From 443157bed97ebb13249b6ee9db8480870ca25374 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001
From: Jen Mankoff <>
Date: Tue, 7 Mar 2023 12:33:21 -0800
Subject: [PATCH] Updated the font sizes and then adjusted all slide decks to

 assets/css/my-remark.scss            |   9 +-                          |   2 +-
 slides/3dprinting.html               | 179 +++++++++++----------------
 slides/accessible-data-viz.html      |  23 ++--
 slides/arvr.html                     |   9 +-
 slides/assessment.html               |  55 ++++----
 slides/best-practices.html           |   6 +-
 slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html |  94 +++++++-------
 slides/designing.html                |  14 +--
 slides/evaluation.html               |  12 +-
 slides/syllabus.html                 |  91 +++++++-------
 11 files changed, 222 insertions(+), 272 deletions(-)

diff --git a/assets/css/my-remark.scss b/assets/css/my-remark.scss
index 853a402..ed606f4 100644
--- a/assets/css/my-remark.scss
+++ b/assets/css/my-remark.scss
@@ -4,13 +4,13 @@
 $fa-font-path: "../fonts/font-awesome/";
 @import 'fontawesome.all.min.css';
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-$body-font: 28pt;
-$list-font: 24pt;
+$body-font: 24pt;
+$list-font: 22pt;
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 $h2-font: 1.5em;
-$footnote-font: 12pt;
+$footnote-font: 18pt;
 $blue: #0066ff;
 $lightblue: #39d;
 $lightgreen: #2c7;
@@ -199,6 +199,7 @@ blockquote p {
     border-left:1em solid #eee;
     margin: .5em 0 .5em;
     padding: 0 1em 0 .5em;
+    font-size: $mediumsmall-font;
@@ -218,7 +219,7 @@ blockquote p {
 .quote :first-child{display:inline;}
 .quote :last-child{margin-bottom:0;}
 .quote p {
-  display: inline;
+    display: inline;
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index 7efc118..331409c 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -435,7 +435,7 @@ I'm also thinking about having them use fusion360 or something else to make some
 # Week 9 (2/28): Accessibility in Games and Chronic Illness
-{% details Class Plan: %} 
+{% details Class Plan %} 
 {: .topic } 5:30-6:20 Accessibility in Games and Interactive Media
 : guest lecturer: Jesse Martinez
diff --git a/slides/3dprinting.html b/slides/3dprinting.html
index 9bbbf9a..7ed114a 100644
--- a/slides/3dprinting.html
+++ b/slides/3dprinting.html
@@ -117,24 +117,18 @@ dating back to the 1890s, it's the work of a German seamstress who had been cons
 # What is craft?
-1000s of years old
-Highly skilled
-Only labeled “arts and crafts” after the industrial revolution
-Often centered in women’s “busy” work
-Sometimes entrepreneurial 
-Exceptional at addressing unique and individual needs
+- 1000s of years old
+- Highly skilled
+- Only labeled “arts and crafts” after the industrial revolution
+- Often centered in women’s “busy” work
+- Sometimes entrepreneurial 
+- Exceptional at addressing unique and individual needs
 ![:img Three textbooks (Adapt my world by J. Rose Laxen; Illustrated guide to Assistive Technology & Devices by Suzanne Robitaille; and Assisteve Technology Solutions in Minutes Book II by Therese Willkomm) and A screenshot of the thingiverse website showing 3D printed accessibility technologies collected by user @glitchpudding last updated on July 22 i 2016, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/books-at.png)
 # Modern crafting technology
 - New ways to ideate and create
  - Faster, easier, sometimes better
@@ -173,13 +167,10 @@ We collected data from six forums to extend our sample size and complement our i
 # Making Patterns Accessible 
-Pattern accessibility was a frequent problem for disabled knitters
-Forum posters mentioned over 40 different pattern formatting guidelines to make patterns more accessible
-Not just about nonvisual access
-For example P14-MC, who wrote out patterns in detail, said: 
+- Pattern accessibility was a frequent problem for disabled knitters
+- Forum posters mentioned over 40 different pattern formatting guidelines to make patterns more accessible
+- Not just about nonvisual access
+- For example P14-MC, who wrote out patterns in detail, said: 
 .quote[...if it says you need to go and knit 16 rows, I’ll write out [all of them] and then I’ll mark them off as I go. (P14-MC)] 
@@ -188,9 +179,8 @@ For example P14-MC, who wrote out patterns in detail, said:
 # Making Craft Accessible
-Four participants (P1-MVC, P2-V, P5-M, P11-V) reported difficulty with small gauged looms
-Both circular knitting needle and loom knitters experienced difficulty executing a purl stitch
+- Four participants (P1-MVC, P2-V, P5-M, P11-V) reported difficulty with small gauged looms
+- Both circular knitting needle and loom knitters experienced difficulty executing a purl stitch
 .quote[...when I purl …[I] have to push my thumb down like that to get
 tension… And so there’s a lot more pinching for me… and that
@@ -206,13 +196,12 @@ definitely causes discomfort the fastest. (P3-M)]
-The results of knitting solved accessibility problems for some knitters
-Tops for wheelchair users with a shorter back and longer front
+- The results of knitting solved accessibility problems for some knitters
+- Tops for wheelchair users with a shorter back and longer front
 .quote[if your sweater is too long in the back at all and it goes underneath you, it makes it hard to transfer. (P14-M)] 
-Patterns for toy robots with disabilities to increase the inclusion and representation of disability in the knitting community (P10-M)
+- Patterns for toy robots with disabilities to increase the inclusion and representation of disability in the knitting community (P10-M)
@@ -230,25 +219,22 @@ Bias included assumptions about ability and even concerns about image, such as o
 Crafters with Disabilities
-Domain Experts
+Domain Experts (1/2)
 - Medical makers
 - People with disabilities
 - ...
