diff --git a/slides/3dprinting.html b/slides/3dprinting.html
index fba80782ee991e08f34ebb90e9194e2f635fc6ca..876082cfe3315753123634d2dfc2f4c8b5218272 100644
--- a/slides/3dprinting.html
+++ b/slides/3dprinting.html
@@ -7,9 +7,7 @@ class: middle, center, inverse
 background-image: url(img/people.png)
-# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
-Week 6, Additive Manufacturing and Access
+# More Additive Manufacturing
 {{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
@@ -28,14 +26,6 @@ class:
 ## Check on zoom buddies
 ## Make sure captioning is turned on
-exclude: true
-# Exclude after planning is done
-- Bring scissors 
-- Have a demo of building something from flat to 3D ready to show (including the wood with the punched out pieces so they understand how to layout SVGs in Tinkercad)
@@ -47,156 +37,6 @@ layout:false
   - Talk about the value of additive manufacturing & physical computing in accessibility
   - Cover some common approaches to making & physical computing
-# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
-What is craft?
-- Fits real needs
-- Comfortable
-- Loving
-- .lowlight[Creative]
-- Practical
-- .lowlight[Healing]
-- .lowlight[Empowering]
-- .lowlight[Subversive]
-![:img A picture of Jen's child 3 at age wearing a white knit sweater; knit mittens and a knit hat. The mittens are a bit too large and he has his hands raised in the air to show them off and a smile on his face., 100%, width](img/3dprinting/arun-knitting.png)
-# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
-What is craft?
-- Fits real needs
-- Comfortable
-- Loving
-- .lowlight[Creative]
-- Practical
-- **Healing**
-- **Empowering**
-- .lowlight[Subversive]
-![:img A picture of two different /knockers/: realistic stuffed crochet breasts for use by breast cancer survivors, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/knockers.png)
-# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
-What is craft?
-[Vice Article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/8qwpzb/mark-my-words-the-subversive-history-of-women-using-thread-as-ink)
-- Fits real needs
-- Comfortable
-- Loving
-- **Creative**
-- Practical
-- Healing
-- Empowering
-- **Subversive**
-![:img A picture of two  embroidered articles. The first dates back to 1890 and is the work of a German seamstress who had been consigned to an asylum. embroidered script in German is visible on a hanging piece of cloth. The second is an embroidered tv. Inside it is an image of a naked woman looking into a mirror with the word /Censored/ over her breasts where they show on the mirror. The image says /new mirrors by Facebook/ and /patriarchy approved/, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/subversive.png)
-dating back to the 1890s, it's the work of a German seamstress who had been consigned to an asylum. Although it's often falsely described as her straitjacket, it was actually cut and assembled from a hospital gown, tailored and then turned into an autobiography wrought on fabric. 
-[Facebook Fashion Discrimination](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/style/disabled-fashion-facebook-discrimination.html)
-![:img Two pictures of women wearing a gray cardigan and black pants. One is a white woman standing looking over her left shoulder as her white blond hair waves in the wind. She stands on a white featureless background. The other has brown skin and black hair and is posed in a wheelchair. Two pots with arrangements of dried flowers set the scene, 40%, width](img/3dprinting/fashion.png)
-# What is craft?
-- 1000s of years old
-- Highly skilled
-- Only labeled “arts and crafts” after the industrial revolution
-- Often centered in women’s “busy” work
-- Sometimes entrepreneurial 
-- Exceptional at addressing unique and individual needs
-![:img Three textbooks (Adapt my world by J. Rose Laxen; Illustrated guide to Assistive Technology & Devices by Suzanne Robitaille; and Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book II by Therese Willkomm) and A screenshot of the Thingiverse website showing 3D printed accessibility technologies collected by user @glitchpudding last updated on July 22 i 2016, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/books-at.png)
-# Modern crafting technology
-- New ways to ideate and create
- - Faster, easier, sometimes better
-- New ways to customize
- - Faster iteration
- - Mass customization
-- New materials
-- New and/or more complicated shapes
-count: false
-![:youtube Video of child using a 3D printed hand, WoZ2BgPVtA0]
-# DIY Accessibility
-Rapid iteration can help with accessible design
-![:img Rainbow loom to assist with knitting, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/rainbow-loom.jpg)
-![:img Red knitting loom with white hooks to aid accessibility, 45%, width](img/3dprinting/loom.png)
-![:youtube Xbox adaptive controller intro, 9fcK19CAjWM]
-# DIY Accessibility
-[Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility](https://make4all.org/portfolio/interactiles/) (ASSETS 2018)
-![:img A picture of a mobile phone with a tangible scroll bar and number pad built into its case to help improve blind interaction with the phone,50%, width ](img/3dprinting/interactiles.png)
-Combination of materials
-- Silicon & sewn conductive thread (could use conductive powder instead)
-- Nuts and bolts
-# Pause and discuss
-Try to think of some everyday objects that could be made more accessible (customized through DIY making)
-Pair & share; Post on [Ed](https://edstem.org/us/courses/56844/discussion/4829724)
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Who makes accessibility happen? (1/2)
@@ -573,135 +413,6 @@ class A,B,D blue
 class E green
-# Coming Up
-- I will briefly introduce Laser Cutting with  Tinkercad (I will assume you have done the tutorials!)
