeing AI](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/seeing-ai)); the other should improve access to the computer (such as [sticky keys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_keys)) or a screen reader
-- One of your two technologies should improve access using an infrastructure approach; the other can use an individual approach
+Select two examples of accessibility technology, or disability hack, that you will be presenting about. Roughly speaking, one technology should improve computer access and one should improve access to "the world" at large. Try not to pick the same thing as someone else in the class.
-While some technologies may be expensive or hard to get, many accessibility technologies are easily available and some are even re-purposed everyday items. To meet the requirements for this assignment, you'll also need to make sure that one of your chosen technologies is something you can try yourself (see below). 
+An accessibility technology is something that is used by a person with a disability to increase accessibility. It can be something that is included in the infrastructure (such as a [curb cut](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Curb_cut)) or something that is used by an individual (such as [Proloque2Go](https://www.talktometechnologies.com/pages/proloquo2go), a symbol-based communication system), or something that was not designed for accessibility bit is useful (such as these [5 disability life hacks](https://www.spinalcord.com/blog/5-inexpensive-disability-life-wheelchair-hacks))
-## What do you need to turn in
-This homework will have two components. A take-home component, where you will learn about two ATs used by people with disabilities, and an in-class component where you will share what you learned with the class. To deliver these two components, you will:
+Look for diversity in the technologies you pick. For example, one of your two technologies might improve access to the world (such as Microsoft's [Seeing AI](https://www.microsoft.com/en-us/ai/seeing-ai)); the other could improve access to the computer (such as [sticky keys](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Sticky_keys)) or a screen reader. Or One of your two technologies should improve access using an infrastructure approach; the other can use an individual approach.
-  - make a presentation (please read below for details).
-  - present what you learned to the class for five minutes and engage in a conversation.
+## 2. Find and Generate First Person Experiences
-For this assignment, you need to meet the following requirements for each accessibility technology:
+Find first person accounts *by a person with a disability* that is *not an advertisement* describing each technology and how they use it. For example, here is a [personal perspective on audio crosswalks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPlsYhU1HBU). Alternatively, you should find a blog or review written by a personal with a disability who would benefit from the AT that you are trying to learn about. This may influence your choice of technologies, it is ok to iterate. 
-  - You should find at least one video authored by or featuring a person with a disability showing how they use the technology. For example, here is a [personal perspective on audio crosswalks](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=xPlsYhU1HBU). Alternatively, you should find a blog or review written by a personal with a disability who would benefit from the AT that you are trying to learn about.
-  - You should try at least one of the two technologies you find yourself.
-  - You should create accessible slides and add it to our shared slide deck (posted in the [Class Discussion]({{site.piazza}}) and on [Canvas]({{site.canvas}})) featuring a picture of the accessibility technology, a link to the video you found, and answers to the following questions. They are guides -- you should think about which make the most sense given the technology you have chosen.  Note that you should cite the first-person accounts from people with disabilities (videos, blogs, etc.) that informed your presentation.
+In addition, *try it yourself*. While some technologies may be expensive or hard to get, many accessibility technologies are easily available and some are even re-purposed everyday items. To meet the requirements for this assignment, you'll also need to make sure that at least one of your chosen technologies is something you can try yourself
-What is the AT: Your answer can cover a subset of these
+## 3. Reflect on What you Learned
+What is the AT?
 - What is the technology?
 - What does the AT do?
 - What is the access gap that the AT is attempting to address?
 - Why was it developed?
-How well does it suit users? Again, a subset is fine 
+How well does it suit users? 
+- What is its audience? Think outside the box (e.g. did you know that screen readers are used by BLV people, people with dyslexia, and people with other reading disabilities?)
 - What are its strengths and/or weaknesses?
 - What are the benefits that were not encompassed by the original intent?
 - Do the intended users like it?
 - What do the intended users find frustrating about using it?
-The final points are things to think about, but not necessarily present on. They may help prepare you for questions you might get, or help inspire ideas for your final project for later in the class.
-- If you were to work on a project to address a user-faced frustration or limitation of this AT:
+If you were to work on a project to address a user-faced frustration or limitation of this AT:
 - How would you improve this AT?
 - How can you say that the improvement you make can address the user-level frustration or deficiency of this AT?
 - If you have a chance to interview users of this technology, what would be one question you would ask, that was not answered in your search for information?
+# Turnin
-# Turn-in
-You will create accessible slides with links to the video or blogs you find, pictures of the technology, a description of how to use it, and your thoughts on the questions mentioned above by the due date. You will present these slides for 5 minutes in-class.
-### Grading 
-This homework will be approval graded, meaning that you will fill out a brief rubric about this homework and a classmate and/or instructor will verify it. 
+1. You will create one accessible slides (per AT) in a shared slide deck posted in the [Class Discussion]({{site.piazza}}) and on [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}). Your slide should include 
+- A summary of the AT you researched 
+- Information about its audience 
+- A picture of it
+- A link to the first person account you found
+- Something you learned from the video and/or by trying it about its strengths and weaknesses
-**Five** points will be assigned to the peer grade, consisting of
-- Student described how this technology solves an accessibility problem. 
-- Student described how the technology suits the needs of its intended users.
-- The presentation surfaces a limitation or frustration that the intended users have with the technology chosen.
-- The perspective shared in this presentation is informed by first-person accounts of the technology's users.
+2. You will present at least one of those slides in class. You should be prepared to 
+- Stay on time (3-4 minutes + 1-2 minutes of questions). This will require you to pick and choose what to focus on when you design your slide, and to practice ahead of class.
+- Be accessible (you may want to revisit  [presenting accessible](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=L9TxhGv91kc) by Kyle Rector)
-**Four** points will be assigned to the self assessment, consisting of
-- I learned how this technology solves an accessibility problem.
-- I was able to convey a limitation or frustration that the intended users have with the technology chosen.
-- My presentation is informed by first-person accounts of the technology's users.
-- I provided image descriptions in the presentation
-**One** point will be assigned by the instructors based on completeness
+# Competencies
+This homework will contribute to your competency grade on 
+- Image description
+- Accessible presentation creation 
+- Presentating accessibly to an audience with mixed disabilities
+- Finding first person accounts by and for people with disabilities
+- Familiarity with a range of accessibility technologies (requires being present and engaged with student presentations) 
+- Your participation grade, as a percentage of completeness (are all the required parts present)
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index 95a9aec82e9b838295fa5ee2037df660bce605a8..1d63dedc27a94fcbcede9154e31a80a7dfaba7a2 100644
--- a/assignments/index.md
+++ b/assignments/index.md
@@ -1,6 +1,6 @@
 layout: default
+warning: draft
 * TOC
@@ -8,23 +8,58 @@ layout: default
 You can track your assignments through our [Canvas portal]({{site.canvas}}). Please check submission formats for each assignment. Please contact the course staff when in doubt.