-# Domain Experts
+# Domain Experts (2/2)
-**A lot of research is needed here**
-Full power of software engineering
-Equivalent of end user programming
-Production and personalization of interactive systems
-- Modularity 
-- Requirements Specification
-- Hybrid Control over AI based systems (e.g. optimization)
+- **A lot of research is needed here**
+- Full power of software engineering
+- Equivalent of end user programming
+- Production and personalization of interactive systems
+  - Modularity 
+  - Requirements Specification
+  - Hybrid Control over AI based systems (e.g. optimization)
 This is the focus of a lot of my group's work
@@ -310,16 +296,11 @@ class E green
 # Fabrication technologies are not
-Not the startrek replicator
-Not as fast as the best manufacturing solutions for bulk manufacturing
-Not as fast as your 2d printer
-Often expensive
-Material range is limited
+- Not the startrek replicator
+- Not as fast as the best manufacturing solutions for bulk manufacturing
+- Not as fast as your 2d printer
+- Often expensive
+- Material range is limited
 ... But they can do a lot of interesting things
@@ -367,15 +348,15 @@ class E green
 # Additive Vs Subtractive (e.g. CNC) Printing
 - Additive printing puts down material, building up the object layer by layer
   - Some are done with extruded plastic or other material
   - Others are done with powders that are sealed together (powder printers)
 - Subtractive removes materials from around the object
-![:img three 3D printed lion heads two are subtractive printing one is additive, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/add-subtract.png)
+![:img three 3D printed lion heads two are subtractive printing one is additive, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/add-subtract.png)
@@ -409,9 +390,9 @@ __Shells/Boundaries__
 # Example: .stl File (Additive)
 Almost every software package can save the files as a `.stl` file (stereolithography)
 ![:img open cube modeled as with surfaces, 45%, width](img/3dprinting/cube-shell.png)
 ![:img open cube as stl file, 45%, width](img/3dprinting/cube-stl.png)
@@ -588,8 +569,6 @@ G1 X8.8 Y12.69 Z0.47 F381.198 E27.768
 # More examples!
 - [3D Printed Medical Device Saves Baby's Life](
 - [Prosthetic hand]( (up to ~2:10)
 - [Prostheic 3D printed Eagle Beak](
@@ -780,19 +759,19 @@ Rapid iteration can help with accessible design
 ![:img Rainbow loom to assist with knitting, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/rainbow-loom.jpg)
 ![:img Red knitting loom with white hooks to aid accessibility, 45%, width](img/3dprinting/loom.png)
-(Taylor's research)
 ![:youtube Xbox adaptive controller intro, 9fcK19CAjWM]
 ][Gotfrid, CHI '21] 
 # Manufacturing Accessibility
-[Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility]( (ASSETS 2018)
+[Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility](
 ![:img A picture of a mobile phone with a tangible scrollbar and number pad built into its case to help improve blind interaction with the phone,50%, width ](img/3dprinting/interactiles.png)
@@ -804,6 +783,9 @@ Combination of materials
 - Nuts and bolts
 ][ASSETS '18] 
 # Phone as embedded computer
@@ -817,7 +799,6 @@ is held in a case with 6 conductive buttons that houses a Samsung Note
-Phone as embedded computer
 - Better solution because reprinting a map is faster than making a whole new portable map for each region
 - Similar to new interaction techniques, uses conductive plastic
@@ -833,9 +814,8 @@ C. Lee, [Intellisplash](
-Combination of microcontroller, 3d printing, and phone
-Uses WiFi, Bluetooth and other communication protocols
+- Combination of microcontroller, 3d printing, and phone
+- Uses WiFi, Bluetooth and other communication protocols
@@ -851,14 +831,12 @@ signal acquisition and analysis., 60%, width](img/3dprinting/biotoxicity.jpg)
-Dark box
-Phone case
-Many similar options -- e.g. [Ph
+- [Biotoxicity
+- Dark box
+- Phone case
+- Many similar options -- e.g. [Ph
 [Sensing sweat
@@ -897,26 +875,22 @@ Printed Analytics: Sensing prosthetic device use
-# Summary
-What does physical computing offer us?