-- You will design something
-- You will refine it in lab and we will print it during lab
-- Further iteration possible Friday
-# Example: Bagholder
-![:img A handle with hooks below it to make it more comfortable to hold a bag , 100%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bagholder.png)
-[Instructables project](https://www.instructables.com/Making-a-laser-cut-bag-holder/)
-Examples In Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/iR1ogjaD0a9) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/lhLixGNHxFe-bag-holder) [3](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/8Cu8NS0Ws2n) [4](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/3gfeTggL15I) [5](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/h9xkhbg6dgE) [6](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/6OoyVYTHOU4)
-How could you modify this to make it more comfortable?
-# Example: Book Opener ([Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/883330413/book-buddy-book-holder-wood-thumb-page))
-.left-column50[![:img Wooden items decoratively shaped but all relatively wide and flat with a finger hole for holding a book open, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bookopener.png)]
-Example In Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/a5riyLRKUBU)
-# Example: Cup Holder ([T:1863196](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1863196))
-![:img A ring that fits a cup with two holes to attach a string and hang it around ones neck, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-hanging-cupholder.png)
-# Example: Key Guard ([T:1365497](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1365497))
-![:img A flat rectangle with a few inner shapes to make it easier to press keys in known locations, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-keyguard.png)
-# Example: Bottle Opener ([T:40131](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:40131))
-![:img A keyhole-shaped object with a semicircle of teeth at top that can grasp a bottle lid and handles that can be pressed together to apply leverage to the teeth and turn, 40%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bottle-opener.png)
-Example in Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/9SmzdtgJ9Ou) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/gt2P9U1njre) [3](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/kUCNz3pnKIG) [4](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/l7ol57fDvi3) [5](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/lbPdLUKzzoP)
-# Example: Key Handle ([T:2802082](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2802082))
-![:img A flat item with an opening shaped to hold a door key so as to make it easier to grasp and turn, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-keyhandle.png)
-How would you attach this securely?
-<!-- --- -->
-<!-- # Example: Cookbook Holder ([Home Depot](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Honey-Can-Do-Natural-Acacia-and-Steel-Tablet-or-Cookbook-Stand-KCH-08569/312111086)) -->
-<!-- ![:img Two arms that cross in such a way that they create a space to hold a cookbook up and open on the counter, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-cookbook-holder.jpeg) -->
-# Example: Pillbox ([Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1321874671/laser-cut-3-or-4-mm-18-inch-svg-7-days?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=laser+cut+pill&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1))
-![:img A box with weekday labels broken into sections for each day that can hold pills, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-pillbox.png)
-Probably made with [boxes.py](https://www.instructables.com/Lasercut-Little-Wood-Boxes/)
-![:img Pictures of laser cut boxes, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-boxes.png)
-# Example: Cutting Board ([rehab-store.com](https://www.rehab-store.com/p-one-handed-deluxe-maple-cutting-board.html)) 
-![:img A cutting board with nails and ridges to make it easier for someone with lower hand dexterity to cut, 35%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-cutting.jpeg) Examples in Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/iWToRbHgluC) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/eDCKLmKA0MA)
-# Example: Keyboard Risers ([Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/SUPBEE-Laptop-Computer-Keyboard-Pockets/dp/B0B21VHY57))
-![:img Wedges for changing the angle of a keyboard for accessibility, 35%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-supbee-keyboard.jpg)
-# Next steps
-- Now it's time to think about what you might want to make
-- Talk to your neighbor
-  - Post on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}/4829755)! 
-# If you want more
-[3D printing for health](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-for-health/)
-[More materials](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-in-a-range-of-materials/)
-[3D printing for education](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-for-education/)
-[Interactive objects](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-of-interactive-objects/)
-[3D printing and sustainability](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-and-sustainability/)
-[Options for rapid fabrication with 3D printing](http://make4all.org/portfolio/rapid-fabrication-prototyping/)
-# Extra stuff after this
-[if interested -- not for today]
-# Other Materials
-- [Lisa Harouni Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_harouni_a_primer_on_3d_printing#t-120717) (@2:12)
-- [Powder printer](https://youtu.be/kBHsfNDsbCs?t=29s)
-- [Liquid Based additive printers](https://www.popsci.com/new-liquid-based-3d-printer-takes-minutes-not-hours/) (@1:07)
-- [Candy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=rU6RAM0Wrck&feature=emb_logo),
-[Chocolate](http://youtu.be/BIFi8but3Vw) other [Confections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3TmrCzVZ6w)
-- [Pancake bot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Q8nbtRNT0)
-- Cement for houses [old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzmCnzA7hnE), [new](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zt_3Gs1ksg)
-- [MIT’s glass printer](https://gizmodo.com/watching-mits-glass-3d-printer-is-absolutely-mesmerizin-1725433454)
-- [Ceramics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JjaqKUUMMw) (with sound vibrations), [Sample art](https://www.foransuon.com/)
 # Printing: Beyond plastic
@@ -747,23 +458,6 @@ Probably made with [boxes.py](https://www.instructables.com/Lasercut-Little-Wood
 <iframe title="vimeo-player" src="https://player.vimeo.com/video/551468278" width="640" height="360" frameborder="0" allowfullscreen></iframe>
-# More examples!
