diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index b2ca7c37860a96215e6c35d552e963f5214df1ae..713de3dc3fa1cc245972b709900e844284832228 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -132,7 +132,6 @@ include store/weakstore/Rules.mk
 include store/benchmark/Rules.mk
 include lockserver/Rules.mk
 include timeserver/Rules.mk
-include test-client/Rules.mk
 include libtapir/Rules.mk
 # General rules
diff --git a/lockserver/client.cc b/lockserver/client.cc
index ccce2d61881ef628a6a213af6f3b2faa4eb477f7..45e2266786bf75350569bc8d09f1b424f8971d95 100644
--- a/lockserver/client.cc
+++ b/lockserver/client.cc
@@ -30,6 +30,17 @@
 #include "lockserver/client.h"
+namespace {
+    printf("Unknown command.. Try again!\n");
+    printf("Usage: exit | q | lock <key> | unlock <key>\n");
+} // namespace
 main(int argc, char **argv)
@@ -68,14 +79,18 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
             cmd[clen++] = c;
         cmd[clen] = '\0';
-        if (clen == 0) continue;
         tok = strtok(cmd, " ,.-");
+        if (tok == NULL) continue;
         if (strcasecmp(tok, "exit") == 0 || strcasecmp(tok, "q") == 0) {
         } else if (strcasecmp(tok, "lock") == 0) {
             tok = strtok(NULL, " ,.-");
+            if (tok == NULL) {
+                usage();
+                continue;
+            }
             key = string(tok);
             status = locker.lock(key);
@@ -86,11 +101,15 @@ main(int argc, char **argv)
         } else if (strcasecmp(tok, "unlock") == 0) {
             tok = strtok(NULL, " ,.-");
+            if (tok == NULL) {
+                usage();
+                continue;
+            }
             key = string(tok);
             printf("Unlock Successful\n");
         } else {
-            printf("Unknown command.. Try again!\n");
+            usage();
diff --git a/proof/IR.tla b/proof/IR.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..f6d5afd3c770029d91e7143da8e7c9fd009743d0
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/IR.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,526 @@
+--------------------------------- MODULE IR ---------------------------------
+(* This is a TLA+ specification of the Inconsistent Replication algorithm. *)
+(* (And a mechanically-checked proof of its correctness using TLAPS)       *)
+EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, TLC, TLAPS
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Constants}} ^'                                *)
+(*  Constant parameters:                                                   *)
+(*        Replicas: the set of all replicas (Replica IDs)                  *)
+(*        Clients: the set of all clients (Client IDs)                     *)
+(*        Quorums: the set of all quorums                                  *)
+(*        SuperQuorums: the set of all super quorums                       *)
+(*        Results: the set of all possible result types                    *)
+(*        OperationBody: the set of all possible operation bodies          *)
+(*          (with arguments, etc. - can be infinite)                       *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+(*        f: maximum number of failures allowed (half of n)                *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+(*  Constants used to bound variables, for model checking (Nat is bounded) *)
+(*        max_vc: maximum number of View-Changes allowed for each replicas *)
+(*        max_req: maximum number of op requests performed by clients      *)
+CONSTANTS Replicas, Clients, Quorums, SuperQuorums, Results, OperationBody,
+          max_vc, max_req, f
+ASSUME IsFiniteSet(Replicas)
+(* The  possible states of a replica and the two types of operations       *)
+(*  currently defined by IR.                                               *)
+ClientState == {"NORMAL", "FAILED"}
+OperationType == {"Inconsistent", "Consensus"}
+(* Definition of operation space                                           *)
+MessageId == Clients \X Nat
+Operations == OperationType \X OperationBody
+(* Message is defined to be the set of all possible messages               *)
+\* TODO: Assumptions
+\* Assume unique message ids
+\* Assume no more than f replica failures
+Message ==
+       [type: {"REQUEST"},
+        id: MessageId,
+        op: Operations]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"REPLY"},
+        id: MessageId,
+        v: Nat,
+        res: Results,
+        src: Replicas]
+       \* v = view num. 
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"DO-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        r: SUBSET (MessageId \X Operations \X Results 
+                    \cup MessageId \X Operations),
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas,
+        dst: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW"},
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup 
+       [type: {"START-VIEW-REPLY"},
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas,
+        dst: Replicas]
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Variables and State Predicates}} ^'           *)
+(* Variables:                                                              *)
+(*        1. State at each replica:                                        *)
+(*            rState = Denotes current replica state. Either:              *)
+(*                       - NORMAL (processing operations)                  *)
+(*                       - VIEW-CHANGING (participating in recovery)       *)
+(*            rRecord = Unordered set of operations and their results      *)
+(*            rViewNumber = current view number                            *)
+(*        2. State of communication medium:                                *)
+(*            sentMsg = sent (but not yet received) messages               *)
+(*        3. State at client:                                              *)
+(*            cCurrentOperation = crt operation requested by the client    *)
+(*            cMmessageCounter = the message I must use for                *)
+(*                               the next operation                        *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+VARIABLES rState, rRecord, rViewNumber, rViewReplies, sentMsg, cCrtOp,
+          cMsgCounter, cCrtOpReplies, cState, aSuccessful, aFinalized,
+          gViewChangesNo
+(* Defining these tuples makes it easier to express which varibles remain  *)
+(* unchanged                                                               *)
+rVars == <<rState, rRecord, rViewNumber, rViewReplies>>\* Replica variables.
+cVars == <<cCrtOp,        \* current operation at a client
+           cCrtOpReplies, \* current operation replies
+           cMsgCounter,
+           cState>>                          \* Client variables.
+aVars == <<aSuccessful, aFinalized>>         \* Application variables
+oVars == <<sentMsg, gViewChangesNo>>         \* Other variables.
+vars == <<rVars, cVars, oVars>>              \* All variables.