+# What does physical computing offer us?
-New ways to interact
-- capacitive sensing facilitate by conductive plastic/thread
-- microphone + machine learning
-New ways to sense information
-- fluid properties
-- audio
-- backscatter
+- New ways to interact
+  - capacitive sensing facilitate by conductive plastic/thread
+  - microphone + machine learning
+- New ways to sense information
+  - fluid properties
+  - audio
+  - backscatter
-New ways to combine devices (e.g. through bluetooth sensing of physical hardware)
-- modify a device beyond what the manufacturer expected
-- rapid prototyping of novel solutions
+- New ways to combine devices (e.g. through bluetooth sensing of physical hardware)
+- Benefits:
+  - modify a device beyond what the manufacturer expected
+  - rapid prototyping of novel solutions
@@ -928,7 +902,7 @@ Benefits:
 # Bagholder
-![:img A handle with hooks below it to make it more comfortable to hold a bag , 100%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bagholder.png)
+![:img A handle with hooks below it to make it more comfortable to hold a bag , 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bagholder.png)
 [Instructables project](
@@ -994,22 +968,21 @@ Probably made with [](
 ![:img Wedges for changing the angle of a keyboard for accessibliity, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-supbee-keyboard.jpg)
-# Now it's your turn. Some key things to know
+# Now it's your turn. Some key facts
-We're using a [Glowforge]( 
-- It takes SVGs as input
-- It can engrave, cut, etc
-- We're providing plywood, 3mm thick [double check with calipers]
+- We're using a [Glowforge]( 
+  - It takes SVGs as input
+  - It can engrave, cut, etc
+  - We're providing plywood, 3mm thick [double check with calipers]
-Software options
-- Powerpoint: Can even [merge shapes]( Probably best for total beginners if you have it.
-- [Adobe Illustrator]( Best for most tasks if you have it
-- [AutoCAD]( (free for students). Probably overkill
-- [Inkscape]( (free). Best free option
+- Software options
+  - Powerpoint: Can even [merge shapes]( Probably best for total beginners if you have it.
+  - [Adobe Illustrator]( Best for most tasks if you have it
+  - [AutoCAD]( (free for students). Probably overkill
+  - [Inkscape]( (free). Best free option
@@ -1033,15 +1006,11 @@ Engraving: Burns. Can do greyscale.
 # Essential Measurements
-The amount of wood removed by the laser cutter as it burns through the wood.
-Should always test for each new type of wood and wood thickness
-[Instructable]( on how to do this
-Only an issue if you're making a box or something else that has to assemble
-Use calipers to measure! 
+- The amount of wood removed by the laser cutter as it burns through the wood.
+- Should always test for each new type of wood and wood thickness
+- [Instructable]( on how to do this
+- Only an issue if you're making a box or something else that has to assemble
+- Use calipers to measure! 
diff --git a/slides/accessible-data-viz.html b/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
index 582839a..92db113 100644
--- a/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
+++ b/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
@@ -43,7 +43,7 @@ How do we support the full data science lifecycle?
 # Who can Access Visualizations?
-Due to the inaccessibility of online data visualizations, screen-reader users answered questions **62%** less accurately and spent **211%** more time than non-screen-reader users *(Sharif, 2021)*.
+.font-medium[Due to the inaccessibility of online data visualizations, screen-reader users answered questions **62%** less accurately and spent **211%** more time than non-screen-reader users *(Sharif, 2021)*.]
 ![:img Two different graphs comprising bar chart of Accuracy of Extracted Information per Visualization Library and interaction plot of Interaction Times per Visualization Library per participant group.,80%, width](img/data-equity/sru-viz-results.png)
@@ -77,7 +77,8 @@ Alt-text is an HTML attribute that can provide a summary of the visualization an
 # Sonification (Audio Graphs)
-Sonification (or audio graphs) enable listeners to interpret data trends by mapping data to a musical scale.
+.font-medium[Sonification (or audio graphs) enable listeners to interpret data trends by mapping data to a musical scale.]