-- [3D Printed Medical Device Saves Baby's Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr0HGCZSgE4)
-- [Prosthetic hand](http://youtu.be/CHPuMCshkLU?t=42s) (up to ~2:10)
-- [Prostheic 3D printed Eagle Beak](https://youtu.be/M1jxnogZgd4)
-- [3D printed car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daioWlkH7ZI)
-- [Lots of examples quickly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5AZzOw7FwA)
-- [3D printers print ten houses in 24 hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SObzNdyRTBs)
-- [Printed body parts](http://youtu.be/jSjW-EgKOhk?t=1m8s)
-- [Printed organs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nqw1yjyKEs)
-- [3D printed pizza](http://youtu.be/dvjqmMfMU7w?t=15s)
-- [3D printed fashion](http://youtu.be/63Xozzh_uHM)
-- [3D Printing a Garden Sprinkler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9XRD3P2G-E)
 # Phone as embedded computer
@@ -857,9 +551,7 @@ Printed Analytics: Sensing prosthetic device use
-# Summary
-What does physical computing offer us?
+# What does physical computing offer?
 New ways to interact
@@ -881,192 +573,55 @@ Benefits:
-# In-class build exercise…
-We will make something blink!!
-# Preparation
-Distribute Arduinos and parts…
-If you haven’t downloaded and installed the Arduino IDE, drivers (for Macs only), do that now while we are getting parts distributed. See the  AdaFruit website BlueFruit page
-If you are on a mac, you will additionally need to install the USB to UART bridge drivers provided by Silabs
-By Wednesday you will also need the Bluefruit LE Connect app, and here is the AdaFruit website describing how to install that
-Your circuitry kits are from amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EROKLBC
-# Solderless Breadboard
-![:img A picture of a breadboard, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard.png)
-Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
-# Solderless Breadboard
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with wires acrsoss rows, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard2.png)
-Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
-Central rows of holes are connected like this
-A1 is connected to 
-B1, C1, D1, and E1
-F1 is connected to 
-G1, H1, I1 and J1
-Etc. for rows 2…63
-# Solderless Breadboard
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with wires down power and ground, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard3.png)
-Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
-Side columns (‘bus’) (typically for power) are connected like this
-# Step 1: Connect Power Bus Sides
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with the two sides of power and ground connected, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard4.png)
-Connect Red to Red and Blue to Blue at the bottom (using red & black wires from kit)
-Double check that it’s Red to Red and Blue to Blue (!)
-# Step 2: Arduino into breadboard
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with arduino added, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard5.png)
-Arduino is about in the center of the breadboard (just to the left) at low numbered end, with USB connecter towards the outside (top)
-Check: You should see “a b”  and  “j”  at the top and pins in rows 1…16
-# Test
-Plug the USB cable between computer and Arduino
-Should see a bright blue or green (power) LED
- on constantly, indicating we are powered
-and red LED should flash once per second
-a “blink” test program already loaded (will be replaced)
-Side note: Computer should recognize device
-May need to install drivers if you haven’t already (Macs). Not necessary today.
-# Step 2: Power from Arduino
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with power circled, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard6.png)
+# If you want more
-For this project, USB is powering Arduino, Arduino is powering the rest of the circuit
-Connect Arduino GND pin
-# Step 3a: Power from Arduino
+[3D printing for health](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-for-health/)
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with a wire from a4 to ground, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard7.png)
+[More materials](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-in-a-range-of-materials/)
-For this project, USB is powering Arduino, Arduino is powering the rest of the circuit
-Connect Arduino GND pin
+[3D printing for education](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-for-education/)
-Can do this from a4 because breadboard ground pin is plugged into row 4
-# Step 3b: Power from Arduino
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with a wire from a2 to power, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard8.png)
+[Interactive objects](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-of-interactive-objects/)
-Now connect Arduino 3V to power using a red wire (A2 to power bus)
+[3D printing and sustainability](http://make4all.org/portfolio/3d-printing-and-sustainability/)
-At this point, power and ground are connected in both buses. All further wiring will take place in the f-j columns if not specified.
