diff --git a/index.md b/index.md
index 64a11332008d19aeba0d185b323148cc55a8b521..4607d1e3458b67ada5576fae68ad31e9d3ed5af7 100755
--- a/index.md
+++ b/index.md
@@ -106,10 +106,9 @@ Students are expected to adhere to the below expectations for remote lectures. T
 intended to help lecture go more smoothly, facilitate questions and group activities, and foster a
 sense of community within the class.
-- You are **not required to have your video turned on during lecture** except during group activities in breakout rooms
+- You are **not required to have your video turned on during lecture** except during group activities in breakout rooms. However if you won't, please email the instructors to let us know. 
 - Please keep your **mic muted unless you’re asking a question**
-- To ask a question, please type “hand” in the chat in Zoom. The instructor or moderator will call on
-you and then you can unmute your mic and ask your question
+- To ask a question, either just jump in or  type “hand” in the chat in Zoom. 
 - You may also post questions in the chat, but you may be asked to unmute your mic and ask your question aloud
 - There will be individual and group based activities which you are expected to participate in (please
   contact the instructor if you not able to participate in the lectures synchronously due to your