@@ -158,7 +159,7 @@ VoxLens offers three modes:
 # Evaluation of VoxLens
-VoxLens improved the accuracy of screen-reader users by **122%** and interaction times of screen-reader users by **36%**.
+.font-medium[VoxLens improved the accuracy of screen-reader users by **122%** and interaction times of screen-reader users by **36%**.]
 ![:img Two different graphs comprising bar chart of Accuracy of Extracted Information per Visualization Library and interaction plot of Interaction Times per Visualization Library per participant group.,100%, width](img/data-equity/voxlens-viz-results.png)
@@ -283,15 +284,13 @@ User can select, parameterize and attach outputs to streaming data
 # Some questions to consider about information access
-Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
-Who can create accessible information?
-**How do we support the full data science lifecycle?**
-- Data collection
-- Data cleaning
-- Modeling and Analysis
-- Representation
+- Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
+- Who can create accessible information?
+- **How do we support the full data science lifecycle?**
+  - Data collection
+  - Data cleaning
+  - Modeling and Analysis
+  - Representation
 # Data Science Accessibility
diff --git a/slides/arvr.html b/slides/arvr.html
index 33b71b8..b662933 100644
--- a/slides/arvr.html
+++ b/slides/arvr.html
@@ -76,7 +76,7 @@ Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions?
 - Definitely something we'll talk about later today with our guest speaker, Xia
-# Second case study (1 of 2)
+# Second case study (1 of 3)
 Survey paper on handheld AR
 Are things made with that technology accessible?
@@ -92,13 +92,17 @@ Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions?
 Form small groups; discuss; [post on Ed](
-# Second case study (2 of 2)
+# Second case study (2 of 3)
 My Answers
 - Does not really discuss the underlying toolkits that enable accessibility 
 - But it does discuss how apps implement accessibility 
   - Interaction techniques (a sort of conceptual tool). Table 3 lays out a broad range of these that have been experimented with in different surveyed papers
   - Specific techniques used to achieve POUR (Table 4) and which surveyed papers they are used in
 - Does not discuss secondary things that it might rely on
+# Second case study (3 of 3)
+My Answers
 - Does not really address societal implications
 - Talks about evaluation methods used in surveyed papers
   - Survey focused on research literature. All papers used UX Evaluation techniques
@@ -108,6 +112,7 @@ Does it address creation of AR/VR by people with disabilities? No
 Can this technology be used to make new accessibility solutions? No
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for today
diff --git a/slides/assessment.html b/slides/assessment.html
index 5bd5eac..7e9a52f 100644
--- a/slides/assessment.html
+++ b/slides/assessment.html
@@ -293,11 +293,9 @@ Although technology is getting better at recognizing what an image depicts, algo
 ![:img Lezlie looks at us full front with curls down one size of her head and her long sleeve rolled up just on that side of a cowl neck wild abstract print shirt. Her smiling cheeks greet us., 100%, width](img/assessment/award.jpeg)
-The Society for Disability Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Lezlie Frye has won the Irving K. Zola Award for Emerging Scholars in Disability Studies for her paper:
-Cripping the “Crack Baby” Epidemic: A Feminist Genealogy.
-Dr. Frye is an Assistant Professor of Gender Studies and Disability Studies at the University of Utah in the Division of Gender Studies.
+- The Society for Disability Studies is pleased to announce that Dr. Lezlie Frye has won the Irving K. Zola Award for Emerging Scholars in Disability Studies for her paper:
+- Cripping the “Crack Baby” Epidemic: A Feminist Genealogy.
+- Dr. Frye is an Assistant Professor of Gender Studies and Disability Studies at the University of Utah in the Division of Gender Studies.
@@ -414,11 +412,10 @@ Distinguishable
 - Use of color is not the only way information is conveyed
 - Don't force screen reader users to listen to  audio longer than 3s without providing easily found controls; ideally use low or no background audio
 - Support text resizing (& therefore don't use images of text). Ideally (AAA) also support selection of color; justification, spacing, etc
-- Support users who need a 1 column view of content (AAA)
+- Support a 1 column view of content (AAA)
 - If you must have tooltips and popups, make sure they are: dismissable; hoverable; and persistent
 - Make sure you meet contrast expectations (minimum 4.5:1, ideally 7:1) in color (e.g. text and background; diagrams; controls; etc)
@@ -503,9 +500,8 @@ Some common pitfalls:
 - Keyboard Traps. Content should not "trap" keyboard focus within subsections of content on a Web page. This is a common problem when multiple formats are combined within a page and rendered using plug-ins or embedded applications.
