diff --git a/schedule.md b/schedule.md
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--- a/schedule.md
+++ b/schedule.md
@@ -323,7 +323,7 @@ Discussion of Disability Dongle Paper
 {: .activity} 7:00-7:40 Skill Goal: Various Techniques to Make Visualizations Accessible
 : **In class Exercise**
-- Implement a visualization using [VoxLens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens) following the documentation and examples on the GitHub repository.
+<!-- - Implement a visualization using [VoxLens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens) following the documentation and examples on the GitHub repository. -->
 - Use VoxLens from to test different modes of making visualizations accessible (Summary, Sonification, Question-and-Answer) on different visualization types.
 - Identify the utility of each mode with each visualization type–when is one mode more suitable than the other and why.
 - Identify accessibility measures for demographics other than screen-reader users.
diff --git a/slides/accessible-data-viz.html b/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
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--- a/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
+++ b/slides/accessible-data-viz.html
@@ -21,21 +21,31 @@ class:
 ## This is an important reminder
 ## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
+## Make sure captioning is turned on
+# COVID-19 Visualizations
+![:img Visualizations of COVID-19 cases taken from different websites including Seattle Times and King County’s official website,80%, width](img/data-equity/covid-19-viz.png)
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
-# Learning Goals for Today
-- What are the commonly-used techniques to make data visualizations accessible?
+# Some questions to consider about information access
+Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
-- What are the pros and cons of these techniques?
+Who can create accessible information?
-- What are some of the nuances in making data visualizations accessible?
+How do we support the full data science lifecycle?
-# COVID-19 Visualizations
+# Who can Access Visualizations?
+Due to the inaccessibility of online data visualizations, screen-reader users answered questions **62%** less accurately and spent **211%** more time than non-screen-reader users *(Sharif, 2021)*.
-![:img Visualizations of COVID-19 cases taken from different websites including Seattle Times and King County’s official website,100%, width](img/data-equity/covid-19-viz.png)
+![:img Two different graphs comprising bar chart of Accuracy of Extracted Information per Visualization Library and interaction plot of Interaction Times per Visualization Library per participant group.,80%, width](img/data-equity/sru-viz-results.png)
 # How Can We Make These Visualization Accessible?
@@ -47,13 +57,13 @@ class:
 # Commonly-Used Techniques
-- Summary ("Alt-Text")
+Summary ("Alt-Text")
-- Sonification (Audio Graphs)
+Sonification (Audio Graphs)
-- Tables
-- Braille Prinouts/3-D Printing
+Braille Prinouts/3-D Printing
 # Summary ("Alt-Text")
@@ -67,15 +77,19 @@ Alt-text is an HTML attribute that can provide a summary of the visualization an
 # Sonification (Audio Graphs)
 Sonification (or audio graphs) enable listeners to interpret data trends by mapping data to a musical scale.
 - Can help users to understand overall trends
 - Already integrated into commerical products (e.g., Apple)
+![:youtube Video of a graph being sonified, gssjuSnMR60]
 # Tables
@@ -98,34 +112,35 @@ Tactile graphics and 3-D printed graphs are raised surfaces that enable blind an
 - Enables users to interact with the visualization without using a screen reader
-# Equality vs. Equity
-- What does **equal** access mean?
-- What does **equitable** access mean?
-- Are these techniques equitable?
+# Holistic vs. Drilled-Down Exploration
-# State of The World
+Screen-reader users perform a holistic exploration first and then drill-down into the data *(Sharif, 2021)*.
-Due to the inaccessibility of online data visualizations, screen-reader users answered questions **62%** less accurately and spent **211%** more time than non-screen-reader users *(Sharif, 2021)*.
+- Summary ("Alt-Text")
+- Sonification (Audio Graphs)
+- Tables
+- Braille Prinouts/3-D Printing
-![:img Two different graphs comprising bar chart of Accuracy of Extracted Information per Visualization Library and interaction plot of Interaction Times per Visualization Library per participant group.,100%, width](img/data-equity/sru-viz-results.png)
+- Which of these techniques enable **holistic** exploration?
+- Which of these techniques enable **drilled-down** exploration?
-# Holistic vs. Drilled-Down Exploration
+# Supporting Interaction
-Screen-reader users perform a holistic exploration first and then drill-down into the data *(Sharif, 2021)*.
-- Which of these techniques enable **holistic** exploration?
+Highly relevant even when just *using* a visulazation
+- When interacting with static visualizations, sighted people intuitively construct complex visual queries [Ware, 2019]. 
+- Interactive charts afford selection, filtering & more [Yi, IEEE TOVCG, ’07]
-- Which of these techniques enable **drilled-down** exploration?
+Supporting this requires going past verbal descriptions and tactile graphics
-# VoxLens 
+# [VoxLens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens).
-VoxLens is an open-source JavaScript plug-in that improves the accessibility of online data visualizations for screen-reader users using a multi-modal approach, requiring only a single line of code for integration into online data visualizations. 
+[VoxLens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens) is an open-source JavaScript plug-in that improves the accessibility of online data visualizations for screen-reader users using a multi-modal approach, requiring only a single line of code for integration into online data visualizations. 
