diff --git a/schedule-ugrad.md b/schedule-ugrad.md
index 7d261387bb10996d385187971b01f0bd8ed4303d..e1defd50086fef6f4c0c7199207dc414c42415c4 100644
--- a/schedule-ugrad.md
+++ b/schedule-ugrad.md
@@ -136,10 +136,11 @@ Discussion of  accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
 - Some overnight printing if ready
 - <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/>  [Project checkpoint](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Assigned
-## Thursday 11/7: Section in CSE 022 
+## Thursday 11/7: Section: in CSE 022
 - Finish making laser cuttable designs and print
 ## Friday 11/8: {% include slide.html title="Fabrication and Physical Computing" loc="3dprinting.html" %}
+- Visit from Daniel Campos-Zamora
 - Final project groups must be finalized
 - <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> Readings and Preparation:
   - Read [How Android Accessibility Services Can Be Used to Hack Your Phone](https://www.makeuseof.com/tag/android-accessibility-services-can-used-hack-phone/); Lewis et al. 
@@ -149,15 +150,15 @@ Discussion of  accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
 # Week 8 (11/10-11/16): Accessibility Across Technology
 {: .holiday}
-## Monday 11/11: Veterans day (HOLIDAY)
+## Monday 11/11: Veterans day (holiday)
-## Wednesday 11/13: (Tentative) Security and Privacy
+## Wednesday 11/13: Security and Privacy (Guests: Aaleyah Lewis & Tina Yeung) 
 - <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> [Project Checkpoint 1](assignments/project-checkpoint.html) Slides Due
-## Thursday 11/14: Section - Project Group Checkins (Full group attendance required, details TBD)
+## Thursday 11/14: Section -  Project Group Checkins (Full group attendance Required, details TBD)
 - You'll present your Checkpoint 1 slides to course staff *with your whole group*
-## Friday 11/15: (Tentative) AR/VR Accessibility
+## Friday 11/15: AR/VR Accessibility (Guest: Xia Su)
 - <i class="fa-solid fa-house-laptop" aria-hidden="true"/> Readings and Preparation:
   - Watch [Working at the Intersection of Race, Disability and Technology](https://www.youtube.com/embed/qRMYjdSTnZs?si=HGRM6XIEwSiWbtqI) 
   - Listen to or watch **one of** the following first person accounts: 
@@ -175,9 +176,9 @@ Discussion of  accessibility testing and born accessible systems.
 {: .week}
 # Week 9 (11/17-11/23): Intersectionality and Sustainability
-## Monday 11/18: Intersectionality Roundtable (Guest TBD)
+## Monday 11/18: Intersectionality Roundtable (Guests: Rahaf Alharbi; Aashaka Desai and Stacy Hsueh)
-## Wednesday 11/20: Language Justice
+## Wednesday 11/20: Deaf Technology (Guest: Richard Ladner)
 ## Thursday 11/21: Group Project Work Time
diff --git a/slides/best-of-assets2024.html b/slides/best-of-assets2024.html
index 1ea5356a5735d7a70d11dc7381450bc2fa61667b..215c4b6ef8a5317a6af621cb7cfb0879426d4ade 100644
--- a/slides/best-of-assets2024.html
+++ b/slides/best-of-assets2024.html
@@ -210,6 +210,7 @@ Good time to stand and stretch
 [Co-designing Robot Dogs with and for Neurodivergent Individuals: Opportunities and Challenges](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3663548.3675603)
 ![:youtube Co-designing Robot Dogs with and for Neurodivergent Individuals: Opportunities and Challenges, X9h9KlZcg7w]
 # Misfitting With AI
diff --git a/slides/data-visualization.html b/slides/data-visualization.html
index 1bc9df64eb7a71c61c9ab219e0a5efbabe8021a7..2b3e5cb3cbe98565971e72fbee133bc3aeacbfd7 100644
--- a/slides/data-visualization.html
+++ b/slides/data-visualization.html
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
 layout: presentation
-title: FOOBAR  --Week N--
-description: Accessibility
+title: Data Science and Visualization
+description: Discussion of accessibility of data science and visualization
 class: middle, center, inverse
 background-image: url(img/people.png)
-# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
+# Data Science and Visualization
 {{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
@@ -35,5 +33,310 @@ class:
 - What are the commonly-used techniques to make data visualizations accessible?
 - What are some of the nuances in making data visualizations accessible?
-crib more material from: 
+background-image: url(img/visualization/dashboards.png)
+# What is a visualization?