 - Invisible Content. Some parts of a web page can never be reached
 - Lack of Control. Users should be able to reconfigure or remove shortcuts
-Note: Not in guidelines (that I know of) but a "reverse trap" is whether you can reach text that *doesn't* have links or headers when using switch input. How would you do this?
+.footnote[Note: Not in guidelines (that I know of) but a "reverse trap" is whether you can reach text that *doesn't* have links or headers when using switch input. How would you do this?]
 Character key shortcuts work well for many keyboard users, but are inappropriate and frustrating for speech input users — whose means of input is strings of letters — and for keyboard users who are prone to accidentally hit keys. To rectify this issue, authors need to allow users to turn off or reconfigure shortcuts that are made up of only character keys.
@@ -628,15 +624,13 @@ Pointers, just like Keyboards, should be able to access everything
-All functionality should be accessible via pointer input devices. 
-People operating pointer input devices may not be able to carry out timed or complex gestures. Examples 
-- drag-and-drop gestures and on touch screens
-- swiping gestures
-- split taps
-- long presses. 
-They may also have trouble selecting small targets, or with precision (i.e. due to tremor)
+- All functionality should be accessible via pointer input devices. 
+- People operating pointer input devices may not be able to carry out timed or complex gestures. Examples 
+  - drag-and-drop gestures and on touch screens
+  - swiping gestures
+  - split taps
+  - long presses. 
+- They may also have trouble selecting small targets, or with precision (i.e. due to tremor)
@@ -648,12 +642,12 @@ They may also have trouble selecting small targets, or with precision (i.e. due
 Pointers, just like Keyboards, should be able to access everything
-- Support a single pointer without path based gestures when possible; When not, offer alternatives to path based gestures or multi-finger gestures
+- Support a single pointer without path based gestures; As a backup offer alternatives to path based gestures or multi-finger gestures
 - Ideally trigger content only on *up* events
 - Make sure that the *accessible name* for a component matches the visual one to better support programmatic access provided by accessibility tools. 
 - Provide programmatic alternatives to shaking or tilting or dragging based interaction
 - Make targets at least 24x24 CSS Pixels (AA) or 44x44 CSS Pixels (AAA) to make selection easier
-- Allow users to use multiple possible types of input (keyboard, pointer, on-screen keyboard, stylus, etc)
+- Allow users to use multiple possible types of input (i.e. keyboard, pointer, on-screen keyboard, stylus)
@@ -779,11 +773,9 @@ Readability mean supporting people with all sorts of reading disabilities/readin
-Provide meta data about the language of a page (or parts of a page if the language switches).  Also provide pronunciation information when needed to read aloud properly
-Provide a well organized, easy to find glossary or dictionary for jargon, abbreviations, and other unusual words
-Use clear and simple language at an appropriate reading level for the audience whenever possible; when not include clear and simple summaries. Possibly provide an audio or sign language version of content
+- Provide meta data about the language of a page (or parts of a page if the language switches).  Also provide pronunciation information when needed to read aloud properly
+- Provide a well organized, easy to find glossary or dictionary for jargon, abbreviations, and other unusual words
+- Use clear and simple language at an appropriate reading level for the audience whenever possible; when not include clear and simple summaries. Possibly provide an audio or sign language version of content
@@ -813,7 +805,7 @@ Present content in a predictable order that is consistent across an app or websi
-- Don't trigger events that change context *just due to focus* (e.g. don't submit a form; launch a dialog; etc on focus), whether on page elements or inputs. Describe what will happen before a change to a form control. 
+- Don't trigger events that change context *just due to focus* (e.g. don't submit a form; launch a dialog; on focus). Describe what will happen before a change to a form control. 
 - Locate navigation menus, search fields, skip to navigation links and so on in the same 2D onscreen position and logical (linear ordering) position throughout a site.
 - Use familiar names and icons for things. As much as possible be consistent with global standards, not just within the app/site.
 - Provide control over content changes (e.g. an "update now" button; "submit" button)
@@ -906,13 +898,10 @@ Compatible
 This was already a running theme but let's make it explicit:
-Don't break user accessibility technologies (AT) with things like poorly formed markup
-Don't circumvent AT with unconventional markup/code
-Expose information in standard ways 
-Follow conventions and be compatible with APIs as much as possible
+- Don't break user accessibility technologies (AT) with things like poorly formed markup
+- Don't circumvent AT with unconventional markup/code
+- Expose information in standard ways 
+- Follow conventions and be compatible with APIs as much as possible
diff --git a/slides/best-practices.html b/slides/best-practices.html
index c3f0e0c..e262458 100644
--- a/slides/best-practices.html
+++ b/slides/best-practices.html
@@ -275,13 +275,13 @@ Participants were aware of the overall structure of *phone apps*
 ![:img Two screens of the Uber Eats app. The home page to the left and a map view to the right,120%, width](img/assessment/gui.png) 
+Very hard to describe without knowing more about accessibility and user interests.