-Reminder, our class discussion happens using the class [mailing list]({{site.piazza}}) should you have any
+Reminder, our class discussion happens using the class [discussion board]({{site.piazza}}) should you have any
 questions or run into issue, please contact the course staff.
-# Assignments 
+# Major Assignments 
+| Link to Assignment                                                                   | Canvas Link |
+| HW1: [Disability Justice]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/disabilityjustice.html)       |             |
+| HW2: [Finding AT around us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/finding-accessibility.html) |             |
+| HW3: [Web/App Access Assessment]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/website.html)          |             |
+| HW4: 2nd Wave Accessibility Writeup                                                  | TBD         |
+| HW5: Final Project                                                                   | TBD         |
+# Competencies 
+Assignment greading will be broken into two parts, as described in the [syllabus]({{site.baseurl}}/index.html). The first part will be completeness, which is 10% of your grade. The second part will be borken into competencies. Some of these are assessed only once, some multiple times. Your We have broken these into categories as described below. 
+Your grade in the class will be based on whether you achieve competency in each of these topics, meaning that by the last time you are assessed, you are above the cutoff for competency. In addition, you must complete at least
+2/3 of the competencies in a category to pass the class. 
+## Disability Awareness and Justice
+| Competency                                             | Asesssed in Which Assignment? |
+| Disability Justice                                     | HW1, Final Project            |
+| Familiarity with a Range of Accessibility Technologies | HW2, HW3                      |
+| Finding First Person Accounts of Disability Technology | HW2, Final Project            |
+## Accessibility Compliance
+| Competency                                            | Asesssed in Which Assignment? |
+| Accessibility Problem Fixes                           | HW3, Final Project            |
+| Accessibility Technology Based Accessibility Checking | HW3, Final Project            |
+| Automated Accessibility Checking                      | HW3, Final Project            |
+| Comfortable Applying Web/App Accessibility Rules      | HW3, Final Project            |
+## Accessible Media
+| Competency                                            | Asesssed in Which Assignment? |
+| Accessible Document Creation                          | HW1, HW3, HW4, Final Project  |
+| Acessible Presentation Creation                       | HW2, Final Project            |
+| Image Description                                     | HW2, HW3, Hw4, Final Project  |
+| Plain Language Writing                                | HW1, HW4                      |
+| Presenting Accessibly                                 | HW2, Final Project            |
+## TBD
+Other things will be assessed as assignments are finalized. 
-| Exercise |  Peer Eval        | Reflection |
-| [Activity 1: Learning goals]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw0-learninggoals.html)               |   |  |  
-| [HW0: AT around us]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.html)               |   |  |  
-| [HW1: Improve a screen reader]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw1-nvda.html)               |   |  | 
-| In Class Activity: Using switch access on your phone                |   |  |
-| [Activity3: Describe pictures and videos]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/act3-describing-video-image.html)               |   |  |
-| [HW2: Speech and Nonspeech Audio Visualization]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/hw2-soundRecognition.html)  |   |  |
-| [Final project: Make the World more accessible]({{site.baseurl}}/assignments/project.html)               |   |  |
-Reminder: assignment and solution code must *not* be shared or made public through gitlab, or posted
-on public repositories such as Github. This is an exception for homework 1 as your code may be checked in to the NVDA repository.
diff --git a/assignments/website.md b/assignments/website.md
index 6096777b98fc5eb70bec7f446b12abb6bd24be43..e745849a125f5f36af8538f941e2827739f1c996 100644
--- a/assignments/website.md
+++ b/assignments/website.md
@@ -2,48 +2,109 @@
 layout: assignment
 published: true
-title: Website Accessibility
-code: as2
+title: Website/App Accessibility Assessment
+code: hw2
-assigned: Date
- - <strong>Due</strong> date
- - <strong>Lock</strong> date
+assigned: Jan 10, 2023
+due: Jan 16, 2023
+revised: November 30, 2022
-revised: date
+* TOC
+{: toc}
-objective: Website Compliance Evaluation Assignment
+# Learning Goals
+The goal of this homework is to learn about basics of website accessibility and how to assess; Learn how to use automated tools (and their limitations); Learn how to address the limitations of automated tools using accessibility tools; Learn how to write up an assessment and prioritize whac problems to fix; Practice identifying paths to fixing problems. You will also have the opportunity to practice UI image description. 
-This is an individual project to make your webpage more accessible. Learning goals include
-Some of the basic rules for web accessibility
-How to use an accessibility checker to assess whether a web page is accessible
-How to fix accessibility problems
-How to work within the constraints of end-user content editing tools and still make something accessible
-This project has two phases.
-Phase one: Assess problems
-In phase one, you will assess problems with the web page you choose.
-Picking a webpage
-You can assess your own website, if you have one. If not, a next best option would be your personal social media site (such as your linked-in page). If you don’t have one, but use social media such as facebook and twitter you can assess your posts on one of those sites. Finally, if none of those are options, just pick any site you think makes sense.
-Running an accessibility checker
-Once you have selected a web page, you should run it through an accessibility checker. The WebAim accessibility checker, WAVE, is a great choice for many sites. However, if the site requires that you log in, you may need an alternative. A great choice is the Chrome plugin Axe.
-What to bring to class from Phase one
-You should not change anything about the website you selected before class. You should bring your accessibility checking results to class and have read them over. We will work together in class on addressing the problems you found.
-Phase two: Fixing problems
-In phase two, you will fix problems on the website you chose. We will talk about how to write alt text, set up proper header structures, simplify language, and what else is possible within the constraints of the technology you are using.
-February 28, 2020
-Make a copy of this google form. Copy each success criterion from the WCAG 2.1 recommendation.
-Do an in depth analysis of a website of your choice that has some complexity such as Transportation services, etc. Evaluate for all three levels.
-You may identify and use tools to help, but in the end you should verify everything it tells you. This is more to let you systematically address the criteria rather than rely on someone else’s interpretation of those criteria.
-Submit via Gradescope.
+## 0. Pick a website and/or app and identify and review the most approprate guidelines for review
+You may pick your website/app from listing belowor ask for instructor approval for one of your own. Note that there is a *task* associated with each website/app (and if you pick your own, you should also have a task in mind). 