+[Options for rapid fabrication with 3D printing](http://make4all.org/portfolio/rapid-fabrication-prototyping/)
-# Note
-This part of the wiring will be used for the rest of your projects in this class, so leave it in place after you are done with this build
-# What is in your [Kit?](https://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-Electronics-breadboard-Resistor-Raspberry/dp/B07QT78FXF/ref=sr_1_9)
-![:img Kit contents include resistors, leds, diodes, capacitors, transistors, thermistors, a buzzer, servo, lcd display and more, 100%, width](img/physical/kit-contents.jpg)
-TODO: finalize kit. Considering [seeed](https://www.seeedstudio.com/Seeed-XIAO-BLE-nRF52840-p-5201.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw8-OhBhB5EiwADyoY1a8K4v1cJxiLIgz-Sbs9VeUn85knaTEDPpocYsO-Xt7SOcKo51SkbBoC-I4QAvD_BwE) and which board? [nano 33ble](https://www.amazon.com/Arduino-Nano-33-BLE/dp/B07WV59YTZ?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AA57DDZKZUZDL) or [nano 33 iot](https://www.amazon.com/Arduino-Nano-33-IoT/dp/B07VW9TSKD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AA57DDZKZUZDL)
+# Other Materials
+- [Lisa Harouni Talk](https://www.ted.com/talks/lisa_harouni_a_primer_on_3d_printing#t-120717) (@2:12)
+- [Powder printer](https://youtu.be/kBHsfNDsbCs?t=29s)
+- [Liquid Based additive printers](https://www.popsci.com/new-liquid-based-3d-printer-takes-minutes-not-hours/) (@1:07)
+- [Candy](https://www.youtube.com/watch?time_continue=5&v=rU6RAM0Wrck&feature=emb_logo),
+[Chocolate](http://youtu.be/BIFi8but3Vw) other [Confections](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=U3TmrCzVZ6w)
+- [Pancake bot](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3Q8nbtRNT0)
+- Cement for houses [old](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=WzmCnzA7hnE), [new](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8zt_3Gs1ksg)
+- [MIT’s glass printer](https://gizmodo.com/watching-mits-glass-3d-printer-is-absolutely-mesmerizin-1725433454)
+- [Ceramics](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=1JjaqKUUMMw) (with sound vibrations), [Sample art](https://www.foransuon.com/)
-# Step 4: Current Limiting Resistors
-![:img A picture of a breadboard with resistors added, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard9.png)
-Find 2 220Ω resistors
-![:img A picture of a resistor with two red, a brown and a yellow stripe, 100%, width](img/physical/resistor.png)
-Unplug Arduino while wiring!
-Connect resistors
-H24 to ground
+# More examples!
-[Wikipedia article on color codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code)
+- [3D Printed Medical Device Saves Baby's Life](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zr0HGCZSgE4)
+- [Prosthetic hand](http://youtu.be/CHPuMCshkLU?t=42s) (up to ~2:10)
+- [Prostheic 3D printed Eagle Beak](https://youtu.be/M1jxnogZgd4)
+- [3D printed car](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=daioWlkH7ZI)
+- [Lots of examples quickly](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=X5AZzOw7FwA)
+- [3D printers print ten houses in 24 hours](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SObzNdyRTBs)
+- [Printed body parts](http://youtu.be/jSjW-EgKOhk?t=1m8s)
+- [Printed organs](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4nqw1yjyKEs)
+- [3D printed pizza](http://youtu.be/dvjqmMfMU7w?t=15s)
+- [3D printed fashion](http://youtu.be/63Xozzh_uHM)
+- [3D Printing a Garden Sprinkler](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=y9XRD3P2G-E)
-TODO finish this deck from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NA1ajSwodJy6g9jDeMe1QLLflgE9_dnl)
diff --git a/slides/arduino.html b/slides/arduino.html
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8546b48f04c4b54e59d1618d769f51f10ba4d677
--- /dev/null
+++ b/slides/arduino.html
@@ -0,0 +1,225 @@
+layout: presentation
+title: FOOBAR  --Week N--
+description: Accessibility
+class: middle, center, inverse
+background-image: url(img/people.png)
+# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
+{{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
+name: normal
+layout: true
+# Important Reminder
+## Make sure zoom is running and recording!!!
+## Check on zoom buddies
+## Make sure captioning is turned on
+[//]: # (Outline Slide)
+# Learning Goals for today
+# In-class build exercise…
+We will make something blink!!
+# Preparation
+Distribute Arduinos and parts…
+If you haven’t downloaded and installed the Arduino IDE, drivers (for Macs only), do that now while we are getting parts distributed. See the  AdaFruit website BlueFruit page
+If you are on a mac, you will additionally need to install the USB to UART bridge drivers provided by Silabs
+By Wednesday you will also need the Bluefruit LE Connect app, and here is the AdaFruit website describing how to install that
+Your circuitry kits are from amazon: https://smile.amazon.com/gp/product/B01EROKLBC
+# Solderless Breadboard
+![:img A picture of a breadboard, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard.png)
+Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
+# Solderless Breadboard
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with wires acrsoss rows, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard2.png)
+Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
+Central rows of holes are connected like this
+A1 is connected to 
+B1, C1, D1, and E1
+F1 is connected to 
+G1, H1, I1 and J1
+Etc. for rows 2…63
+# Solderless Breadboard
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with wires down power and ground, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard3.png)
+Allows you to quickly make electrical connections by pressing wires into holes
+Side columns (‘bus’) (typically for power) are connected like this
+# Step 1: Connect Power Bus Sides
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with the two sides of power and ground connected, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard4.png)
+Connect Red to Red and Blue to Blue at the bottom (using red & black wires from kit)
+Double check that it’s Red to Red and Blue to Blue (!)
+# Step 2: Arduino into breadboard
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with arduino added, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard5.png)
+Arduino is about in the center of the breadboard (just to the left) at low numbered end, with USB connecter towards the outside (top)
+Check: You should see “a b”  and  “j”  at the top and pins in rows 1…16
+# Test
+Plug the USB cable between computer and Arduino
+Should see a bright blue or green (power) LED
+ on constantly, indicating we are powered
+and red LED should flash once per second
+a “blink” test program already loaded (will be replaced)
+Side note: Computer should recognize device
+May need to install drivers if you haven’t already (Macs). Not necessary today.