+TypeOK ==
+  /\ rState \in [Replicas -> ReplicaState]
+  /\ rRecord \in [Replicas ->  SUBSET (MessageId \X
+                                        Operations \X
+                                        Results
+                                  \cup MessageId \X
+                                        Operations)]
+  /\ rViewNumber \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rViewReplies \in [Replicas -> SUBSET [type: {"do-view-change",
+                                                  "start-view-reply"},
+                                           viewNumber: Nat,
+                                           r: SUBSET (MessageId \X 
+                                                       Operations \X
+                                                       Results
+                                                 \cup MessageId \X
+                                                       Operations),
+                                           src: Replicas]]
+  /\ sentMsg \in SUBSET Message
+  /\ cCrtOp \in [Clients -> Operations \cup {<<>>}]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies \in [Clients -> SUBSET [viewNumber: Nat,
+                                            res: Results,
+                                            src: Replicas]]
+  /\ cMsgCounter \in [Clients -> Nat]
+  /\ cState \in [Clients -> ClientState]
+  /\ aSuccessful \in SUBSET (MessageId \X
+                              Operations \X
+                              Results
+                        \cup MessageId \X
+                              Operations)
+  /\ aFinalized \in SUBSET (MessageId \X
+                             Operations \X
+                             Results)
+  /\ gViewChangesNo \in Nat
+Init ==
+  /\ rState = [r \in Replicas |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rRecord = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ rViewNumber = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rViewReplies = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ sentMsg = {}
+  /\ cCrtOp = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies = [c \in Clients |-> {}]
+  /\ cMsgCounter = [c \in Clients |-> 0]
+  /\ cState = [c \in Clients |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ aSuccessful = {}
+  /\ aFinalized = {}
+  /\ gViewChangesNo = 0
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Actions}} ^'                                  *)
+Send(m) == sentMsg' = sentMsg \cup {m}
+Receive(m) == sentMsg' = sentMsg \ {m}
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Client Actions}} ^'                           *)
+\* Note: CHOOSE does not introduce nondeterminism (the same value is chosen
+\* each time)
+\*Client sends a request
+ClientRequest(c) ==
+  \E opType \in OperationType: \E opBody \in OperationBody:
+    /\ cCrtOp[c] = <<>> \*\* the client is not waiting for a result
+                        \*\* of another operation
+    /\ Send([type |-> "REQUEST", id |-> <<c, cMsgCounter[c]>>,
+               op |-> <<opType, opBody>> ])
+    /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = <<opType, opBody>>]
+    /\ cMsgCounter' = [cMsgCounter EXCEPT ![c] = cMsgCounter[c] + 1]
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, aVars, cCrtOpReplies, cState, gViewChangesNo>>
+    /\ cMsgCounter[c] < max_req \* BOUND the number of requests a client can make
+\*Client received a reply
+ClientReceiveReply(c) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "REPLY"
+    /\ cCrtOp[c] # <<>>
+    /\ msg.id = <<c, cMsgCounter[c] - 1>> \* reply to c's request for crt op
+    \* TODO: if already reply from src, keep the most recent one (biggest view Number)
+    \* /\ Assert(Cardinality(cCrtOpReplies[c])< 10, "cCrtOpReplies cardinality bound")
+    /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![c] = @ \cup 
+                                           {[viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                            res         |-> msg.res,
+                                            src         |-> msg.src]}]
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<cCrtOp, cMsgCounter, cState, rVars, aVars, oVars>> 
+\*An operation is successful at a client and result returned to the application
+ClientSuccessfulOp(c) ==
+  /\ cCrtOp[c] /= <<>>
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+     \* a quorum of replies with matching view numbers
+     /\ \A r \in Q:
+        /\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[c]: reply.src = r
+        /\ \A p \in Q: \E rr, pr \in cCrtOpReplies[c]:
+                                  /\ rr.src = r
+                                  /\ pr.src = p
+                                  /\ rr.viewNumber = pr.viewNumber
+     /\ \/ /\ cCrtOp[c][1] = "Inconsistent"
+           /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = <<>>]
+           /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![c] = {}]
+           /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                                   {<<<<c, cMsgCounter[c] - 1>>,
+                                      cCrtOp[c]>>}
+           /\ UNCHANGED <<cMsgCounter, cState>>
+        \/ /\ cCrtOp[c][1] = "Consensus"
+           /\ \A r, p \in Q: \E rr, pr \in cCrtOpReplies[c]:
+                                  /\ rr.src = r
+                                  /\ pr.src = p
+                                  /\ rr.res = pr.res
+           /\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[c]:
+             /\ reply.src \in Q
+             /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                                     {<<<<c, cMsgCounter[c] - 1>>,
+                                        cCrtOp[c],
+                                        reply.res>>}
+           /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars>>
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, aFinalized, oVars>>
+\*An operation is finalized by a client and result returned to the application
+ClientFinalizedOp(c) ==
+  /\ cCrtOp[c] /= <<>> /\ cCrtOp[c][1] = "Consensus"
+  /\ \E Q \in SuperQuorums:
+     \* a superquorum of replies with matching view numbers and results
+     /\ \A r \in Q:
+        /\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[c]: reply.src = r
+        /\ \A p \in Q: \E rr, pr \in cCrtOpReplies[c]:
+                                  /\ rr.src = r
+                                  /\ pr.src = p
+                                  /\ rr.viewNumber = pr.viewNumber
+                                  /\ rr.res = pr.res
+     /\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[c]:
+       /\ reply.src \in Q
+       /\ aFinalized' = aFinalized \cup
+                              {<<<<c, cMsgCounter[c] - 1>>,
+                                 cCrtOp[c],
+                                 reply.res >>}
+  /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![c] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cMsgCounter, cState, aSuccessful, oVars>>
+\*Client fails and looses all data
+ClientFail(c) ==
+  /\ cState' = [cState EXCEPT ![c] = "FAILED"]
+  /\ cMsgCounter' = [cMsgCounter EXCEPT ![c] = 0]
+  /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![c] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, aVars, oVars>>
+\*Client recovers
+ClientRecover(c) == FALSE
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Replica Actions}} ^'                          *)
+\* Replica sends a reply
+ReplicaReply(r) == \* TODO: Might need to check for duplicate state action?