+Alt text for this slide: seven different complex dashboards that are too tiny for a sighted person to understand show a variety of visualizations from barcharts to maps
+# Why are they useful
+![:img Three visualizations. From left to right: An election map of the united states with red and blue states indicating political affiliation during the 2020 election labeled "Politics: CNN"; A line chart from early in the COVID epidemic comparing numbers of cases in different countries labeled "Health: Financial Times"; and a map of the Ukraine titled "Areas of Russion military control in Ukraine" labeled "Conflicts: BBC",100%, width](img/visualization/three-examples.png)
+Visualizations inform the public and guide decision-making, policy, and business.
+.footnote[Source: Elavsky Chartability Talk]
+# Some questions to consider about information access
+Who can access visualizations that other people have created?
+Who can create accessible information?
+How do we prioritize efforts to make data accessible?
+How do we support the full data science lifecycle?
+.footnote[Source: Potluri]
+# Who can access visualizations?
+Due to the inaccessibility of online data visualizations,
+screen-reader users answered questions 62% less accurately and spent
+211% more time than non-screen-reader users (Sharif, 2021).
+Elavsky [Chartability](https://onlinelibrary.wiley.com/doi/10.1111/cgf.14522): 250 visualizations; mean 320 errors per visualization; 0 visualizations error-free
+# What is WCAG's equivalent for visualizations?
+POUR still applies
+Elavsky expanded them for [Chartability](https://www.frank.computer/chartability/) to also include 
+- "Compromising" 
+- "Assistive"
+- "Flexible"
+Quick tour and then some research work
+# Perceivable (1/3)
+Use high contrast, redundant encodings
+.left-column50[![:img Two closeups of a line chart showing a blue and green line on the left labeled "what people with normal vision see"; and the same chart showing two blue lines on the right labeled "what green-blind people see",100%, width](img/visualization/perceivable-bad.png)
+.right-column50[![:img The full version of the chart this time with a redundant encoding of a dotted green line  and solid blue line,100%,width](img/visualization/perceivable-good.png)]
+.footnote[source: Elavsky]
+# Perceivable (2/3)
+Perceivable visualizations make look slightly different from the original as in this visualization with improved contrast
+![:img Two visualizations that different only in the use of higher contrast colors. Both show an election map of the united states with red and blue states indicating political affiliation during the 2020 election,100%, width](img/visualization/improved-contrast.png)
+.footnote[Source: Elavsky]
+# Perceivable (3/3)
+Or they may require a total redesign
+![:img Two linecharts that differ in the use of color; and the choice to use small multiples to represent the different lines instead of overlapping them,100%,width](img/visualization/multiples.png)
+.footnote[Source: Elavsky]
+# Basic ALT text
+[Good summary](https://medium.com/nightingale/writing-alt-text-for-data-visualization-2a218ef43f81)
+- alt=".red[Chart type] of **type of data** where *reason for including chart*" 
+- also include a link to a data table 
+Screen-reader users perform a holistic exploration first and then drill-down into the data (Sharif, 2021).
+# Aside: Lots of other ways to mak visualizations perceivable
+- Tactile graphics (3D printing, swell paper, etc) [pass around]
+- Sonification 
+- Providing a data table 
+# Operable (1/2)
+Visualizations are often made of of many datapoints, and moving around them can require tabbing through them all! Also  visualizations might be interactive (e.g. to filter data)
+![:img Two bar charts showing building and product information. In the first a bar labeled "Building A; Product category 2; Count 15" is highlighted and the VoiceOver window showing "Building A. Product Category 2. Count 15. Bar 2 of 3. Toggle button" is visible. In the second the bar has been selected and the VoiceOver window states that,  40%,width](img/visualization/bar-with-aria.png)
+# Operable (2/2)
+- Order and hierarchy need to be correct
+- Functionality should also be described. Use ARIA tags
+- Use redundant cues (e.g. Aria roles and visual state)
+- Make sure things aren't too small
+# Understandable; Robust
+- Descriptive, clear titles, axes labels, etc.
+- Good ALT text
+- Data table available
+- Simple language
+- Work with screen readers
+- ...
+# New Areas for Access (Compromising and Flexible)
+**Compromising** (U+R), lets people choose how to consume information
+About agency and control!
+- Example: Providing a data table is compromising (good)
+- Example: A user filters and then cannot share that state or return to it easily (bad) 
+**Flexible** (P+O+R), respects user settings such as style changes
+# New Areas for Access (Assistive)
+**Assistive** (P+U), reduces labor required for access.