+# Step 2: Power from Arduino
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with power circled, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard6.png)
+For this project, USB is powering Arduino, Arduino is powering the rest of the circuit
+Connect Arduino GND pin
+# Step 3a: Power from Arduino
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with a wire from a4 to ground, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard7.png)
+For this project, USB is powering Arduino, Arduino is powering the rest of the circuit
+Connect Arduino GND pin
+Can do this from a4 because breadboard ground pin is plugged into row 4
+# Step 3b: Power from Arduino
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with a wire from a2 to power, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard8.png)
+Now connect Arduino 3V to power using a red wire (A2 to power bus)
+At this point, power and ground are connected in both buses. All further wiring will take place in the f-j columns if not specified.
+# Note
+This part of the wiring will be used for the rest of your projects in this class, so leave it in place after you are done with this build
+# What is in your [Kit?](https://www.amazon.com/SunFounder-Electronics-breadboard-Resistor-Raspberry/dp/B07QT78FXF/ref=sr_1_9)
+![:img Kit contents include resistors, leds, diodes, capacitors, transistors, thermistors, a buzzer, servo, lcd display and more, 100%, width](img/physical/kit-contents.jpg)
+TODO: finalize kit. Considering [seeed](https://www.seeedstudio.com/Seeed-XIAO-BLE-nRF52840-p-5201.html?gclid=CjwKCAjw8-OhBhB5EiwADyoY1a8K4v1cJxiLIgz-Sbs9VeUn85knaTEDPpocYsO-Xt7SOcKo51SkbBoC-I4QAvD_BwE) and which board? [nano 33ble](https://www.amazon.com/Arduino-Nano-33-BLE/dp/B07WV59YTZ?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AA57DDZKZUZDL) or [nano 33 iot](https://www.amazon.com/Arduino-Nano-33-IoT/dp/B07VW9TSKD?source=ps-sl-shoppingads-lpcontext&ref_=fplfs&psc=1&smid=AA57DDZKZUZDL)
+# Step 4: Current Limiting Resistors
+![:img A picture of a breadboard with resistors added, 100%, width](img/physical/breadboard9.png)
+Find 2 220Ω resistors
+![:img A picture of a resistor with two red, a brown and a yellow stripe, 100%, width](img/physical/resistor.png)
+Unplug Arduino while wiring!
+Connect resistors
+H24 to ground
+[Wikipedia article on color codes](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Electronic_color_code)
+TODO finish this deck from [here](https://drive.google.com/drive/folders/1NA1ajSwodJy6g9jDeMe1QLLflgE9_dnl)
diff --git a/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html b/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
index 0645c8ed956890e02fe11e5355abb5257acb5aad..83f26378ddb8b35431c83a3a68655fca8872dd6a 100644
--- a/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
+++ b/slides/bias-in-machine-learning.html
@@ -181,20 +181,20 @@ Norms are baked deeply into algorithms which are designed to learn about the mos
 - How does this impact allocation of resources?
-# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (1/2)
+# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (1/3)
 Machine intelligence  already being used to track  allocation of assistive technologies, from CPAP machines for people with sleep apnea (Araujo 2018) to prosthetic legs (as described by Jullian Wiese in
 Granta and uncovered in Whittaker et al 2019), deciding who is <q>compliant enough</q> to deserve them. 
-# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (2/2)
+# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (2/3)
 Technology may also fail to recognize that a disabled person is even present (Kane, 2020),  thus <q>demarcating what it means to be a legible human and
 whose bodies, actions, and lives fall outside... [and] remapping and calcifying the boundaries
 of inclusion and marginalization</q> (Whittaker, 2019). 
-# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (3/2)
+# How does norming harm people with disabilities? (2/3)
 Many biometric systems gatekeep access based on either individual identity, identity as a human, or class of human, such as <q>old enough to buy cigarettes.</q>
diff --git a/slides/data-visualization.html b/slides/data-visualization.html
index 2b3e5cb3cbe98565971e72fbee133bc3aeacbfd7..23ce4a4003fc29d1943020b155ce0298a5e53844 100644
--- a/slides/data-visualization.html
+++ b/slides/data-visualization.html
@@ -44,7 +44,7 @@ Alt text for this slide: seven different complex dashboards that are too tiny fo
 # Why are they useful
-![:img Three visualizations. From left to right: An election map of the united states with red and blue states indicating political affiliation during the 2020 election labeled "Politics: CNN"; A line chart from early in the COVID epidemic comparing numbers of cases in different countries labeled "Health: Financial Times"; and a map of the Ukraine titled "Areas of Russion military control in Ukraine" labeled "Conflicts: BBC",100%, width](img/visualization/three-examples.png)
+![:img Three visualizations. From left to right: An election map of the united states with red and blue states indicating political affiliation during the 2020 election labeled "Politics: CNN"; A line chart from early in the COVID epidemic comparing numbers of cases in different countries labeled "Health: Financial Times"; and a map of the Ukraine titled "Areas of Russian military control in Ukraine" labeled "Conflicts: BBC",100%, width](img/visualization/three-examples.png)
 Visualizations inform the public and guide decision-making, policy, and business.