+  \E op \in Operations, id \in MessageId, result \in Results:
+     /\ [type |-> "REQUEST", id |-> id, op |-> op] \in sentMsg
+     /\ ~ \E rec \in rRecord[r]: rec[1] = id 
+        \* not alredy replied for this op
+     /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup {<<id, op, result>>}]
+     /\ Assert(rViewNumber[r] < 10, "viewNumber bound")
+     /\ Send([type |-> "REPLY",
+              id   |-> id,
+              v    |-> rViewNumber[r],
+              res  |-> result,
+              src  |-> r])
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<rState, rViewNumber, rViewReplies, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\*A replica starts the view change procedure
+\* supports concurrent view changes (id by src)
+ReplicaStartViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW-CHANGE", v |-> rViewNumber[r], src |-> r])
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![r] = "RECOVERING"]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewNumber, rViewReplies, rRecord, cVars, aVars>>
+  /\ gViewChangesNo < max_vc \* BOUND on number of view changes
+  /\ gViewChangesNo' = gViewChangesNo + 1
+\* A replica received a message to start view change
+ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+       /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW-CHANGE"
+       /\ LET v_new ==
+                IF msg.v > rViewNumber[r] THEN msg.v
+                ELSE rViewNumber[r]
+          IN       
+            /\ ~\E m \in sentMsg: \* not already sent (just to bound the model checker)
+              /\ m.type = "DO-VIEW-CHANGE"
+              /\ m.v >= msg.v
+              /\ m.dst = msg.src
+              /\ m.src = r
+            /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+                     v    |-> v_new + 1,
+                     r    |-> rRecord[r],
+                     src  |-> r,
+                     dst  |-> msg.src])
+            /\ rViewNumber' = [rViewNumber EXCEPT ![r] = v_new + 1]
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars, rRecord, rViewReplies, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* Replica received DO-VIEW-CHANGE message
+ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r) ==
+  \*/\ Assert(Cardinality(sentMsg) < 20, "bound on sentMsg")
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+       /\ msg.type = "DO-VIEW-CHANGE"
+       /\ msg.dst = r
+       /\ msg.v > rViewNumber[r]
+       /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup
+                                          {[type       |-> "do-view-change",
+                                            viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                            r          |-> msg.r,
+                                            src        |-> msg.src]}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars, rViewNumber, rRecord, rState, aVars, oVars>>
+RecoverOpsResults(ops) == 
+  \*/\ Assert(Cardinality(ops) < 3, "recovered ops result")
+  /\ TRUE
+RecoverOps(ops) == 
+  \*/\ Assert(Cardinality(ops) < 3, "recovered ops")
+  /\ TRUE
+\* A replica received enough view change replies to start processing in the new view
+ReplicaDecideNewView(r) ==
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+      /\ \A rep \in Q: \E reply \in rViewReplies[r]: /\ reply.src = rep
+                                                     /\ reply.type = "do-view-change" 
+      \* received at least a quorum of replies
+      /\ LET recoveredConensusOps_a ==
+             \* any consensus operation found in at least a majority of a Quorum
+                {x \in UNION {y.r: y \in {z \in rViewReplies[r]: z.src \in Q}}:
+                  /\ x[2][1] = "Consensus"
+                  /\ \E P \in SuperQuorums:
+                       \A rep \in Q \cap P:
+                         \E reply \in rViewReplies[r]:
+                           /\ reply.src = rep
+                           /\ x \in reply.r} \* same op, same result
+             recoveredConensusOps_b == \* TODO: what result? from the app?
+               \* the rest of consensus ops found in at least one record (discard the result)
+               {<<z[1], z[2]>>:
+                 z \in {x \in UNION {y.r: y \in {z \in rViewReplies[r]: z.src \in Q}}:
+                   /\ x[2][1] = "Consensus"
+                   /\ ~ x \in recoveredConensusOps_a}}
+             recoveredInconsistentOps_c ==
+               \* any inconsistent operation found in any received record (discard the result)
+               {<<z[1], z[2]>>:
+                  z \in {x \in UNION {y.r: y \in {z \in rViewReplies[r]: z.src \in Q}}:
+                     x[2][1] = "Inconsistent"}}
+         IN
+           /\ RecoverOpsResults(recoveredConensusOps_a)
+           /\ RecoverOps(recoveredConensusOps_b)
+           /\ RecoverOps(recoveredInconsistentOps_c)
+           /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup recoveredConensusOps_a
+                                                  \cup recoveredConensusOps_b
+                                                  \cup recoveredInconsistentOps_c]
+      /\ LET v_new ==
+               \* max view number received
+               CHOOSE v \in {x.viewNumber: x \in rViewReplies[r]}:
+                     \A y \in rViewReplies[r]:
+                       y.viewNumber <= v
+         IN
+           /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW",
+                    v    |-> v_new,
+                    src  |-> r])
+           /\ rViewNumber' = [rViewNumber EXCEPT ![r] = v_new]
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rState, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\*A replica receives a start view message
+ReplicaReceiveStartView(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW"
+    /\ msg.v >= rViewNumber[r]
+    /\ msg.src # r \* don't reply to myself
+    /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW-REPLY",
+             v    |-> msg.v,
+             src  |-> r,
+             dst  |-> msg.src])
+    /\ rViewNumber' = [rViewNumber EXCEPT ![r] = msg.v]
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rRecord, rViewReplies, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+ReplicaReceiveStartViewReply(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW-REPLY"
+    /\ msg.dst = r
+    /\ msg.v > rViewNumber[r] \* receive only if bigger than the last view I was in
+    /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup
+                               {[type       |-> "start-view-reply",
+                                 viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                 r          |-> {},
+                                 src        |-> msg.src]}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rRecord, rState, rViewNumber, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+ReplicaRecover(r) == \* we received enough START-VIEW-REPLY messages
+  \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ r \in Q
+    /\ \A p \in Q: \/ p = r
+                   \/ /\ p # r
+                      /\ \E reply \in rViewReplies[r]: /\ reply.src = p
+                                                       /\ reply.type = "start-view-reply"
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rRecord, rViewNumber, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+ReplicaResumeViewChange(r) == \* TODO: On timeout
+\*A replica fails and looses everything
+ReplicaFail(r) == \* TODO: check cardinality
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![r] = "FAILED"]
+  /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  \*/\ rViewNumber' = [rViewNumber EXCEPT ![r] = 0] \* TODO: check what happens if we loose the view number
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewNumber, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+  /\ Cardinality({re \in Replicas: 
+      \* We assume less than f replicas are allowed to fail
+                           \/ rState[re] = "FAILED"
+                           \/ rState[re] = "RECOVERING"}) < f
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{High-Level Actions}} ^'                       *)
+ClientAction(c) ==
+  \/ /\ cState[c] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \/ ClientRequest(c) \* some client tries to replicate commit an operation
+        \/ ClientReceiveReply(c)  \* some client receives a reply from a replica
+        \*\/ ClientFail(c)     \* some client fails
+        \/ ClientSuccessfulOp(c) \* an operation is successful at some client
+        \/ ClientFinalizedOp(c) \* an operation was finalized at some client
+  \/ /\ cState[c] = "FAILED"