+{% details Possible websites/apps %}
+{% enddetails %}
+You will use [W3C guidelines](https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/) for the site or app you are assessing. 
+The most relevant are probably [WCAG
+2.1](https://www.w3.org/WAI/standards-guidelines/wcag/glance/) and
+[How WCAG 2.0 Applies to
+Mobile](https://www.w3.org/TR/mobile-accessibility-mapping/) (even
+websites may be used in mobile settings). If you are working on a
+mobile app, you should also review this PDF (which is numbered page
+9): [Epidemiology as a Framework for Large-Scale Mobile Application
+## 1. Collect Data on the accessibility problems with that website and/or app
+### Run an accessibility checker
+You should run the website and/or app through an accessibility checker. The WebAim accessibility checker, WAVE, is a great choice for many sites. However, if the site requires that you log in, you may need an alternative. A great choice is the Chrome plugin Axe. 
+To install the Accessibility Scanner on android, search for it in the
+Play Store and install it on your device or emulator. The installation
+process will be the same for a physical phone or the emulator equipt
+with the Play Store. Follow the instructions on the [Getting started
+with Google Accessibility
+page to get the scanner working on your device. Another option is to install the Android Accessibility Suite which contains both the Accessibility Scanner and TalkBack if it has not been installed before.
+For iOS, you should install the Accessibility Inspector, which is freely available through the App Store. More details on [testing for accessibility in iOS.](https://developer.apple.com/library/archive/documentation/Accessibility/Conceptual/AccessibilityMacOSX/OSXAXTestingApps.html)
+### Test it yourself
+Use a screen reader and switch input to assess the website and/or app, and your ability to complete the assigned task using accessibility tools. You may also use other accessibility tools if you feel there are things that does not address. 
+### Collect the data
+When you encounter a problem, 
+- Name the problem
+- List one or more guidelines that are violated (or say it is not in the guidelines)
+- Take a screen shot
+- Assign a severity (from 3, ending the interaction to 1, a minor inconvenience)
+- Assign a prevalance (from 3, will occur all the time to 1, is likely to be rare)
+For example, consider this view of the Layout Inspector in Android.
+The selected image in the upper left of the screen does not have
+`contentDescription` property. **Google's Accessibility Scanner** will
+classify this as "Item Label" error (defined in the paper above),
+which will also mean a screen reader cannot read the alternative text
+of the image to people with visual impairments.
+![Screenshot of an image without contentDescription property in layout editor](img/1.png){:width="500px"}
+# Turnin
+You will turn in your raw notes on the problems you found 
+You will also write up 5 page report documenting problems and suggesting solutions. Your report should be accessible (including proper use of headings, ALT text, table markup and so on) and have the following structure:
+- The first page should introduce the site, its purpose, and the task you assessed and state which tools you used in your assessment. 
+- The first page should also have an executive summary of the biggest (most frequent, severe) problems, and your recommendations for fixing them. Keep this brief, you will provide more detail in the following pages.
+- The next section of the report should provide an overview, and detail, on the problems found. 
+	- You should start with an overview table that looks something like this. 
+| WCAG # | # Severe problems | # Moderate problems | Minor problems |
+| ...    | ...               | ...                 | ...            |
+- Next, there should be a subsection for each WCAG # 
+	- summarize the issue
+	- give an example of a typical case
+	- provide details if there are any special cases
+	- list (briefly) all the other places it happens
+- Finally discuss the remedy that is needed
+# Competencies
+This homework will contribute to your competency grade on 
+- Can apply web/app accessibility rules to identify problems, including
+  - 1 whether content is perceivable
+  - 2 whether content is operable 
+  - 3 whether content is understandable
+  - 4 whether content is robust
+  - 5 the meaning of conformance
+- Can use an accessibility checker to assess whether a web page or app is accessible
+- Can use an accessibility technology to find web page or app accessibility problems that are not found with an automated accessibility checker
+- Familiarity with a range of accessibility technologies (especially for testing things that accessibility checkers cannot find)
+- Can articulate paths to addressing accessibility problems
+- Accessible written document creation
+- Image description
+- Your participation grade, as a percentage of completeness (are all the required parts present)
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index 8e9a2a63955279619393506ca803022327a077f1..1ab5eb25246dd0013c2e4823a56f27e09714da48 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -8,7 +8,7 @@ How can computing enable new solutions to accessibility, including both access t
 Access technology (AT) has the potential to increase autonomy, and improve millions of people’s ability to live independently. This potential is currently under-realized because the expertise needed to create the right AT is in short supply and the custom nature of AT makes it difficult to deliver inexpensively. Yet computers’ flexibility and exponentially increasing power have revolutionized and democratized access technologies. In addition, by studying access technology, we can gain valuable insights into the future of all user interface technology.
-In this course we will focus on two primary domains for access technologies: Access to the world (first half of the class) and Access to computers (second half of class). The largest project in the class will be an open ended opportunity to explore access technology in more depth. 
+In this course we will focus on a combination of practical skills such as how to assess accessibility of documents, websites and apps and how to do disability based UX; advanced skills such as how to address accessibility in visualization, AR/VR and AI/ML; and forward looking topics such as intersectional concerns, accessible healthcare, and accessibility in disaster response. The largest project in the class will be an open ended opportunity to explore access technology in more depth. 
 For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table of contents here:
@@ -17,13 +17,15 @@ For quick links to key things, check out the navigation bar above and the table
 # Introductory Video
-<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/4_jFJcUE9EI" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
+<iframe width="560" height="315" src="https://www.youtube.com/embed/1aFiJDHtRiY" title="YouTube video player" frameborder="0" allow="accelerometer; autoplay; clipboard-write; encrypted-media; gyroscope; picture-in-picture" allowfullscreen></iframe>
 # Class Times
 See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links for classes and office hours.
 **Class Time:** Tuesday 5:30-8:20PM (PDT)
+**Class Location:** Gates Center (CSE2) room G10 (map)
 # Mailing Lists
@@ -50,94 +52,35 @@ Yes! Everyone planning a career in interactive technology should understand acce
 This class will teach you
 - How to make interfaces and interactions accessible.
-- How to solve an accessibility problem
+- How to make documents accessible and conduct inclusive presentations and meetings
 - What access technologies already exist. We will find examples, watch people talk about how they use them, and help with or shadow someone using AT (tentative).
-- Ways to convince others that accessibility is important
-- How to build accessible interfaces. You will make your own webpage accessible.
-- Where we came from and where we are going. You will learn about some of the history of access technology, including how they are used, how they are constructed, when and how they were developed/adopted and what might be part of the future of AT.