@@ -100,7 +100,7 @@ Use high contrast, redundant encodings
 # Perceivable (2/3)
-Perceivable visualizations make look slightly different from the original as in this visualization with improved contrast
+Perceivable visualizations may look slightly different from the original as in this visualization with improved contrast
 ![:img Two visualizations that different only in the use of higher contrast colors. Both show an election map of the united states with red and blue states indicating political affiliation during the 2020 election,100%, width](img/visualization/improved-contrast.png)
@@ -126,7 +126,7 @@ Or they may require a total redesign
 Screen-reader users perform a holistic exploration first and then drill-down into the data (Sharif, 2021).
-# Aside: Lots of other ways to mak visualizations perceivable
+# Aside: Lots of other ways to make visualizations perceivable
 - Tactile graphics (3D printing, swell paper, etc) [pass around]
 - Sonification 
@@ -241,7 +241,7 @@ to 32789.
 # Lots of other research
 - Automatic alt text generation
-- Question and answer systems that let you explore the data associated with a chrat as well as chart contents
+- Question and answer systems that let you explore the data associated with a chart as well as chart contents
 - Taxonomies of alt text and preferences for level of detail
 - Better access to specific types of visualization
 - Sonification tools
diff --git a/slides/img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png b/slides/img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png
index a94d2af8c648b7aaf132e38c163e1853b6100004..4854b9152734f18c217e4842d2c803751e121ddc 100644
Binary files a/slides/img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png and b/slides/img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png differ
diff --git a/slides/img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg b/slides/img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg
index 5c90f8704aa3d4a4bc48e24661f2a8fba3530ec9..0db3b76d6a2eff1f2fbf2a281bc91f9f75157c82 100644
Binary files a/slides/img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg and b/slides/img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg differ
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index 2f126fb900b8d8c6c22b9b9e9807bc238c699239..0e0a5cd3041d5eddfedfe38aa6e445b1fb6aa1c2 100644
Binary files a/slides/img/3dprinting/measurement-error.jpg and b/slides/img/3dprinting/measurement-error.jpg differ
diff --git a/slides/img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg b/slides/img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg
index 08d5a6cdbb08d047d1ebcbc8e22bd4caa9d49bee..22f1269ca92fd00c2d5321a4af737f67083da589 100644
Binary files a/slides/img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg and b/slides/img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg differ
diff --git a/slides/img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg b/slides/img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg
index 5f66c0af65521f3daf6816441f838f2a52bcae78..8dd73863ee145279e611a30f4b1ae899e73a8506 100644
Binary files a/slides/img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg and b/slides/img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg differ
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index d08cbe44d6fd1b432e61fd707799520eb7e7b6d7..c88316fd7a87fed50874d80f73ecc7d7c452589e 100644
--- a/slides/laser-cutting.html
+++ b/slides/laser-cutting.html
@@ -1,15 +1,13 @@
 layout: presentation
-title: Laser Cutting   --Week 6--
+title: Laser Cutting
 description: Accessibility
 class: middle, center, inverse
 background-image: url(img/people.png)
-# Welcome to the Future of Access Technologies
-Week 6, Brief Intro to Laser Cutting
+# Manufacturing Access & Brief Intro to Laser Cutting
 {{site.classnum}}, {{site.quarter}}
@@ -18,6 +16,7 @@ name: normal
 layout: true
 # Important Reminder
@@ -29,16 +28,270 @@ class:
 ## Check on zoom buddies
 ## Make sure captioning is turned on
+exclude: true
+# Exclude after planning is done
+- Bring scissors 
+- Have a demo of building something from flat to 3D ready to show (including the wood with the punched out pieces so they understand how to layout SVGs in Tinkercad)
 [//]: # (Outline Slide)
 # Learning Goals for today
+- Brief introduction to Making nad Accessibility
 - Brief introduction to Laser Cutting 
 - Actually preparing an item to laser cut
 - How to make a laser cut object
 - Cover some uses of laser cutting for accessibility
-# Some key things to know about Laser Cutting
+# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
+What is craft?
+- Fits real needs
+- Comfortable
+- Loving
+- .lowlight[Creative]
+- Practical
+- .lowlight[Healing]
+- .lowlight[Empowering]
+- .lowlight[Subversive]
+![:img A picture of Jen's child 3 at age wearing a white knit sweater; knit mittens and a knit hat. The mittens are a bit too large and he has his hands raised in the air to show them off and a smile on his face., 100%, width](img/3dprinting/arun-knitting.png)
+# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
+What is craft?
+- Fits real needs
+- Comfortable
+- Loving
+- .lowlight[Creative]
+- Practical
+- **Healing**
+- **Empowering**
+- .lowlight[Subversive]
+![:img A picture of two different /knockers/: realistic stuffed crochet breasts for use by breast cancer survivors, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/knockers.png)
+# Making in an accessibility course? Why?
+What is craft?
+[Vice Article](https://www.vice.com/en/article/8qwpzb/mark-my-words-the-subversive-history-of-women-using-thread-as-ink)
+- Fits real needs
+- Comfortable
+- Loving
+- **Creative**
+- Practical
+- Healing
+- Empowering
+- **Subversive**
+![:img A picture of two  embroidered articles. The first dates back to 1890 and is the work of a German seamstress who had been consigned to an asylum. embroidered script in German is visible on a hanging piece of cloth. The second is an embroidered tv. Inside it is an image of a naked woman looking into a mirror with the word /Censored/ over her breasts where they show on the mirror. The image says /new mirrors by Facebook/ and /patriarchy approved/, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/subversive.png)
+dating back to the 1890s, it's the work of a German seamstress who had been consigned to an asylum. Although it's often falsely described as her straitjacket, it was actually cut and assembled from a hospital gown, tailored and then turned into an autobiography wrought on fabric. 