+     /\ \/ ClientRecover(c)
+ReplicaAction(r) ==
+  \/ /\ rState[r] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReply(r) \* some replica sends a reply to a REQUEST msg
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaFail(r)       \* some replica fails
+  \/ /\ rState[r] = "FAILED"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaStartViewChange(r) \* some replica starts to recover
+  \/ /\ rState[r] = "RECOVERING" \* just to make it clear
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaDecideNewView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartViewReply(r)
+        \/ ReplicaRecover(r)
+  \/ /\ rState[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaResumeViewChange(r) \* some timeout expired and view change not finished
+        \/ ReplicaFail(r)
+Next ==
+  \/ \E c \in Clients: ClientAction(c)
+  \/ \E r \in Replicas: ReplicaAction(r)
+Spec ==
+  TypeOK /\ Init /\ [] [Next]_vars
+FaultTolerance ==
+  /\ \A successfulOp \in aSuccessful, Q \in Quorums:
+         (\A r \in Q: rState[r] = "NORMAL" \/ rState[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING")
+      => (\E p \in Q: \E rec \in rRecord[p]:
+            /\ successfulOp[1] = rec[1]
+            /\ successfulOp[2] = rec[2])  \* Not necessarily same result
+  /\ \A finalizedOp \in aFinalized, Q \in Quorums:
+         (\A r \in Q: rState[r] = "NORMAL" \/ rState[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING")
+      => (\E P \in SuperQuorums:
+            \A p \in Q \cap P:
+              \E rec \in rRecord[p]:
+                finalizedOp = rec)
+Inv ==
+  /\ TypeOK
+  /\ FaultTolerance
+THEOREM Spec => []Inv
+<1>1. Init => Inv
+  PROOF BY DEF Init, Inv, TypeOK, FaultTolerance, ReplicaState, ClientState
+<1>2. Inv /\ [Next]_vars => Inv'
+<1>3. QED
+  PROOF BY <1>1, <1>2, PTL DEF Spec
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Sun Jan 25 14:09:05 PST 2015 by aaasz
+\* Created Fri Dec 12 17:42:14 PST 2014 by aaasz
diff --git a/proof/IR_consensus.tla b/proof/IR_consensus.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..ac3dd7d5993241fbeb09c40135c6e929223ec339
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/IR_consensus.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,833 @@
+------------------------ MODULE IR_consensus --------------------------------
+(* This is a TLA+ specification of the Inconsistent Replication algorithm. *)
+(* (And a mechanically-checked proof of its correctness using TLAPS)       *)
+EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, TLC, TLAPS
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Constants}} ^'                                *)
+(*  Constant parameters:                                                   *)
+(*        Replicas: the set of all replicas (Replica IDs)                  *)
+(*        Clients: the set of all clients (Client IDs)                     *)
+(*        Quorums: the set of all quorums                                  *)
+(*        SuperQuorums: the set of all super quorums                       *)
+(*        Results: the set of all possible result types                    *)
+(*        OperationBody: the set of all possible operation bodies          *)
+(*          (with arguments, etc. - can be infinite)                       *)
+(*        S: shard id of the shard Replicas constitute                     *)
+(*        f: maximum number of failures allowed (half of n)                *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+(*  Constants used to bound variables, for model checking (Nat is bounded) *)
+(*        max_vc: maximum number of View-Changes allowed for each replicas *)
+(*        max_req: maximum number of op requests performed by clients      *)
+CONSTANTS Replicas, Clients, Quorums, SuperQuorums, Results, OpBody,
+          AppClientFail, AppReplicaFail,
+          SuccessfulInconsistentOp(_,_,_), SuccessfulConsensusOp(_,_,_,_),
+          Merge(_,_,_),
+          Sync(_),
+          ExecInconsistent(_),
+          ExecConsensus(_),
+          Decide(_),
+          f,
+          S, Shards, \* S = shard id
+          max_vc, max_req
+ASSUME IsFiniteSet(Replicas)
+ASSUME QuorumAssumption ==
+          /\ Quorums \subseteq SUBSET Replicas
+          /\ SuperQuorums \subseteq SUBSET Replicas
+          /\ \A Q1, Q2 \in Quorums: Q1 \cap Q2 # {}
+          /\ \A Q \in Quorums, R1, R2 \in SuperQuorums:
+                                         Q \cap R1 \cap R2 # {}
+ASSUME FailuresAssumption ==
+          \A Q \in Quorums: Cardinality(Q) > f
+(* The  possible states of a replica and the two types of operations       *)
+(*  currently defined by IR.                                               *)
+ClientState == {"NORMAL", "FAILED"}
+OpType == {"Inconsistent", "Consensus"}
+(* Definition of operation space                                           *)
+MessageId == [cid: Clients, msgid: Nat]
+Operations == [type: OpType, body: OpBody] \cup {<<>>}
+(* Message is defined to be the set of all possible messages               *)
+\* Assume unique message ids
+\* Assume no more than f replica failures
+\* We use shard to specify for what shard this message was
+\*  (we share the variables)
+Message ==
+       [type: {"PROPOSE"},
+        id: MessageId,
+        op: Operations,
+        v:  Nat]
+  \cup [type: {"REPLY"}, \* reply no result
+        id: MessageId,
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas] 
+  \cup
+       [type: {"REPLY"}, \* reply with result
+        id: MessageId,
+        v: Nat,
+        res: Results,
+        src: Replicas]
+       \* v = view num.
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"DO-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        r: SUBSET ([msgid: MessageId,
+                    op: Operations,
+                    res: Results,
+                    status: OpStatus]
+              \cup [msgid: MessageId,
+                    op: Operations,
+                    status: OpStatus]),
+        v: Nat,
+        lv: Nat,
+        src: Replicas,
+        dst: SUBSET Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW"},
+        v: Nat,
+        r: SUBSET ([msgid: MessageId,
+                    op: Operations,
+                    res: Results,
+                    status: OpStatus]
+              \cup [msgid: MessageId,
+                    op: Operations,
+                    status: OpStatus]), 
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"FINALIZE"}, \* finalize with no result
+        id: MessageId,
+        op: Operations,
+        res: Results,
+        v: Nat]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"FINALIZE"}, \* finalize with result
+        id: MessageId,
+        op: Operations,
+        res: Results,
+        v: Nat]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"CONFIRM"},
+        v: Nat,
+        id: MessageId,
+        op: Operations,
+        res: Results,
+        src: Replicas]
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Variables and State Predicates}} ^'           *)
+(* \* Variables:                                                           *)
+(*        1. State at each replica:                                        *)
+(*            rState = Denotes current replica state. Either:              *)
+(*                       - NORMAL (processing operations)                  *)
+(*                       - VIEW-CHANGING (participating in recovery)       *)
+(*            rRecord = Unordered set of operations and their results      *)
+(*            rViewNumber = current view number                            *)
+(*        2. State of communication medium:                                *)
+(*            sentMsg = sent (but not yet received) messages               *)
+(*        3. State at client:                                              *)
+(*            cCurrentOperation = crt operation requested by the client    *)
+(*            cMmessageCounter = the message I must use for                *)
+(*                               the next operation                        *)
+(* *\                                                                      *)
+VARIABLES rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rLastView, rViewReplies,
+          rViewOnDisk,
+          rNonce, sentMsg, cCrtOp,
+          cCrtOpToFinalize, cMsgCounter, cCrtOpReplies, cCrtOpConfirms,
+          cState, aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility, gViewChangesNo
+(* Defining these tuples makes it easier to express which varibles remain  *)
+(* unchanged                                                               *)
+\* Replica variables.