-This is very hard to describe without knowing what is accessible; and whether the user is more interested in content or layout. 
-- App has two tabs at top center: Delivery and Pickup. 
+- App has two tabs at top center: Delivery &amp; Pickup. 
 - Below is a seach bar with address and  time menu
 - Below that is an advertisement for The Burger Joint (25% of screen) with a details button
-- Next is a scrolling set of tabs for Pickup; Grocery; Prescription; Top Sites; the rest is not visible off screen
+- Next: scrolling tabs for Pickup; Grocery; Prescription; Top Sites; the rest is off screen
 - The bottom 30% of the screen shows the title Hidden Gems (Up and coming spots you'd like) with a list of restaurants. Each row in the list shows an image, restaurant name, rating, and more. The list requires 2D scrolling to see everything. The top two are visible: Tsuki Ramen and Chocolate Co.
diff --git a/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html b/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
index b50f093..e8b9cf7 100644
--- a/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
+++ b/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
@@ -158,11 +158,14 @@ Not really intelligent, just my word for Machine Learning, AI, Neural Programmin
 - Who do we collect data from?
-# Problems with Data
+# Problems with Data (1/2)
 - System timeouts that are trained on movement speeds of <q>typical</q> people
 - Biometrics that cannot function on a person who isn't still for long enough
 - Inferencing about people that doesn't account for height; stamina; range of motion; or AT use (e.g. wheelchairs)
+# Problems with Data (2/2)
 When groups are historically
 marginalized and underrepresented, this is
 .quote[imprinted in the data that shapes AI
@@ -428,83 +431,72 @@ Examples:
 - **Make predictions**
-# Concerns at Prediction Time
+# Concerns at Prediction Time (1/5)
-Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment (Whittaker,
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment (Whittaker,
 2019, p. 21).
-- HireVue, an AI based video
+  - HireVue, an AI based video
 interviewing company has a patent on file to detect disability (Larsen, 2018). 
-- This is illegal under the ADA, which
-   - forbids asking about disability
+  - This is illegal under the ADA, which
+     - forbids asking about disability
 status in a hiring process (42 U.S.C. § 12112(a)) 
-   - forbids <q>using qualification
+     - forbids <q>using qualification
 standards, employment tests or other selection criteria that screen out or tend to screen out
 an individual with a disability</q> (42 U.S.C. § 12112(b)(6)). 
-# Concerns at Prediction Time
+# Concerns at Prediction Time (2/5)
-Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment
-Disability identification 
-- Examples: detect Parkinsons from gait (Das, 2012), and mouse movement (Youngmann,
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment
+- Disability identification 
+  - Examples: detect Parkinsons from gait (Das, 2012), and mouse movement (Youngmann,
 2019); detecting autism from home videos (Leblanc, 2020). 
-- What are the ethics of doing this without consent?
-- Many of these algorithms encode medical model biases
-Relatedly, failure to identify disability 
-- Legally under the ADA, if you are treated as disabled, you are disabled. Yet biometrics cannot detect how people are treated. 
+  - What are the ethics of doing this without consent?
+  - Many of these algorithms encode medical model biases
+  - Relatedly, failure to identify disability 
+     - Legally under the ADA, if you are treated as disabled, you are disabled. Yet biometrics cannot detect how people are treated. 
 # Concerns at Prediction Time
-Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
-Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
-Apps that Harm
-- Example: Training behaviors in <q>support</q> of autistic individuals without regard to debates about agency and independence of the target audience [Demo, 2017]; 
-- As with regular accessibility apps, AI based aps can harm, be disability dongles, etc
-- As with regular apps, AI based apps may not be accessible
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+- Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+- Apps that Harm
+  - Example: Training behaviors in <q>support</q> of autistic individuals without regard to debates about agency and independence of the target audience [Demo, 2017]; 
+  - As with regular accessibility apps, AI based aps can harm, be disability dongles, etc
+  - As with regular apps, AI based apps may not be accessible
-# Concerns at Prediction Time
+# Concerns at Prediction Time (3/5)
 ![:img Three news headlines-- On Orbitz Mac Users Steered to Pricier Hotels; Google's algorithm shows prestigious job ads to men but not to women; Racial bias alleged in Google's add results, 60%,width](img/data-equity/bias.png)
-# Concerns at Prediction Time
-Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
-Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
-Apps that Harm
-AI with Baked in Biases
-- Consequences of biased data and lack of control over training results more nuanced than just accuracy (as with headlines we just read)
-- Privacy can also be a concern. 