+[Facebook Fashion Discrimination](https://www.nytimes.com/2021/02/11/style/disabled-fashion-facebook-discrimination.html)
+![:img Two pictures of women wearing a gray cardigan and black pants. One is a white woman standing looking over her left shoulder as her white blond hair waves in the wind. She stands on a white featureless background. The other has brown skin and black hair and is posed in a wheelchair. Two pots with arrangements of dried flowers set the scene, 40%, width](img/3dprinting/fashion.png)
+# What is craft?
+- 1000s of years old
+- Highly skilled
+- Only labeled “arts and crafts” after the industrial revolution
+- Often centered in women’s “busy” work
+- Sometimes entrepreneurial 
+- Exceptional at addressing unique and individual needs
+![:img Three textbooks (Adapt my world by J. Rose Laxen; Illustrated guide to Assistive Technology & Devices by Suzanne Robitaille; and Assistive Technology Solutions in Minutes Book II by Therese Willkomm) and A screenshot of the Thingiverse website showing 3D printed accessibility technologies collected by user @glitchpudding last updated on July 22 i 2016, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/books-at.png)
+# Modern crafting technology
+- New ways to ideate and create
+ - Faster, easier, sometimes better
+- New ways to customize
+ - Faster iteration
+ - Mass customization
+- New materials
+- New and/or more complicated shapes
+count: false
+![:youtube Video of child using a 3D printed hand, WoZ2BgPVtA0]
+# DIY Accessibility
+Rapid iteration can help with accessible design
+![:img Rainbow loom to assist with knitting, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/rainbow-loom.jpg)
+![:img Red knitting loom with white hooks to aid accessibility, 45%, width](img/3dprinting/loom.png)
+![:youtube Xbox adaptive controller intro, 9fcK19CAjWM]
+# DIY Accessibility
+[Interactiles: 3D Printed Tactile Interfaces to Enhance Mobile Touchscreen Accessibility](https://make4all.org/portfolio/interactiles/) (ASSETS 2018)
+![:img A picture of a mobile phone with a tangible scroll bar and number pad built into its case to help improve blind interaction with the phone,50%, width ](img/3dprinting/interactiles.png)
+Combination of materials
+- Silicon & sewn conductive thread (could use conductive powder instead)
+- Nuts and bolts
+# Pause and discuss
+Try to think of some everyday objects that could be made more accessible (customized through DIY making)
+Pair & share; Post on [Ed](https://edstem.org/us/courses/56844/discussion/4829724)
+# Today we will focus on a particular kind of fabrication: Laser Cutting
+# Example: Bagholder
+![:img A handle with hooks below it to make it more comfortable to hold a bag , 100%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bagholder.png)
+[Instructables project](https://www.instructables.com/Making-a-laser-cut-bag-holder/)
+Examples In Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/iR1ogjaD0a9) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/lhLixGNHxFe-bag-holder) [3](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/8Cu8NS0Ws2n) [4](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/3gfeTggL15I) [5](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/h9xkhbg6dgE) [6](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/6OoyVYTHOU4)
+How could you modify this to make it more comfortable?
+# Example: Book Opener ([Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/883330413/book-buddy-book-holder-wood-thumb-page))
+.left-column50[![:img Wooden items decoratively shaped but all relatively wide and flat with a finger hole for holding a book open, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bookopener.png)]
+Example In Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/a5riyLRKUBU)
+# Example: Cup Holder ([T:1863196](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1863196))
+![:img A ring that fits a cup with two holes to attach a string and hang it around ones neck, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-hanging-cupholder.png)
+# Example: Key Guard ([T:1365497](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:1365497))
+![:img A flat rectangle with a few inner shapes to make it easier to press keys in known locations, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-keyguard.png)
+# Example: Bottle Opener ([T:40131](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:40131))
+![:img A keyhole-shaped object with a semicircle of teeth at top that can grasp a bottle lid and handles that can be pressed together to apply leverage to the teeth and turn, 40%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-bottle-opener.png)
+Example in Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/9SmzdtgJ9Ou) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/gt2P9U1njre) [3](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/kUCNz3pnKIG) [4](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/l7ol57fDvi3) [5](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/lbPdLUKzzoP)
+# Example: Key Handle ([T:2802082](https://www.thingiverse.com/thing:2802082))
+![:img A flat item with an opening shaped to hold a door key so as to make it easier to grasp and turn, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-keyhandle.png)
+How would you attach this securely?