+rVars == <<rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rViewOnDisk, rLastView,
+           rViewReplies, rNonce>>
+\* Client variables.
+cVars == <<cCrtOp,        \* current operation at a client
+           cCrtOpToFinalize,
+           cCrtOpReplies, \* current operation replies
+           cCrtOpConfirms,
+           cMsgCounter,
+           cState>>
+\* Application variables.
+aVars == <<aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility>>  \* we use them to write invariants
+\* Other variables.
+oVars == <<sentMsg, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* All variables.
+vars == <<rVars, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+TypeOK ==
+  /\ rState[S] \in [Replicas -> ReplicaState]
+  /\ rRecord[S] \in [Replicas ->  SUBSET ([msgid: MessageId,
+                                           op: Operations,
+                                           res: Results,
+                                           status: OpStatus]
+                                     \cup [msgid: MessageId,
+                                           op: Operations,
+                                           status: OpStatus])]
+  /\ rCrtView[S] \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rViewOnDisk[S] \in [Replicas -> Nat]  
+  /\ rLastView[S] \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rViewReplies[S] \in [Replicas -> SUBSET ([type: {"start-view-change"},
+                                               v: Nat,
+                                               src: Replicas]
+                                         \cup [type: {"do-view-change"},
+                                               v: Nat,
+                                               lv: Nat,
+                                               r: SUBSET ([msgid: MessageId,
+                                                           op: Operations,
+                                                           res: Results,
+                                                           status: OpStatus]
+                                                     \cup [msgid: MessageId,
+                                                           op: Operations,
+                                                           status: OpStatus]),
+                                               src: Replicas])]
+  /\ rNonce[S] \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ sentMsg[S] \in SUBSET Message
+  /\ cCrtOp[S] \in [Clients -> Operations]
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize[S] \in [Clients -> Operations]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies[S] \in [Clients -> SUBSET ([viewNumber: Nat,
+                                              res: Results,
+                                              src: Replicas]
+                                        \cup [viewNumber: Nat,
+                                              src: Replicas])]
+  /\ cCrtOpConfirms[S] \in [Clients -> SUBSET [viewNumber: Nat,
+                                              res: Results,
+                                              src: Replicas]]
+  /\ cMsgCounter[S] \in [Clients -> Nat]
+  /\ cState \in [Clients -> ClientState]
+  /\ aSuccessful \in SUBSET ([mid: MessageId,
+                                  op: Operations,
+                                 res: Results]
+                           \cup [mid: MessageId,
+                                  op: Operations])
+  /\ aVisibility[S] \in [MessageId -> SUBSET MessageId]
+  /\ arRecord[S] \in [Replicas ->  SUBSET ([msgid: MessageId,
+                                            op: Operations,
+                                            res: Results,
+                                            status: OpStatus]
+                                     \cup [msgid: MessageId,
+                                           op: Operations,
+                                           status: OpStatus])]
+  /\ gViewChangesNo[S] \in Nat
+Init ==
+  /\ rState = [r \in Replicas |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rRecord = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ rCrtView = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rViewOnDisk = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rLastView = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rViewReplies = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ rNonce = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ sentMsg = {}
+  /\ cCrtOp = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies = [c \in Clients |-> {}]
+  /\ cCrtOpConfirms = [c \in Clients |-> {}]
+  /\ cMsgCounter = [c \in Clients |-> 0]
+  /\ cState = [c \in Clients |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ aSuccessful = {}
+  /\ aVisibility = [o \in MessageId |-> {}]
+  /\ arRecord = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ gViewChangesNo = 0
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Actions}} ^'                                  *)
+Send(m) == sentMsg' = [sentMsg EXCEPT ![S] = @ \cup {m}]
+AmLeader(r, v) == r = (v % Cardinality(Replicas)) + 1
+IsLeader(r, v) == AmLeader(r, v)
+NotIsLeader(r, v) == r /= (v % Cardinality(Replicas)) + 1
+LeaderOf(v) == CHOOSE x \in Replicas: IsLeader(x, v)
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Client Actions}} ^'                           *)
+\* Note: CHOOSE does not introduce nondeterminism (the same value is chosen
+\* each time)
+\* \* Client sends a request
+ClientRequest(c, op) ==
+  /\ cCrtOp[S][c] = <<>> \* the client is not waiting for a result
+                         \* of another operation
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize[S][c] = <<>> \* the client is not waiting
+                                   \* to finalize operation
+  /\ cMsgCounter' = [cMsgCounter EXCEPT ![S][c] = @ + 1]
+  /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![S][c] = op]
+  /\ Send([type |-> "PROPOSE",
+             id |-> [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c] + 1],
+             op |-> op,
+             v  |-> 0])
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, aVars, cCrtOpReplies, cCrtOpToFinalize,
+                 cCrtOpConfirms,cState, gViewChangesNo>>
+  /\ cMsgCounter[S][c] < max_req \* BOUND the number of requests a client can make
+                                 \* (useful for model checking)
+\* \* Client received a reply
+ClientReceiveReply(c) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+    /\ msg.type = "REPLY"
+    /\ cCrtOp[S][c] /= <<>>
+    /\ \* reply to c's request for crt op 
+       msg.id = [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]]
+    /\ \/ /\ cCrtOp[S][c].type = "Inconsistent"
+          /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![S][c] = @ \cup 
+                                           {[viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                             src         |-> msg.src]}]
+       \/ /\ cCrtOp[S][c].type = "Consensus"
+          /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![S][c] = @ \cup 
+                                           {[viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                             res         |-> msg.res,
+                                             src         |-> msg.src]}]
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<cCrtOp, cCrtOpToFinalize, cCrtOpConfirms,
+                   cMsgCounter, cState, rVars, aVars, oVars>>
+\* \* "Helper" formulas
+__matchingViewNumbers(Q, c) ==
+     \* a (super)quorum of replies with matching view numbers
+     /\ \A r \in Q:
+        \*/\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]: reply.src = r
+        /\ \A p \in Q: \E rr, pr \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]:
+                                  /\ rr.src = r
+                                  /\ pr.src = p
+                                  /\ rr.viewNumber = pr.viewNumber
+__matchingViewNumbersAndResults(Q, c) ==
+     \* a (super)quorum of replies with matching view numbers
+     \* and results
+     /\ \A r \in Q:
+        \*/\ \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]: reply.src = r
+        /\ \A p \in Q: \E rr, pr \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]:
+                                  /\ rr.src = r