+- How to make advanced technologies, such as AR/VR, Machine learning systems, and visualizations accessible
+- Opportunities to bring accessibility to applied settings such as healthcare, disaster response, and higher education. 
 Taking a class is a big commitment, and you will work hard in this class. So we want to help you make sure this is the right class for you. Below is some information about prerequisites and expectations.
 # Prereqs and expectations
-The only requirement for this class is that you are comfortable programming and picking up new languages that you have not been exposed to before. You may be expected (with minimal to no specific instruction) to program in Python, Java (Android), work with HTML (and possibly CSS/Javascript).
+The only requirement for this class is that you are comfortable programming and picking up new languages and tools that you have not been exposed to before. You will have some control over this, however, basic web skills are likely to be useful. The primary programming project in this class is one you design yourself. 
 # Course Structure
 Many of the goals in this class center around learning by doing. This
 means that hands on time trying out everything from implementation to
-evaluation is critical to learning. To support this, readings and
-videos will be expected to be viewed/read ahead of class, while class
-time will be used as much as possible for activities, discussion,
-review, and homework.
+evaluation is critical to learning. Active learning has been [shown to
+increase student performance in STEM
+Thus, class time will be used as much as possible for in **class
+exercises and surveys, as well as discussion and review. You will be
+graded on general participation in lecture** for understanding using a
+variety of technologies. We also highly encourage questions in
+lecture. Often many students share the same question and those
+questions can help the instructor gauge student understanding.
-## Zoom
-All schedule sessions for this course are scheduled to run **synchronously at your scheduled class time in person and on Zoom**.
-These class sessions **will be recorded**. The recording will capture the presenter’s audio,
-video and computer screen. The recordings will only be accessible to students
-enrolled in the course to review materials. These recordings will **not be shared with or
-accessible to the public**.
-The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to protect the security and
-privacy of UW Zoom accounts. Students who connect by Zoom but do not wish to be recorded should:
-- Change their Zoom screen name to a school appropriate screen name that hides any personal
-identifying information such as their name or
-UW Net ID
-- Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions  (please notify us first!).
-## Lectures
-Lectures are designed to introduce new material throughout the quarter, motivate key theories and
-concepts, as well as practice.  
-The goals in this class center around learning by doing. This
-means that hands on time trying out everything from implementation to
-evaluation is critical to learning. Active learning  has been [shown to increase student performance
-in STEM subjects](https://www.pnas.org/content/111/23/8410).
-Thus, class time will be used as much as possible for in **class exercises and surveys, as well as discussion and review. You will be graded on general participation in lecture** for understanding using a variety of technologies.
-We also highly encourage questions in lecture. Often many students share the same question and
-those questions can help the instructor gauge student understanding.
-### Lecture Readings
-Preparation outside of class and participation in class are both very important and will improve
-your class experience. The **pre-lecture readings and activities are designed to support your studying
-and learning**, particularly as we discuss both theoretical and practical aspects of interface
-Programming. We will use interactive techniques during class to check for your understanding on these
-materials. Stay on top of the course materials and bring your questions to class!
-### Assessments
-**There will not be quizzes, or a midterm or final exam this quarter**. Instead, your knowledge will
-be assessed via your code and detailed reflections related to those coding projects. In the final
-reflection you will expect you to synthesize all of the course material.
-There will be "practice" quizzes each week that will allow you to check for your own understanding on
-the material in the course. You will be graded up to 2 points for each practice quiz that is completed.
-This work will be part of your participation grade for the course.
-### Remote Lecture Guidelines and Expectations
-Students are expected to adhere to the below expectations for remote lectures. These guidelines are
-intended to help lecture go more smoothly, facilitate questions and group activities, and foster a
-sense of community within the class.
-- You are **not required to have your video turned on during lecture** except during group activities in breakout rooms
-- Please keep your **mic muted unless you’re asking a question**
-- To ask a question, you may use the raise hand feature in zoom, or type “hand”. The instructor or moderator will call on you to unmute yourself and ask your question.
-  - You may also post questions in the chat, but you may be asked to unmute your mic and ask your question aloud.
-- There will be individual and group based activities which you are expected to participate in (please
-  contact the instructor if you not able to participate in the lectures synchronously due to your
-  current living situation).
-- It may be helpful for some students to see the instructor speaking even when the instructor
-  is sharing their screen.
-  - This can be achieved by right clicking the instructor’s video and choosing “pin” video.
-  - Then, under “view options” you can choose the side-by-side option which will enlarge the instructor video
+Preparation outside of class and participation in class are both very
+important and will improve your class experience. Preparation may
+include online discussion, pre-class readings and videos, and post-lecture reflections in addition to homework. Participation in class will include discussion, question asking, and active engagement in learning exercises.
 ## Accessibility
@@ -148,12 +91,6 @@ Please ensure that assignments you hand in are accessible to the best of your ca
   - [A paper on making your talk accessible](https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~ladner/MakingYourTalkAccessible.pdf).
   - Instructions to enable closed captions while presenting using [Google Slides](https://support.google.com/docs/answer/9109474?hl=en) and [Microsoft Powerpoint](https://support.microsoft.com/en-us/office/present-with-real-time-automatic-captions-or-subtitles-in-powerpoint-68d20e49-aec3-456a-939d-34a79e8ddd5f)
-# Workload
-This is a challenging, four credit class, meaning you should expect 8
-hours of homework outside of class a week. We hope to make the workload as predictable as
 # Class Coordination
@@ -182,7 +119,7 @@ School’s Inclusiveness
 Statement](https://www.cs.washington.edu/diversity)). Specific things
 we will do to promote welcoming class environment include:
-- **Accessibility**: If you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability (either mental health
+- **Accessibility**: If you have a temporary health condition or permanent disability (either mental health, learning,
    or physical health related) that impacts your academic experience, please let us know how we can
    accomodate you. You are NOT obligated to disclose any of these issues with the instrutor, only specify
    if there’s any accommodations required.
@@ -193,12 +130,19 @@ we will do to promote welcoming class environment include:
   [Disability Resources for Students (DRS)](http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/)  to make
     sure that the class meets your needs. If you need any adaptations for course materials (large font,
     pacing, image description, closed captioning), just let the instructor know.
-  - You may also want to contact
-    [Disability Resources for Students (DRS)](http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/) at uwdrs@uw.edu if you
-    have not already. DRS offers a wide range of services for students with
-    disabilities, that are individually designed and remove the need to reveal sensitive medical
-    information to the course staff, but it is important to start the process as soon as possible to avoid
-    delays.