 VoxLens offers three modes: 
@@ -135,6 +150,11 @@ VoxLens offers three modes:
+# VoxLens
+![:img Quering Voxlens. First query is "What's the maximum data point in the graph?" with answer "I understood you're looking for maximum. Maximum value of Total Crime for Crime Neighborhood is 48900 belonging to Downtown Commercial." Second query is "What about average and variance?" with answer "I heard you asking about the average and variance. Average of Total Crime for Crime Neighborhood is 8870. Variance of Total Crime for Crime Neighborhood is 78800000" ,50%, width](img/data-equity/voxlens-interactive.png)
 # Evaluation of VoxLens
@@ -143,27 +163,149 @@ VoxLens improved the accuracy of screen-reader users by **122%** and interaction
 ![:img Two different graphs comprising bar chart of Accuracy of Extracted Information per Visualization Library and interaction plot of Interaction Times per Visualization Library per participant group.,100%, width](img/data-equity/voxlens-viz-results.png)
-# Class Activity
+[//]: # (Outline Slide)
-- Break into small groups.
-- Implement a visualization using [VoxLens](https://github.com/athersharif/voxlens).
-- Use VoxLens from to test different modes of making visualizations accessible (Summary, Sonification, Question-and-Answer).
+# Some questions to consider about information access
-- Identify the utility of each mode with each visualization type–when is one mode more suitable than the other and why.
-- Identify accessibility measures for users other than screen-reader users.
-- Create a presentation (2-3 slides) to share findings
+Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
+**Who can create accessible information?**
+How do we support the full data science lifecycle?
+# *Who* Can Creating Accessible Visualizations
+Can BLV people create new information 
+- Are they included in the employment opportunities and learnings associated with data science?
+- Can they access information when someone didn’t already decide it needs to be accessible
+  - Maps and other individualized needs
+  - Live data exploration
+# Non Programmers 
+## Maptimizer
+![:img A 3d printed tactile map of the UW campus showing the fountain and the grassy area around it,100%, width](img/data-equity/maptimizer.jpg)
+(Hofmann, CHI 2022) 
+## Generative Design 
+*Generative design* is a common approach to support end users (used a lot for fabrication)
+Lets each user specify their information priorities and preferred representations in familiar terms through a simple GUI
+# What About Direct Authoring?
+We should also support more advanced creation
+- In Kim et al.’s survey of 56 accessible visualization papers published between 1999 and 2020 only two papers supported interactive authoring of charts by BVI users [Kim, CGF ‘21]
+Equivalent experiences is an important access goal
+- Same information conveyed
+- Same *interactive experience*
+Based on RxJS: everything is a stream
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+    LS[Sensor] --> DS[DataSink]
+    OE[OutputEngine] --> DS
+    DS -->|Sensor values| NH[Handler]
+    NH -->|converts sensor values to appropriate format| O[Output]
+# PSST Example
+Sonifying a light sensor
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph TD
+    LS[Light Sensor] --> DS[DataSink]
+    OE[OutputEngine] --> DS
+    DS -->|Light sensor values| NH[NoteHandler]
+    NH -->|converted light sensor values to audible range| O[NoteOutput]
+![:youtube A sound can be heard with the pitch rising and lowering as a light moves closer and further from the circuit board, aSe-QkSl12c]
+<!-- --- -->
+<!-- # PSST  -->
+<!-- PSST allows BVI developers to make their own data visualizations -->
+<!-- <div class="mermaid"> -->
+<!-- sequenceDiagram -->
+<!--     Lightsensor->>+DataSink: New Value as Datum -->
+<!--     OutputEngine->>+DataSink: Status is "Playing" -->
+<!--     DataSink-\->>+NoteHandler: Status, Datum -->
+<!--     NoteHandler->>+NoteOutput: Status, Datum adjusted using Mel Scale -->
+<!--     NoteOutput->>+User: Plays note if status is "Playing" -->
+<!-- </div> -->
+# Code or GUI Configuration
+GUI automatically created from spec
+User can select, parameterize and attach outputs to streaming data
+![:youtube A user configuring a sonification using the accessible PSST GUI while a screenreader plays a description, xl70zqfW2H0]
+.quote[I’ve seen these sonifications for decades . . . but I’ve never seen anything nice in a dashboard like this that lets you add and remove multiple ones and tweak the parameters of each.]
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
-# Learning Goals for Today
-- What are the commonly-used techniques to make data visualizations accessible?
+# Some questions to consider about information access
+Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
+Who can create accessible information?
+**How do we support the full data science lifecycle?**
+- Data collection
+- Data cleaning
+- Modeling and Analysis
+- Representation
-- What are the pros and cons of these techniques?
+# Data Science Accessibility
+Very much still a wide open area, at least for BLV people
+- Data collection -- not particularly supported (even coding tools very inaccessible)
+- Data cleaning -- not studied to my knowledge
+- Modeling and Analysis -- Common tools like Jupyter Notebooks wholly inaccessible. Venkatesh (first author of PSST) is starting to work on this
+- Representation -- Accessible visualization & Data physicalization are the big opportunities
+# One last PSST Video
+... and then on to our guest!
-- What are some of the nuances in making data visualizations accessible?
+![:youtube A user turns a handle on a music box. A laser cut strip containing data moves through producing notes, EKaaP0TKQog]
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Binary files /dev/null and b/slides/img/data-equity/voxlens-interactive.png differ