+                                  /\ pr.src = p
+                                  /\ rr.viewNumber = pr.viewNumber
+                                  /\ rr.res = pr.res
+\* \* IR Client received enough responses to decide
+\* \* what to do with the operation
+ClientSendFinalize(c) ==
+  /\ cCrtOp[S][c] /= <<>>
+  /\ \/ \E Q \in Quorums:
+     \* I. The IR Client got a simple quorum of replies
+        /\ \A r \in Q:
+             \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]: reply.src = r
+        /\ \/ /\ cCrtOp[S][c].type = "Inconsistent"
+              /\ __matchingViewNumbers(Q, c)
+              /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                                 {[mid |-> [cid |-> c,
+                                   msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                                   op |-> cCrtOp[S][c]]}
+              /\ SuccessfulInconsistentOp(c, S, cCrtOp[S][c])
+              /\ Send([type |-> "FINALIZE",
+                       id |-> [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                       op |-> cCrtOp[S][c],
+                       v  |-> 0])
+              /\ UNCHANGED <<cCrtOpToFinalize>>
+           \/ /\ cCrtOp[S][c].type = "Consensus"
+              /\ __matchingViewNumbers(Q, c)
+              /\ LET res == IF __matchingViewNumbersAndResults(Q, c) 
+                            THEN
+                                CHOOSE result \in
+                                    {res \in Results: 
+                                        \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]:
+                                           /\ reply.src \in Q
+                                           /\ reply.res = res}: TRUE
+                            ELSE
+                                 Decide(cCrtOpReplies[S][c])
+                 IN
+                   /\ Send([type |-> "FINALIZE",
+                            id |-> [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                            op |-> cCrtOp[S][c],
+                            res |-> res,
+                            v  |-> 0])
+              /\ cCrtOpToFinalize' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![S][c] = cCrtOp[S][c]]
+              /\ UNCHANGED <<aSuccessful>>
+     \/ \E SQ \in SuperQuorums:
+     \* II. The IR Client got super quorum of responses
+        /\ \A r \in SQ:
+             \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]: reply.src = r         
+        /\ cCrtOp[S][c].type = "Consensus" \* only care if consensus op
+        /\ __matchingViewNumbersAndResults(SQ, c)
+        /\ LET res == CHOOSE result \in
+                                    {res \in Results: 
+                                        \E reply \in cCrtOpReplies[S][c]:
+                                           /\ reply.src \in SQ
+                                           /\ reply.res = res}: TRUE
+           IN
+             /\ Send([type |-> "FINALIZE",
+                      id |-> [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                      op |-> cCrtOp[S][c],
+                      res |-> res,
+                      v  |-> 0])
+             /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                                 {[mid |-> [cid |-> c,
+                                            msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                                   op |-> cCrtOp[S][c],
+                                   res |-> res]}
+             /\ SuccessfulConsensusOp(c, S, cCrtOp[S][c], res)
+        /\ UNCHANGED <<cCrtOpToFinalize>>
+  /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![S][c] = <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![S][c] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cMsgCounter, cState, cCrtOpConfirms, rVars, arRecord, aVisibility, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* \* Client received a confirm
+ClientReceiveConfirm(c) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+    /\ msg.type = "CONFIRM"
+    /\ cCrtOpToFinalize[S][c] /= <<>>
+    /\ msg.id = [cid |-> c, msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]] \* reply to c's request for crt op
+    /\ cCrtOpConfirms' = [cCrtOpConfirms EXCEPT ![S][c] = @ \cup 
+                                           {[viewNumber |-> msg.v,
+                                             res         |-> msg.res,
+                                             src         |-> msg.src]}]
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<cCrtOp, cCrtOpReplies, cCrtOpToFinalize, cMsgCounter,
+                   cState, rVars, aVars, oVars>>
+\* \* An operation is finalized by a client and result returned to the application
+ClientFinalizeOp(c) ==
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize[S][c] /= <<>>
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+     \* IR client received a quorum of confirms
+     /\ \A r \in Q:
+         \E reply \in cCrtOpConfirms[S][c]: reply.src = r
+     /\ LET
+           \* take the result in the biggest view number
+           reply == CHOOSE reply \in cCrtOpConfirms[S][c]:
+                                     ~ \E rep \in cCrtOpConfirms[S][c]:
+                                            rep.viewNumber > reply.viewNumber
+        IN
+          /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                                 {[mid |-> [cid |-> c,
+                                            msgid |-> cMsgCounter[S][c]],
+                                   op |-> cCrtOpToFinalize[S][c],
+                                   res |-> reply.res]}
+          /\ SuccessfulConsensusOp(c, S, cCrtOp[S][c], reply.res)  \* respond to app     
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize' = [cCrtOpToFinalize EXCEPT ![S][c] = <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpConfirms' = [cCrtOpConfirms EXCEPT ![S][c] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cCrtOp, cCrtOpReplies,
+                 cMsgCounter, cState, arRecord, aVisibility, oVars>>
+\* \* Client fails and looses all data
+ClientFail(c) ==
+  /\ cState' = [cState EXCEPT ![S][c] = "FAILED"]
+  /\ cMsgCounter' = [cMsgCounter EXCEPT ![S][c] = 0]
+  /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![S][c] = <<>>]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies' = [cCrtOpReplies EXCEPT ![S][c] = {}]
+  /\ AppClientFail
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, aVars, oVars>>
+\* \* Client recovers
+\* \* Not implemented yet
+ClientRecover(c) == FALSE
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Replica Actions}} ^'                          *)
+\* \* Replica sends a reply
+ReplicaReceiveRequest(r) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+     /\ msg.type = "PROPOSE"
+     /\ \* not already replied for this op
+        ~ (\E rec \in rRecord[S][r]: rec.msgid = msg.id) 
+     /\ \/ /\ msg.op.type = "Inconsistent"
+           /\ Send([type |-> "REPLY",
+                    id   |-> msg.id,
+                    v    |-> rCrtView[S][r],
+                    src  |-> r])
+          /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] =
+                           @ \cup {[msgid |-> msg.id,
+                                    op |-> msg.op,
+                                    status |-> "TENTATIVE"]}]
+        \/ /\ msg.op.type = "Consensus"
+           /\ LET res == ExecConsensus(msg.op)
+              IN
+                /\ Send([type |-> "REPLY",
+                         id   |-> msg.id,
+                         v    |-> rCrtView[S][r],
+                         res  |-> res,
+                         src  |-> r])
+                /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] =
+                                 @ \cup {[msgid |-> msg.id,
+                                          op |-> msg.op,
+                                          res |-> res,
+                                          status |-> "TENTATIVE"]}]
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<rState, rCrtView, rLastView, rViewOnDisk,
+                   rViewReplies, rNonce, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* \* Replica receives a message from an IR Client to finalize an op 
+\* \* For inconsistent oprations the replica just
+\* \* executes the operation.