+  - If you have not yet established services through [Disability
+    Resources for Students (DRS)](http://depts.washington.edu/uwdrs/),
+    but have a temporary health condition or permanent disability that
+    requires accommodations (conditions include but not limited to;
+    mental health, attention-related, learning, vision, hearing,
+    physical or health impacts), contact DRS directly at uwdrs@uw.edu
+    to set up an Access Plan. DRS facilitates the interactive process
+    that establishes reasonable accommodations. DRS offers a wide
+    range of services for students with disabilities, mental health
+    concerns, and chronic illness, that are individually designed and
+    remove the need to reveal sensitive medical information to the
+    course staff, but it is important to start the process as soon as
+    possible to avoid delays.
 - **Wellness**: It is very important to us that you take care of your mental health throughout the course.
   Everyone on the course staff is available to chat, and you can always attend office hours for a
   non-academic conversation if necessary. Beyond the course staff, the University of Washington provides
@@ -230,37 +174,76 @@ we will do to promote welcoming class environment include:
 - **Working Together**: We will encourage students in this class working together, as long as you only turn
   in code that you implemented.
+# Participation 
+This is an in person class. As much as possible, we ask that you
+  attend in person. That said, we know that many individual concerns
+  may make this a barrier. We will do our best to support remote
+  participation when there is a need for this due to a family
+  obligation, disability, or other concern. If you participate
+  remotely, you may be expected to engage in additional work before,
+  after, or during lecture to ensure that you have the most similar
+  experience possible to students who are in person. Please contact
+  the instructor if you not able to participate in the lectures
+  synchronously due to your current living situation). For those
+  cases, class sessions **will be recorded** when possible (guest
+  lecturers may refuse this). Recordings will only be accessible to
+  students enrolled in the course to review materials. 
+The University and Zoom have FERPA-compliant agreements in place to
+protect the security and privacy of UW Zoom accounts. Students who
+connect by Zoom but do not wish to be recorded should:
+- Change their Zoom screen name to a school appropriate screen name
+that hides any personal identifying information such as their name or
+UW Net ID
+- Not share their computer audio or video during their Zoom sessions  (please notify us first!).
 # Grading
-While grading is a necessary part of what we do at UW, I want to focus this class on learning. The following policies are meant to encourage that.
+While grading is a necessary part of what we do at UW, I want to focus
+this class on learning. The following policies are meant to encourage
+that. **There will not be quizzes, or a midterm or final exam this
+quarter**. Instead, your knowledge will be assessed via a combination
+of peer feedback, course staff feedback, and your own reflections. In
+addition, course staff will be looking for and marking down when you
+achieve competency with basic requirements such as presenting
+accessibly and turning in accessible documents.
 ## Grading Approach
-We’ll be using approval grading in this class. That means that I will provide a rubric for each assignment, plus a rubric for learning goals for the entire quarter. You’ll fill both out. If you do the things they say, you get the grade.
+We’ll be using approval grading for most elements of this class. That
+means that I will provide a rubric for each assignment, plus a rubric
+for learning goals for the entire quarter. You’ll fill both out. If
+you do the things they say, you get the grade.
-Rubrics verification will be lightweight verification in class by random classmate, with occasional verification by myself and the TA.
+Rubrics verification will be lightweight verification in class by
+random classmate, and in some cases by myself and the TA (i.e. for
+major components of the larger project)
-One of the rubrics items for the class will have to do with time management. Turning in homework late will impact your score on that rubric. Part of time management is knowing when something should give. Thus, the time management rubric will include up to 4 penalty-free late days.
+One of the rubrics items for the class will have to do with time
+management. Turning in homework late will impact your score on that
+rubric. Part of time management is knowing when something should give.
+Thus, the time management rubric will include up to 4 penalty-free
+late days.
 ## Grading Breakdown (tentative)
 Grades will be assigned approximately as follows:
-- 10%: Facility in overall learning goals
-- 30%: Smaller assignments
-- 50%: Large project
-- 10%: Effort, participation and altruism
+{.lecture} 80%: Competency in key skills. 
-## EPA (Effort, participation and altruism)
+The competencies needed for this course are listed on the [assignments page](assignments/index.html), and can all be found in canvas as well. 
+{.lecture} 10%: Assignment Completion
+Assignment completion is 10% of your grade. This is listed as the "participation" competency for each assignment in canvas. The weight of each assignment is simply the number of weeks long it is, so a longer assignment would contribute more to your assignment completion grade than a shorter one.
-You can earn "points" for each of the following:
+{.lecture} 10%: Effort
+Your effort grade will reflect your participation in the class across multiple dimensions. Some of these we will track, others you will track. We will consider
+- Whether you participated in discussions in class (self reported)
+- Whether you participated in exercises in class (based on submission of reflections)
+- Whether you participated in discussions outside of class (based on your submissions)
-- **Effort:** Attending office hours, lectures, and sections. Keeping up with the discussion board.
-  Demonstrating a good effort on practice quizzes.
-- **Participation:** Asking questions in lecture and on the discussion board, voting on peer instruction
-  questions, interacting with TAs and other students.
-- **Altruism:** Helping others in lecture, during office hours, and on the discussion board.
+- Your grade will be calculated as a percentage of the maximum effort, which is defined as 90% of all possible effort points. For example, if you fully complete all homework assignments missed 2 classes out of 10, and participated in 80% of online discussion, we would calculate this as (100%+80%+80%)/3=86.6 points out of 90 = 96%. 
-EPA scores are kept internal to the staff (i.e. not disclosed to students).
+Extra credit on this can also be earned by engaging in other ways, such as helping another student or suggesting improvements to an assignment or class materials (self reported)
 ## Regrade Policy
@@ -271,29 +254,13 @@ discuss the assignment and your grade in detail**.
 It is also possible for the graders to make mistakes. If that happens we certainly would like to
 correct the error. Please note the following:
+- Because this class is competency based, you don't necessarily need a regrade, you just need to show that you have learned thi competency in this OR a future assignment. Most competencies show up in more than one place
+- When you request a regrade, we may look at the entire assessment, homework or reflection. Therefore,
+it is possible for to lose a competency as well as gain one in this process.
-When you request a regrade, we may look at the entire assessment, homework or reflection. Therefore,
-it is possible for your grade to go either up or down through this process.
-- Coding Assignments: Regrade requests for homework assignments must be
-**submitted within one week of when the grade was returned to you**. You must do two things in
-order to request a regrade of a homework (failure to do these two things may result in the
-  regrade not happening):
-  - Reply to the code review comment that is prompting your request of the regrade. You can find
-  your code review comments in your GitLab repository for that assignment.