-  - For rare conditions, an algorithm may learn
+# Concerns at Prediction Time (4/5)
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+- Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+- Apps that Harm
+- AI with Baked in Biases
+  - Consequences of biased data and lack of control over training results more nuanced than just accuracy (as with headlines we just read)
+  - Privacy can also be a concern. 
+    - For rare conditions, an algorithm may learn
 to recognize the disability, rather than the individual, reducing
 security when used for access control, allowing multiple people with
 similar impairments to access the same data.
-# Concerns at Prediction Time
-Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
-Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+# Concerns at Prediction Time (5/5)
-Apps that Harm
-AI with Baked in Biases
-Transparency and Accountability
-- Power differences between builders and users 
-- Representation of disabled people among builders
-- Algorithms that are not *interpretable* or *correctable*
-- Users of algorithms whose use them to enforce larger societal harms
+- Denial of insurance and medical care, or threaten employment 
+- Disability Identification / Failure to Identify
+- Apps that Harm
+- AI with Baked in Biases
+- Transparency and Accountability
+  - Power differences between builders and users 
+  - Representation of disabled people among builders
+  - Algorithms that are not *interpretable* or *correctable*
+  - Users of algorithms whose use them to enforce larger societal harms
 # Small Group Discussion [Post on Ed]({{site.discussion}}2515387)
diff --git a/slides/designing.html b/slides/designing.html
index df2f232..5ea3fc0 100644
--- a/slides/designing.html
+++ b/slides/designing.html
@@ -113,15 +113,11 @@ Participants encouraged to own the outcome by setting the goals and sharing in d
 # Participatory Design: Issues
-Is the “right” user identified?  In education s/w design studies that use PD, frequently the teacher is the only defined user, and not the learner.
-Changing role of user (as process progresses):  Informant through to designer
-Nature of expertise of users:  Domain expert or design expert or both?
-Conceptions of the role of “user”:  Informant, designer, coach, participant, partner, knowledge-worker; expert
-True partnership?:  Rare for PD articles to have users have co-authors
+- Is the “right” user identified?  In education s/w design studies that use PD, frequently the teacher is the only defined user, and not the learner.
+- Changing role of user (as process progresses):  Informant through to designer
+- Nature of expertise of users:  Domain expert or design expert or both?
+- Conceptions of the role of “user”:  Informant, designer, coach, participant, partner, knowledge-worker; expert
+- True partnership?:  Rare for PD articles to have users have co-authors
 .footnote[Dr Jane Seale-- School of Education, University of Southampton]
diff --git a/slides/evaluation.html b/slides/evaluation.html
index 0abe3e1..14ad51a 100644
--- a/slides/evaluation.html
+++ b/slides/evaluation.html
@@ -258,28 +258,28 @@ Supposed you are hired to perform usability testing of new food-delivery app wit
 - What is the right structure for the study?
-# Design Study (1 of 4)
+# Design Study (1 of 5)
 This is a usability study, so it should include the same tasks as tested for users without disabilities
 Metrics should be similar as well -- for example the [System Usability Scale]( might be useful at the end
-# Design Study (2 of 4) 
+# Design Study (2 of 5) 
 This is also a study of accessibility, with disabled users. The study design needs to consider 
 - Choice of method 
   - e.g. think aloud may be more difficult for a nonspeaking individual, or someone with fatigue
   - Check in on study measures and statistical design. Does user heterogeneity impact this?
 - Study venue (It may be difficult to duplicate participant hardware/software)
+# Design Study (2 of 5) 
+This is also a study of accessibility, with disabled users. The study design needs to consider 
 - Ensure that participants' hardware/software also addresses study needs (e.g. do participants have a working monitor?)
 - Study length (estimate before and after piloting)
    - Study length may increase for some disabled participnats
    - Study length may negatively impact participants with fatigue-related concerns
 # Design Study (3 of 4)
diff --git a/slides/syllabus.html b/slides/syllabus.html
index 773f84c..2174ad5 100644
--- a/slides/syllabus.html
+++ b/slides/syllabus.html
@@ -16,26 +16,26 @@ background-image: url(img/people.png)
 # Course learning goals:
-## Access Basics
-How do we build accessible systems and interfaces?
-- Week 1: Ways of thinking about and designing for accessibility
-- Week 2: How we assess whether technology is accessible
-- Week 3: Accessible needfinding and evaluation
+Access Basics
+- How do we build accessible systems and interfaces?
+  - Week 1: Ways of thinking about and designing for accessibility
+  - Week 2: How we assess whether technology is accessible
+  - Week 3: Accessible needfinding and evaluation
 # Course learning goals:
-## Access Basics]
+Access Basics]
-## Second Wave Accessibility
-How do we account for access in all of today's technologies?