+![:img Two scatterplots showing a weighted prediction score. In the first a single point has been selected and the screen reader says "Product 3. Cost $88. Weighted prediction 37". In the second a cluster has been selected and a hover box shows "Pacific northwest market patterns have produced a cluster...". In addition the screen reader says the same thing, 100%,width](img/visualization/perceivable.png)
+# Pause and discuss: 
+Could compromising, flexible and assistive improve WCAG?
+Are they already in WCAG?
+Post on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}/5622410)
+# This all gets much more complex with dashboards
+Approximately **4 months of iterative co-design** w/ co-authors Tim & Darrell (both legally blind)
+30-60min **Zoom sessions every 1-2 weeks**
+- Started with formative questions about prior experience and challenges with visualizations and dashboards
+- Iteratively prototyped and tested an alternative user experience 
+.footnote[[Srinivasan & Mankoff 2023](https://dl.acm.org/doi/10.1145/3597638.3608405)]
+# Guidelines (1/2)
+1.  Use a consistent structure and create content hierarchies to aid navigation
+  - Dashboards can be very complex
+  - ALT text has many parts (overview, layout, what is interactive, updates during filtering, etc)
+2. Descriptions should summarize the dashboard’s structure and interactivity, and highlight key data facts.
+3.  Description’s structure should be optimized for screen readers.
+# Example layout summary:
+.quote[There is a filter region with 1 form control at the top followed by a dashboard canvas structured as a grid with 3 rows. A summary of the grid's content is as follows: ...]
+![:img American community survey results dashboard with the three regions described in the quote., 100%,width](img/visualization/dashboardeg.png)
+# Guidelines (2/2)
+Interactive visualizations require special accessibility considerations
+1. Present explicit filtering widgets for interactive charts and place all filters in a separate region.
+2. Summarize key changes after data updates.
+3. Change descriptions should support different modes of analytic inquiry.
+# Example Change Description
+.quote[8 blocks updated. Key changes for the current selection of College Type:
+Public compared to the previous selection of College Type: Private
+- Average Tuition Cost reduced by 21105 from 29548 to 8443.
+- Average Price for out-of-state students reduced by 10366 from 43155
+to 32789.
+- ...
+# Lots of other research
+- Automatic alt text generation
+- Question and answer systems that let you explore the data associated with a chrat as well as chart contents
+- Taxonomies of alt text and preferences for level of detail
+- Better access to specific types of visualization
+- Sonification tools
+**Almost all of it focuses on nonvisual access** 
+**Almost all of it positions disabled people as consumers**
+Good time to stand and stretch
+# Can BLV people create new information?
+Are they included in the employment opportunities and learnings associated with data science?
+Can they access information when someone didn’t already decide it needs to be accessible
+- Maps and other individualized needs
+- Live data exploration
+# Can non programmers create visualizations?
+## Maptimizer
+![:img A 3d printed tactile map of the UW campus showing the fountain and the grassy area around it, 100%,width](img/visualization/maptimizer.jpg)
+## Generative Design
+It is a common approach to support end users (used a lot for fabrication).
+Lets each user specify their information priorities and preferred representations in familiar terms through a simple GUI
+# What About Direct Authoring?
+## PSST 
+![:img A hand holding a sensor at the edge of a steel bottle, 100%,width](img/visualization/bottletest.png)
+## Overview
+Implemented in  rxjs: Treats all data as a stream
+Programmatic and accessible GUI based interaction supported
+Lets people explore all sorts of data
+# Multimodal output
+![:img A music box with a hand turning the crank and paper being rolled through,100%,width](img/visualization/psst-musicbox.png)
+Speech output
+ - e.g. for new maxima
+ - e.g. pitch -> height
+Laser cut output
+ - Totally different model...
+# What about diagrams?
+Working right now on node link diagrams
+DOJ rule requires lots of them to be remediated
+- We are using GAI to extract the data
+- Building an authoring interface for verification
+- Providing multimodal options for output
+# Inclusion throughout data science 
+Data collection - not particularly supported (even coding tools very inaccessible)
+Data cleaning - not studied to my knowledge
+Modeling and Analysis - Common tools like Jupyter Notebooks wholly inaccessible
+Representation - Accessible visualization & data physicalization are the big opportunities
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..0a409842b2a472a62f2422c8c8b0caa8419e9ab6
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index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..c404d5b90d42981b0d7eae763c1d9fc3b40c6cf2
Binary files /dev/null and b/slides/img/visualization/perceivable.png differ
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