-  - Send a private message on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}) to the instructors that you are requesting a
-  regrade.
-  - Include a link to the repository in your message and a written summary describing
-  why your work should be reexamined.
-- Written Assignments: We will use Gradescope to written assignments exams and manage regrade requests.
-  - Via Gradescope, you should submit any requests separately for each problem with an
-explanation of why you want this problem regraded.
-  - The time limit for such regrade requests will be detailed in the email you receive from Gradescope.
+# Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
+The University of Washington acknowledges the Coast Salish peoples of this land, the land which touches the shared waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations. 
-# Indigenous Land Acknowledgement
- The University of Washington acknowledges that we are on sacred land of the first peoples of Seattle, the Coast Salish people, past and present. We honor, with gratitude, the land which touches the shared
- waters of all tribes and bands within the Suquamish, Tulalip and Muckleshoot nations.
diff --git a/schedule.md b/schedule.md
index e7a2654b0f5d30d18c68d9e979e894ec22244637..5e1299915bfba7759b29d0c899dfd810475b13fd 100644
--- a/schedule.md
+++ b/schedule.md
@@ -1,117 +1,236 @@
 layout: default
+warning: draft
 * TOC
+{: .holiday} # Module 1: Accessibility Basics
 {: .week}
-# Week 1 (3/29): Introduction
+# Week 1 (1/3): Introduction to Accessibility
+**Learning Goals** Overview of accessibility and its relationship to computation; Introduction to Disability studies; History of disability rights; Importance of first person knowledge
-{: .lecture} Introduction to Accessibility Technology
-: **Learning Goals** Overview of accessibility and its relationship to computation; Introduction to Disability studies; History of disability rights
+{% details Class Plan %} 
+{% details 5:30-6:20 Introduction to Accessibility & Disability   %}
-**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="wk01/intro.html" %}
 **Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Accessibility" loc="wk01/accessibility.html" %}
+{% enddetails %}
-**Take-home Exercise**
-You will need to submit the [learning goals homework](assignments/hw0-learninggoals.html) and a [canvas discussion on understanding experiences of people with disabilities](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/discussion_topics/6249052) by next class.
+{: .break}  6:20-6:40 
+: Break / Food 
-{: .lecture} Guest lecture
-: Lecture by Kurt Johnson, Professor, Department of Rehabilitation Medicine on Disability Policy and Law
-: **Slides** [Linked handout on canvas](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/files/folder/guest%20lecture%20content?preview=75691863)
-: **Reading**: Please pick two readings from this [Walking While Blind in Manhattan During the Pandemic](https://www.nextavenue.org/walking-while-blind-in-manhattan-during-the-pandemic/); [Q&A with Jamison Hill](https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/2021/01/24/qa-with-jamison-hill/); [The AmazonBasics Microwave With Alexa Shows How Gimmicks Are Gold](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenaquino/2021/01/14/the-amazonbasics-microwave-with-alexa-shows-how-gimmicks-are-gold/?sh=7abb74d95ce4); [How blind people use iPhones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjb-EbBvikw); [Talking intersections with race, disability, and police violence](http://meloukhia.net/2016/06/talking_intersections_with_race_disability_and_police_violence/); [Deaf people face unique challenges as pandemic drags on](https://www.theverge.com/22254591/deaf-communication-tech-access-coronavirus-isolation); and respond to the thread on the [Canvas discussion](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/discussion_topics/6249052) 
+{% details 6:40-7:50 In-class Activities %}
-**Prep for [Activity 1](assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.html)**
+{: .activity} 6:40-7:00 Skill Goal: Learn how accommodations can make a meeting more inclusive
+: **In class Exercise** Put your accommodation needs into PollEverywhere; discuss what comes up and what else might be relevant 
-{: .week}
-# Week 2 (4/5): Screen readers
-**Readings and other Preparation** This is a first introduction to disability and an important starting place through providing a disability studies perspective up front in the class. 
-: **Reading**
-- Optional: [Disability Studies as a source of critical inquiry...](https://make4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MankoffAssets2010.pdf)
-- Optional: [Semantics to screen readers](https://alistapart.com/article/semantics-to-screen-readers/)
-- Optional: [Rethinking web accessibility on Windows](https://www.marcozehe.de/rethinking-web-accessibility-on-windows/)
+{: .activity} 7:00-7:10 Small group discussion
+: How would you implement this in a meeting you run?
-{: .lecture} Introduction to screen readers and begin forming teams for homework 1.
+{: .activity} 7:10-7:50 Skill Goal: Analyze a topic from a disability justice perspective
+: **In class Exercise** Introduction to topic; Group discussion of masking from a disability justice perpective 
+{% enddetails %}
-: **Learning Goals** Understand a disability-centered perspective and its impact on designing accessibility technologies, get introduced to screen readers.
-: **Slides** [Linked slides on canvas](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/files/folder/screen%20reader%20slides?preview=75865945)
+{: .break} 7:50-8:00
+: Break 
-{: .lecture} Activity 1 presentations
-: **Learning Goals** Understand how people with disabilities currently use accessibility technologies; Exposure to a variety of AT
+{% details  8:00-8:20 Overview of course %}
+**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Introduction to Course" loc="wk01/intro.html" %}
+Introduction to course syllabus & assignments
+{% enddetails %}
-{: .week}
-# Week 3 (4/12): Screen Readers/Bandwidth and Access
-**Readings and other Preparation**
-- [Living Disability Theory: Reflections on Research, Access and Design](https://make4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/hoffmann-living-disability-theory.pdf)
-- [Access Lab - the Switch](https://axesslab.com/switches/)
-- [Improving User Experience of Eye Tracking-Based Interfaces](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3338844)
-- Optional viewing: [Switch Control overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQKEE9nI1lk)
-- Optional viewing: [One thumb to rule them all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BhHwk9qSvI)
+{% enddetails %}
-{: .lecture} Introduction to Switch Access
-: **Learning Goals** Introduction to switch controls and building interfaces for use by people with limited mobility
+{: .homework} [Disability Justice Homework](assignments/disabilityjustice.html) Assigned: Pick an access topic and analyze it from a disability justice perspective. 