+<!-- --- -->
+<!-- # Example: Cookbook Holder ([Home Depot](https://www.homedepot.com/p/Honey-Can-Do-Natural-Acacia-and-Steel-Tablet-or-Cookbook-Stand-KCH-08569/312111086)) -->
+<!-- ![:img Two arms that cross in such a way that they create a space to hold a cookbook up and open on the counter, 50%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-cookbook-holder.jpeg) -->
+# Example: Pillbox ([Etsy](https://www.etsy.com/listing/1321874671/laser-cut-3-or-4-mm-18-inch-svg-7-days?ga_order=most_relevant&ga_search_type=all&ga_view_type=gallery&ga_search_query=laser+cut+pill&ref=sr_gallery-1-6&organic_search_click=1))
+![:img A box with weekday labels broken into sections for each day that can hold pills, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-pillbox.png)
+Probably made with [boxes.py](https://www.instructables.com/Lasercut-Little-Wood-Boxes/)
+![:img Pictures of laser cut boxes, 80%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-boxes.png)
+# Example: Cutting Board ([rehab-store.com](https://www.rehab-store.com/p-one-handed-deluxe-maple-cutting-board.html)) 
+![:img A cutting board with nails and ridges to make it easier for someone with lower hand dexterity to cut, 35%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-cutting.jpeg) Examples in Tinkercad: [1](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/iWToRbHgluC) [2](https://www.tinkercad.com/things/eDCKLmKA0MA)
+# Example: Keyboard Risers ([Amazon](https://www.amazon.com/SUPBEE-Laptop-Computer-Keyboard-Pockets/dp/B0B21VHY57))
+![:img Wedges for changing the angle of a keyboard for accessibility, 35%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-supbee-keyboard.jpg)
+# Next steps
+- Now it's time to think about what you might want to make
+- Talk to your neighbor
+  - Post on [Ed]({{site.discussion}}/4829755)! 
+# How Laser Cutting works
+<div class="mermaid">
+graph LR
+A(Adobe/Powerpoint/etc) -->|Prepare| B(DXF or SVG) 
+B -->|...| D(DXF or SVG)
+D -->|Laser Cutter| E(Wood/Cardboard/Leather)
+class A,B,D blue
+class E green
 We're using a [Glowforge](https://glowforge.com/). 
 - It takes SVGs as input
@@ -53,11 +306,9 @@ We're using a [Glowforge](https://glowforge.com/).
 ![:img Illustration of cutting scoring and engraving first with those words and then with stars. Cutting cuts a hole; Scoring outlines something; and Engraving burns it into the wood, 70%, width](img/3dprinting/laser-Cut-Score-Engrave.png)
-Cutting: Makes a hole. 
-- Any line can be cut
+Cutting: Makes a hole
-Scoring: Doesn't cut all the way through. 
-- Again, any line. Use a different color
+Scoring: Doesn't cut all the way through. Use a different color
 Engraving: Burns. Can do greyscale.
 - Images.  Make sure they're not too dark. 
@@ -73,41 +324,36 @@ First create a design in TinkerCAD (or other CAD software if you know it well)
 - We will not engrave during lab, it slows things down too much, but we may cut
 - Export it as SVG (demo)
    - Include mm as units
-- Re-export *with images embedded* if you add them   
 # Your process
-Measure thrice
-Make an svg
-Print it on paper
-Cut it out and check your measurements AGAIN
+1. Measure your object
+2. Make an svg of your design
+3. Print it on paper
+4. Cut it out and check your measurements AGAIN
+5. Iterate
+6. Upload it to our drive
+7. Sand, glue & paint (if you want)
 # Example: My bag holder
-![:img Screenshot of a bagholder in tinkercad titled Mankoff Bag Hanger - V1, 30%, width](img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png)
+.left-column50[![:img Screenshot of a bagholder in tinkercad titled Mankoff Bag Hanger - V1, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/bagholder-tinkercad.png)
 # First print: On Paper
-![:img Initial design printed on paper is about the size of a single finger, 30%, width](img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg)
+.left-column50[![:img Initial design printed on paper is about the size of a single finger, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/tiny.jpg)]
 # Measuring
-![:img Calipers stretch the width of four fingers and show a measurement of about 76mm , 30%, width](img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg)
+.left-column50[![:img Calipers stretch the width of four fingers and show a measurement of about 76mm , 100%, width](img/3dprinting/measuring.jpg)
 # Other Important Measurements
@@ -125,22 +371,23 @@ Use calipers to measure!
 # Reprinted on paper
-Reason? I used 76mm for the *outer* dimension instead of the *inner* one!
-![:img Another print on paper is still too small, 30%, width](img/3dprinting/measurement-error.jpg)
+.right-column50[Reason? I used 76mm for the *outer* dimension instead of the *inner* one!]
+.left-column50[![:img Another print on paper is still too small, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/measurement-error.jpg)]
 # Final print
-Do you see the problem with this design?<BR>
-![:img A laser cut bag holder big enough for a hand!, 30%, width](img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg)
+.right-column50[Do you see the problem with this design?]
+.left-column50[![:img A laser cut bag holder big enough for a hand!, 100%, width](img/3dprinting/first-print.jpg)]
-# The End!
+# Next class
-# Other software options
+Come prepared to design: 
 [Adobe Illustrator](https://www.adobe.com/products/illustrator.html). Best for most tasks if you have it
@@ -148,3 +395,10 @@ Do you see the problem with this design?<BR>
 [Inkscape](https://www.autodesk.com/products/autocad/overview?term=1-YEAR&tab=subscription) (free). Best free option
+Can even use powerpoint
+# Now: time to start your design
+(Pen and paper first)