From 48eec3c10ec8d7e0a18f621d5130ae7acc263460 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jen Mankoff <>
Date: Sun, 17 Sep 2023 21:45:19 -0700
Subject: [PATCH] minor changes to schedule

---    | 27 +++++++++++++++++++-------- |  1 -
 2 files changed, 19 insertions(+), 9 deletions(-)

diff --git a/ b/
index b7d30765..e255b8d3 100755
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -69,23 +69,34 @@ in learning exercises.
 See [Canvas]({{site.canvas}}) for all zoom meeting links for classes and office hours.
 - **Class Time:** Monday/Wednesday/Friday 3:30-4:20PM (PDT)
-- **Class Location:** TBD
-- **Section Time:** TBD
+- **Class Location:** 	[ECE 037](
+- **Section Time:** 
+    - 2:30-3:20 [GUG 218](
+	- 3:30-4:20 Room TBD
 {% enddetails %}
 {% details How do I reach the Instructors? %}
-![Jen Mankoff](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"} | [Jennifer Mankoff]({{}}) (she/her) <br>  Office Hours: TBD
+| ![Jen Mankoff](assets/img/staff/mankoff.jpg){:width="80px"}             | [Jennifer Mankoff]({{}}) (she/her)          | Instructor      |
+| ![Venkatesh Potluri](assets/img/staff/potluri.JPG){:class="ta-picture"} | [Venkatesh Potluri]( (he/him) | TA (XX Section) |
+|                                                                         | Jesse Martinez                                             | TA (XX Section) |
-## TA
+**Office Hours**
-![Venkatesh Potluri](assets/img/staff/potluri.JPG){:class="ta-picture"} | [Venkatesh Potluri]( (he/him)<br/> Office hours: TBD
+| Day            | Time       | Who         | Where                                           |
+| Tuesdays       | 3-4pm      | Jen Mankoff | [Canvas]({{site.canvas}})                       |
+| Wednesdays     | 11:30-12pm | Jen Mankoff | 211 Gates                                       |
+|                |            |             |                                                 |
+| Asynchronous   |            | Any         | Post to [discussion board]({{site.discussion}})* |
+| By Appointment |            | Any         | Post to  [discussion board]({{site.discussion}}) |
-(More information on [Pronouns](
-If none of those times work for you, you can also request an
-appointment, or discuss matters with us privately on the [discussion
+*You can discuss matters with us privately on the [discussion
 board]({{site.discussion}}). This notifies the whole course staff at
 once and is usually faster than email.
diff --git a/ b/
index 2350faf1..57295e2f 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -2,7 +2,6 @@
 layout: default
 title: Schedule
 description: Class schedule and links to lectures, readings and assignments
-warning: draft
 * TOC