-**Slides TBD**
+{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
-**Activity2 and HW1 work time.**
+{: .homework} Readings for next week
-{: .lecture} Guest lecture 
-: Lecture by Brett Humphrey, Microsoft on screen readers
-: **Learning Goals** Practical stories on screen reader implementation and use
+- Read [What is audio description?](https://adp.acb.org/articles/adprocess.html) from [The Audio Description Project](https://www.acb.org/adp/ad.html)
+- Watch its complicated: [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By6nzFefcxs)
+- read about [image alt text](https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/)
+- **come to next class prepared** with an image you want to describe
+- [Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions](https://amypavel.com/papers/rescribe.pdf) ([talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmyPmT5T0PY)) 
 {: .week}
-# Week 4 (4/19): Accessible Media 
-We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
-  - Intro to alt-text and audio description.
-  - Describe a video (in class) and an image (in class)
+# Week 2 (1/10): Assessing Accessibility
+**Learning Goals** Assessing the accessibility of documents, websites and apps; Understand how people with disabilities currently use accessibility technologies to access digital content; Learn how to make media accessible (images; GUIs; videos)
+{% details Class Plan %} 
+{% details 5:30-6:00 Introduction to Assessing Accessibility   %}
+**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Assessing Accessibility" loc="accessibility-assessment.html" %}
+- Who will face the accessibility issues/concerns when navigating the website
+- What are the current accessibility standards & what standards are missing
+- Homework Description
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details 6:00-6:20 Practice using Automated Assessment %}
+- WebAIM [Wave](https://wave.webaim.org/)
+- Apply it to **[TBD]**
+{% enddetails %}
+{: .break}  6:20-6:40 
+: Break / Food 
+{% details 6:40-7:00 Revisit same Site using Accessibility Technologies %}
+Break into small groups. Each pick one of the following and try out the website
+- Screen reader
+- Switch input
+- Magnification
+Small group discussion: 
+- Where did each approach (automated/trying things) fall short?
+- Power & downsides of "simulation" 
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details 7:00-7:30 Fixing Accessibility Issues %}
+**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Making Media Accessible" loc="alt-text/media.html" %}
+- How to write good alt text, and how frequently it is missing
+- Differences between Image description, Diagram description and UI description
+- Video description & Captioning
+- Math, Tables & other elements (including custom interactors)
+- Navigation and its impact on Accessibility; how to set up proper header structures.
+{% enddetails %}
+{% details 7:30-7:40 Image and Video Description %}
+One aspect of web accessibility is image description. We will practice that in class today.
+- Break into small groups
+- Work on a description of your image
+- Dicsuss with your neigbors
+{% enddetails %}
+{: .break} 7:40-7:50
+: Break 
+{% details 7:50-8:20 %}
+Another aspect of accessibility is video description. We will practice that in class today as well.
+- Break into small groups
+- Pick a video from [youdescribe.org](https://youdescribe.org/) and work on a description as a group
+{% enddetails %}
+{% enddetails %}
+{: .homework} [Website/app accessibility](assignments/website.html) Assigned: Assess and write a report 
+{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
+{: .homework} Readings for next week 
+- [Anticipate and Adjust](https://dl.acm.org/doi/abs/10.1145/3491102.3501882)
+- [Disability Dongles](https://blog.castac.org/2022/04/disability-dongle/) by Liz Jackson
+- [Alexa & Accessibility](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3173574.3174033?casa_token=T1I2RwihIjsAAAAA:QEm3SjurdlcW7oX_1LadxaglZ7oneBX-XLIjMCHbof3gu_IFpDW2OO5tqxZfLIps-94Qik9y5wNw8Q)
+- [How To Do Something Good In The Disability Community If You’re Not Disabled](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2020/12/16/how-to-do-something-good-in-the-disability-community-if-youre-not-disabled/?sh=4befcb377d7f)
-**Monday Slides** {% include slide.html title="Captioning" loc="alt-text/media.html" %}
+{: .week}
+# Week 3 (1/17): Accessible Needfinding and Evaluation
+**Learning Goals** How to assess whether a technology is accessible; and whether an accessibility technology is useful and usable, in an inclusive fashion.
+{% details Class Plan %} 
-- [Rescribe: Authoring and Automatically Editing Audio Descriptions](https://amypavel.com/papers/rescribe.pdf) ([talk](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=jmyPmT5T0PY)) 
-- [Alt text intro](https://webaim.org/techniques/alttext/) (and find an image with alt text on the web) Was it hard to find? Where did you have to go?
-- Optional: [What is audio description?](https://www.acb.org/adp/ad.html)
+{% details 5:30-6:00 Introduction to Accessible Evaluation %}
+**Slides** {% include slide.html title="Assessing Accessibility" loc="accessibility-evaluation.html" %}
+- How do you make sure your product is accessible to people with disabilities
+1. Data Equity and implicit bias
+2. Beyond automated assessment: Accessible Summative Studies
+3. Importance of Intersectionality
+{% enddetails %}
-{: .lecture} Discussion & in-class activity.
-: **Learning Goals**
-- Understanding how to write good alt text
-- Differences between image description and UI description
-- Understanding video description
-- Awareness of where and why alt text is missing on the web
+{% details 6:00-6:20 Practice Study Design: Amazon Alexa %}
+1. Write down a list of accessibility assessment goals (metrics) 
+2. Write down a sampling goal (who is included)
+3. Discuss
+{% enddetails %}
-{: .lecture} Homework 1 final presentations.
-: **Slides** to be uploaded by students on canvas
+{: .break}  6:20-6:40 
+: Break / Food 
+{% details 6:40-7:00 Designing *for* and *with* people with disabilities %}
+Discussion of Disability Dongle Paper
+- What are potential data sources for assessing value
+- Collaboration Versus Paternalism
+- Overly narrow views of disability: Multiple disabled people & multiply disabled people
+{% enddetails %}
-<!-- {: .holiday} Everything after this is draft
-: **Status below** TBD -->
+{% details 7:00-7:15 First Person Accounts %}
+- Discussion of [Finding Accessibility](assignments/finding-accessibility.html)
+- Work on Assignment 
+{% enddetails %}
-{: .week}
-# Week 5 (4/26): More alt text, captions and sound recognition 
-- Paper: [Its complicated: Negotiating Accessibility and (Mis)Representation in Image Descriptions of Race, Gender and Disability](https://guoanhong.com/papers/CHI21-ImageDescriptions.pdf)
-- Video: [SoundWatch: Smartwatch-based Deep Learning for Sound Awareness](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1UK_Gb1yeUs)
+{: .break} 7:40-7:50
+: Break 
+{% details 7:50-8:20 Presentations %}
+Presentations: Accessibility Assessment Assignment
+{% enddetails %}
+{% enddetails %}
+{: .homework} [Finding Accessibility](assignments/finding-accessibility.html) Assigned: Summarize a first person account of an access technology
+{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
+{: .homework} Readings for next week 
-**Optional Readings**
-- Its complicated: [Video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=By6nzFefcxs)
-- SoundWatch: [Paper](https://homes.cs.washington.edu/~djain/img/portfolio/Jain_SoundWatch_ASSETS2020.pdf)
 - [Vital coronavirus is failing the blind and visually impaired](https://www.vice.com/en/article/4ag9wb/vital-coronavirus-information-is-failing-the-blind-and-visually-impaired)
+- maybe biometrics paper?