-- Multi person systems
-- Mobile systems
-- Data Equity: Visualization and Machine Learning
-- Making Accessibility: Fabrication and IOT 
-- AR/VR 
-- ...
+Second Wave Accessibility
+- How do we account for access in all of today's technologies?
+  - Multi person systems
+  - Mobile systems
+  - Data Equity: Visualization and Machine Learning
+  - Making Accessibility: Fabrication and IOT 
+  - AR/VR 
+  - ...
@@ -43,19 +43,19 @@ How do we account for access in all of today's technologies?
 # Course learning goals:
-## Access Basics
-## Second Wave Access
+Access Basics
-## Third Wave Accessibility
-How does technology impact access in all the spaces where disabled people are present?
+Second Wave Access
-- Intersectionality with Race, Gender & other identities
-- Sustainability
-- Housing, Unhoused, and Incarcerated 
-- Healthcare technology & reproductive justice
-- Higher Education
-- ...
+Third Wave Accessibility
+- How does technology impact access in all the spaces where disabled people are present?
+  - Intersectionality with Race, Gender & other identities
+  - Sustainability
+  - Housing, Unhoused, and Incarcerated 
+  - Healthcare technology & reproductive justice
+  - Higher Education
+  - ...
 # Where to find what
@@ -78,6 +78,8 @@ either in office hours or through a [class discussion board]({{site.discussion}}
 - **Academic Integrity**: A course value and requirement See our [Academic Conduct]({{site.baseurl}}/academic-conduct) page for more details
 - **Language**: I am Jen, or Dr. Mankoff
 - **Respect**: This class is a compact between us based on respect
+#  Syllabus: Summary of expectations and values
 - **Healthy Environment**: Your health/mental health are important and we have tried to
 structure the class to support you (e.g. up to 5  late days without questions asked).
 If you need larger accommodations for any reason, consider working with
@@ -87,14 +89,13 @@ If you run into problems, or have preferences about these issues, please tell me
 # Is this class hybrid?
-**No**, it is intended to be attended, in person, by everyone in the class
-**Yes**, because:
-- It is possible to be full remote *with permission of the instructor*
-- It is expected you will be remote in any particular week for the following reasons:
-   - If you have cold or flu symptoms or suspect you have COVID
-   - If you have caregiving obligations 
-   - If you have mental health concerns or any accessibility needs that are best met by being remote
+- **No**, it is intended to be attended, in person, by everyone in the class
+- **Yes**, because:
+  - It is possible to be full remote *with permission of the instructor*
+  - It is expected you will be remote in any particular week for the following reasons:
+     - If you have cold or flu symptoms or suspect you have COVID
+     - If you have caregiving obligations 
+     - If you have mental health concerns or any accessibility needs that are best met by being remote
 # How do I participate remotely?
@@ -106,28 +107,26 @@ If you run into problems, or have preferences about these issues, please tell me
 # Competency Based Grading
-We have a set of core learning goals in this class. If you learn them all, you get an A. Competencies make up 80% of your grade.
+- We have a set of core learning goals in this class. If you learn them all, you get an A. Competencies make up 80% of your grade.
-Assignment completion is also required. This is 10% of your grade. You have up to four late days for assignment completion, and this only looks at whether you did everything, not how well you did it.
+- Assignment completion is also required. This is 10% of your grade. You have up to four late days for assignment completion, and this only looks at whether you did everything, not how well you did it.
-Finally, Effort is 10% of your grade. This includes 
-- Participation in discussion and exercises (self reported)
-- Participation in discussion outside of class (based on submissions to Ed)
+- Finally, Effort is 10% of your grade. This includes 
+  - Participation in discussion and exercises (self reported)
+  - Participation in discussion outside of class (based on submissions to Ed)
 # More detail on competencies
-This approach was selected because it prioritizes *accessibility* and *justice* and *flexibility* for students.
-You can find all of the competencies under "[Outcomes](" on canvas
-They fall into three categories (this is still being refined)
-- Accessibility Compliance (e.g. accessibility checking)
-- Accessible Media and Documents (e.g. writing alt text, presenting accessibly)
-- Disability Awareness and Justice (How you pick problems and do disability centered design)
+- This approach was selected because it prioritizes *accessibility* and *justice* and *flexibility* for students.
+- You can find all of the competencies under "[Outcomes](" on canvas
+- They fall into three categories (this is still being refined)
+  - Accessibility Compliance (e.g. accessibility checking)
+  - Accessible Media and Documents (e.g. writing alt text, presenting accessibly)
+  - Disability Awareness and Justice (How you pick problems and do disability centered design)