-{: .lecture} Tutorial on machine learning, intro to homework 2, and work time.
-: **Slides** coming soon
+{: .holiday} # Module 2: Second Wave Accessibility
+{: .holiday} # DRAFT ALERT: Everything below here is not well defined yet
+{: .week}
+# Week 4 (1/24): Accessible Data, Visualization & ML
+**Learning Goals** TBD
+{% details Class Plan: STILL TBD %} 
+{% details 7:50-8:20 Presentations %}
+Presentations: Finding Accessibility Assignment
+{% enddetails %}
+{% enddetails %}
+{: .homework} Post-class Reflection [Canvas]
+{: .homework} Readings for next week 
+{: .week}
+# Week 5 (1/31): More alt text, captions and sound recognition 
-{: .lecture} Guest Lecture
-: Lecture by [Cynthia Bennett](https://www.bennettc.com/)
 {: .week}
-# Week 6 (5/3): Activism, advocacy and power 
+# Week 6 (2/7): Activism, advocacy and power 
-- [How To Do Something Good In The Disability Community If You’re Not Disabled](https://www.forbes.com/sites/andrewpulrang/2020/12/16/how-to-do-something-good-in-the-disability-community-if-youre-not-disabled/?sh=4befcb377d7f)
 {: .lecture} Homework 2 check-in
 : Lecture **We will have office hours with each team with a progress update on their HW2**.
@@ -120,7 +239,7 @@ We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
 : **Slides** coming soon
 {: .week}
-# Week 7 (5/10): Corporate accessibility
+# Week 7 (2/14): Corporate accessibility
 {: .lecture} Final presentations for homework 2.
 : **Process** Refer to the presentation component of homework 2 spec, coming soon..
@@ -131,7 +250,7 @@ We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
 {: .week}
-# Week 8 (5/17): Accessibility's overlooked spaces
+# Week 8 (2/21): Accessibility's overlooked spaces
 {: .lecture} Final project check-in
 : **Process** Please be prepared to present your project idea for five minutes. The class will discuss and provide feedback on this.
@@ -140,7 +259,7 @@ We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
 : **Slides** coming soon
 {: .week}
-# Week 9 (5/24): Accessibility checking!
+# Week 9 (2/28): Accessibility checking!
 {: .lecture} Accessibility testing
 : **Readings** (optional)
@@ -157,7 +276,7 @@ We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
 {: .week}
-# Week 10 (5/31): Final project Check-in
+# Week 10 (3/7): Final project Check-in
 {: .holiday} No Class -- Memorial Day
 : **Project** Email Check-in
@@ -166,8 +285,47 @@ We will learn about best practices to make certain types of media accessible.
 : Will be held during regular lecture timing. 
 {: .week}
-# Finals week: Final presentations.
+# Finals week: Final presentations betwen 3/11 and 3/17 (still TBD)
 {: .lecture} Final project presentations
-: Logistics **6:30 pm to 9 pm on June 9th**. Zoom link can be found on Canvas.
+# Week 2 (1/10): Screen readers
+: **Reading**: Please pick two readings from this [Walking While Blind in Manhattan During the Pandemic](https://www.nextavenue.org/walking-while-blind-in-manhattan-during-the-pandemic/); [Q&A with Jamison Hill](https://disabilityvisibilityproject.com/2021/01/24/qa-with-jamison-hill/); [The AmazonBasics Microwave With Alexa Shows How Gimmicks Are Gold](https://www.forbes.com/sites/stevenaquino/2021/01/14/the-amazonbasics-microwave-with-alexa-shows-how-gimmicks-are-gold/?sh=7abb74d95ce4); [How blind people use iPhones](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=pjb-EbBvikw); [Talking intersections with race, disability, and police violence](http://meloukhia.net/2016/06/talking_intersections_with_race_disability_and_police_violence/); [Deaf people face unique challenges as pandemic drags on](https://www.theverge.com/22254591/deaf-communication-tech-access-coronavirus-isolation); and respond to the thread on the [Canvas discussion](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/discussion_topics/6249052) 
+**Readings and other Preparation** This is a first introduction to disability and an important starting place through providing a disability studies perspective up front in the class. 
+: **Reading**
+- Optional: [Disability Studies as a source of critical inquiry...](https://make4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/MankoffAssets2010.pdf)
+- Optional: [Semantics to screen readers](https://alistapart.com/article/semantics-to-screen-readers/)
+- Optional: [Rethinking web accessibility on Windows](https://www.marcozehe.de/rethinking-web-accessibility-on-windows/)
+{: .lecture} Introduction to screen readers and begin forming teams for homework 1.
+: **Learning Goals** Understand a disability-centered perspective and its impact on designing accessibility technologies, get introduced to screen readers.
+: **Slides** [Linked slides on canvas](https://canvas.uw.edu/courses/1465814/files/folder/screen%20reader%20slides?preview=75865945)
+{: .lecture} Activity 1 presentations
+: **Learning Goals** Understand how people with disabilities currently use accessibility technologies; Exposure to a variety of AT
+**Prep for [Activity 1](assignments/act1-finding-accessibility.html)**
+{: .week}
+# Week 3 (1/17): Screen Readers/Bandwidth and Access
+**Readings and other Preparation**
+- [Living Disability Theory: Reflections on Research, Access and Design](https://make4all.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/09/hoffmann-living-disability-theory.pdf)
+- [Access Lab - the Switch](https://axesslab.com/switches/)
+- [Improving User Experience of Eye Tracking-Based Interfaces](https://dl.acm.org/doi/pdf/10.1145/3338844)
+- Optional viewing: [Switch Control overview](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GQKEE9nI1lk)
+- Optional viewing: [One thumb to rule them all](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2BhHwk9qSvI)
+{: .lecture} Introduction to Switch Access
+: **Learning Goals** Introduction to switch controls and building interfaces for use by people with limited mobility
+**Slides TBD**
+**Activity2 and HW1 work time.**
+{: .lecture} Guest lecture 
+: Lecture by Brett Humphrey, Microsoft on screen readers
+: **Learning Goals** Practical stories on screen reader implementation and use