+ReplicaReceiveFinalize(r) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+     /\ msg.type = "FINALIZE"
+     /\ msg.v >= rCrtView[S][r]
+     /\ LET recs == {rec \in rRecord[S][r]: \* Must be only 1 record
+                                     /\ rec.msgid = msg.id 
+                                     /\ rec.op = msg.op}
+        IN
+          \/ /\ msg.op.type = "Inconsistent"
+             /\ IF 
+                  \* Replica knows of this op 
+                  recs /= {}
+                THEN
+                  IF \A rec \in recs: rec.status /= "FINALIZED"
+                  THEN ExecInconsistent(msg.op)
+                  ELSE TRUE
+                ELSE
+                  \* Replica didn't hear of this op
+                  ExecInconsistent(msg.op)
+             /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = (@ \ recs) \cup
+                                                  {[msgid |-> msg.id,
+                                                    op |-> msg.op,
+                                                    status |-> "FINALIZED"]}]
+             /\ UNCHANGED <<sentMsg>>
+          \/ /\ msg.op.type = "Consensus"
+             /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = (@ \ recs) \cup
+                                                  {[msgid |-> msg.id,
+                                                    op |-> msg.op,
+                                                    res |-> msg.res,
+                                                    status |-> "FINALIZED"]}]
+             /\ Send([type |-> "CONFIRM",
+                      v    |-> rCrtView[S][r],
+                      id   |-> msg.id,
+                      op   |-> msg.op,
+                      res  |-> msg.res,
+                      src  |-> r])
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rState, rCrtView, rLastView, rViewReplies, rViewOnDisk,
+                    rNonce, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* \* A recovering replica starts the view change procedure
+ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "NORMAL" \/ rState[S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+        /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = @ + 1]
+        /\ rViewOnDisk' = [rViewOnDisk EXCEPT ![S][r] = rCrtView[S][r] + 1]
+        /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+        /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+                 v    |-> rCrtView[S][r] + 1,
+                 lv   |-> rLastView[S][r],
+                 r    |-> rRecord[S][r],
+                 src  |-> r,
+                 dst  |-> Replicas])
+     \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "FAILED"
+        /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "RECOVERING"]
+        /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = rViewOnDisk[S][r]]
+        /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+                 v    |-> rViewOnDisk[S][r],
+                 lv   |-> rLastView[S][r],
+                 r    |-> rRecord[S][r],
+                 src  |-> r,
+                 dst  |-> Replicas \ {x \in Replicas: IsLeader(x, rViewOnDisk[S][r])}])
+        /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewOnDisk>>
+     \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "RECOVERING"
+        /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = @ + 1]
+        /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+             v    |-> rCrtView[S][r] + 1,
+             lv   |-> rLastView[S][r],
+             r    |-> rRecord[S][r],
+             src  |-> r,
+             dst  |-> Replicas \ {x \in Replicas: IsLeader(x, rCrtView[S][r] + 1)}])
+        /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewOnDisk, rState>>
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars, rLastView, rViewReplies, rRecord,
+                   rNonce, aVars>>
+  /\ gViewChangesNo[S] < max_vc \* BOUND on number of view changes
+  /\ gViewChangesNo' = [gViewChangesNo EXCEPT ![S] = @ + 1]
+\* \* Replica received DO-VIEW-CHANGE message
+ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+       /\ msg.type = "DO-VIEW-CHANGE"
+       /\ r \in msg.dst
+       /\ \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "NORMAL"
+             /\ msg.v > rCrtView[S][r]
+          \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+             /\ msg.v >= rCrtView[S][r]
+       /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+       \* keep only the one with the higher view (v)
+       /\ \/ /\ IsLeader(r, msg.v)
+             /\  LET
+                   existingRecord == {x \in rViewReplies[S][r]:
+                                   /\ x.type = "do-view-change"
+                                  /\ x.src = msg.src} \* should only be one item in set
+                 IN
+                   IF \A x \in existingRecord: x.v < msg.v
+                   THEN rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![S][r] =
+                                        (@ \ existingRecord) \cup
+                                          {[type       |-> "do-view-change",
+                                            v          |-> msg.v,
+                                            lv         |-> msg.lv,
+                                            r          |-> msg.r,
+                                            src        |-> msg.src]}]
+                   ELSE FALSE
+          \/ UNCHANGED <<rViewReplies>>
+       /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.v]
+       /\ rViewOnDisk' = [rViewOnDisk EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.v]
+       /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+             v    |-> msg.v,
+             lv   |-> rLastView[S][r],
+             r    |-> rRecord[S][r],
+             src  |-> r,
+             dst  |-> Replicas])
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars, rLastView, rRecord, rNonce,
+                 aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* Note: Assume one reply for view change per replica in Q
+\* (in ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange we keep only the most recent reply)
+ReplicaSendStartView(r) ==
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ \A r1 \in Q:
+      /\ \A r2 \in Q: \E rr, pr \in rViewReplies[S][r]:
+                                  /\ rr.type = "do-view-change"
+                                  /\ pr.type = "do-view-change"
+                                  /\ rr.src = r1
+                                  /\ pr.src = r2
+                                  /\ rr.v = pr.v
+                                  /\ rr.v >= rCrtView[S][r]
+    \* received at a least a quorum of replies
+    /\ LET
+           A ==
+             \* set of all do-view-change replies from Q,
+             {x \in rViewReplies[S][r]: /\ x.src \in Q
+                                        /\ x.type = "do-view-change"}
+           B ==
+             \* keep only the replies from the maximum view
+             {x \in A: \A y \in A: y.lv <= x.lv}
+           C ==
+             \* set of all records received in replies in B
+             UNION {x.r: x \in B}
+           recoveredConsensusOps_R ==
+           \* any finalized consensus operation (in at least one record,
+           \* in the maximum latest view)
+           {[msgid |-> y.msgid, op |-> y.op, res |-> y.res]: y \in
+             {x \in C:
+                /\ x.op.type = "Consensus"
+                /\ x.status = "FINALIZED"}}
+           recoveredConsensusOps_d ==
+           \* any consensus operation found in at least a majority of a Quorum
+           {[msgid |-> y.msgid, op |-> y.op, res |-> y.res]: y \in
+             {x \in C:
+               /\ x.op.type = "Consensus"
+               /\ x.status = "TENTATIVE"
+               /\ \E P \in SuperQuorums:
+                     \A replica \in Q \cap P:
+                       \E reply \in B:
+                         /\ reply.src = replica
+                         /\ x \in reply.r}} \ recoveredConsensusOps_R
+           recoveredConsensusOps_u ==
+           \* the rest of consensus ops found in at least one record
+           \* (discard the result)
+           {[msgid |-> z.msgid, op |-> z.op]: z \in
+             (({[msgid |-> y.msgid, op |-> y.op, res |-> y.res]: y \in
+               {x \in C: x.op.type = "Consensus"}}
+                \ recoveredConsensusOps_d) \ recoveredConsensusOps_R)}
+           recoveredInconsistentOps_R ==
+           \* any inconsistent operation found in any received record
+           {[msgid |-> y.msgid, op |-> y.op]: y \in
+             {x \in C: x.op.type = "Inconsistent"}}
+           mergedRecordInconsistent ==
+             {x \in Merge(recoveredConsensusOps_R
+                     \cup recoveredInconsistentOps_R,
+                   recoveredConsensusOps_d,
+                   recoveredConsensusOps_u): x.op.type = "Inconsistent"}
+           mergedRecordConsensus ==
+             {x \in Merge(recoveredConsensusOps_R
+                     \cup recoveredInconsistentOps_R,
+                   recoveredConsensusOps_d,
+                   recoveredConsensusOps_u): x.op.type = "Consensus"}
+           masterRecord ==
+             {[msgid |-> x.msgid,
+               op |-> x.op,
+               status |-> "FINALIZED"]:
+                 x \in mergedRecordInconsistent}
+           \cup
+             {[msgid |-> x.msgid,
+               op |-> x.op,
+               res |-> x.res,
+               status |-> "FINALIZED"]:
+                 x \in mergedRecordConsensus}
+           v_new ==
+             \* the one decided by quorum Q
+             CHOOSE v \in {x.v: x \in A}: TRUE
+       IN
+           /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = masterRecord]
+           /\ Sync(masterRecord)
+           /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW",
+                    v    |-> v_new,
+                    r    |-> masterRecord,
+                    src  |-> r])
+           /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = v_new]
+           /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![S][r] = v_new]
+           \*/\ Assert(Cardinality(masterRecord) = 0, "Should fail - ReplicaSendStartView")
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![S][r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rNonce, rViewOnDisk, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+\* \* A replica receives a start view message
+ReplicaReceiveStartView(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg[S]:
+    /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW"
+    /\ \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "NORMAL"
+          /\ msg.v > rCrtView[S][r]
+       \/ /\ \/ rState[S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+             \/ rState[S][r] = "RECOVERING"
+          /\ msg.v >= rCrtView[S][r]
+    /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.v]
+    /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.v]
+    /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.r]
+    /\ Sync(msg.r)
+    /\ \* Check if the operations received in the master record
+       \* must be added to the aSuccessful
+       LET
+         successfulOps == {x \in msg.r: \E Q \in Quorums:
+                                          \A r1 \in Q:
+                                            \/ x \in rRecord[S][r1]
+                                            \/ x \in arRecord[S][r1]
+                                            \/ r1 = r}
+       IN
+         aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup
+                            {[mid |-> x.msgid,
+                              op  |-> x.op,
+                              res |-> x.res]:
+                                x \in 
+                                  {y \in successfulOps:
+                                     y.op.type = "Consensus"}}
+                            \cup
+                            {[mid |-> x.msgid,
+                              op  |-> x.op]:
+                                x \in
+                                  { y \in successfulOps:
+                                      y.op.type = "Inconsistent"}}
+    /\ rViewOnDisk' = [rViewOnDisk EXCEPT ![S][r] = msg.v + 1]
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![S][r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rNonce, cVars, arRecord, aVisibility, oVars>>
+\* \* A replica fails and looses everything except the view number
+\* \* The view number has been written to disk
+ReplicaFail(r) ==
+  /\ rState' = [rState EXCEPT ![S][r] = "FAILED"]
+  /\ rRecord' = [rRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = {}]
+  /\ arRecord' = [arRecord EXCEPT ![S][r] = rRecord[S][r]]
+                                              \* save record only for
+                                              \* invariant purposes
+  /\ rCrtView' = [rCrtView EXCEPT ![S][r] = 0]
+  /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![S][r] = 0]
+  /\ rViewReplies' = [rViewReplies EXCEPT ![S][r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewOnDisk, rNonce, cVars, aSuccessful, aVisibility, oVars>>
+  /\ \* We assume less than f replicas fail simultaneously
+     Cardinality({re \in Replicas:
+                           \/ rState[S][re] = "FAILED"
+                           \/ rState[S][re] = "RECOVERING"}) < f
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{High-Level Actions}} ^'                       *)
+ClientAction(c) ==
+  \/ /\ cState[c] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \* \/ ClientRequest(c) \* some client tries to replicate commit an operation
+        \/ ClientReceiveReply(c)  \* some client receives a reply from a replica
+        \/ ClientReceiveConfirm(c) \* some client receives a confirm from a replica
+        \* \/ ClientFail(c)     \* some client fails
+        \/ ClientSendFinalize(c) \* an operation is successful at some client
+        \/ ClientFinalizeOp(c) \* an operation was finalized at some client
+  \/ /\ cState[c] = "FAILED"
+     /\ \/ ClientRecover(c)
+ReplicaAction(r) ==
+  \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveRequest(r) \* some replica sends a reply to a PROPOSE msg
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveFinalize(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaFail(r)       \* some replica fails
+  \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "FAILED"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r) \* start view-change protocol
+  \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "RECOVERING"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r)\* re-start view-change protocol (assume a
+                                     \* timeout and still no response from the new leader)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+  \/ /\ rState[S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaFail(r)
+Next ==
+     \/ \E c \in Clients: ClientAction(c)
+     \/ \E r \in Replicas: ReplicaAction(r)
+     \*\/ \* Avoid deadlock by termination
+     \*  (\A i \in 1..Cardinality(Replicas): rLastView[S][i] = max_vc) \/ UNCHANGED <<vars>>
+Spec == Init /\ [] [Next]_vars
+FaultTolerance ==
+  /\ \A successfulOp \in aSuccessful, Q \in Quorums:
+         (\A r \in Q: rState[S][r] = "NORMAL" \/ rState[S][r] = "VIEW-CHANGING")
+      => (\E p \in Q: \E rec \in rRecord[S][p]:
+            /\ successfulOp.mid = rec.msgid
+            /\ successfulOp.op = rec.op)  \* Not necessarily same result
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Fri Aug 28 10:58:02 PDT 2015 by aaasz
+\* Created Fri Dec 12 17:42:14 PST 2014 by aaasz
diff --git a/proof/TAPIR.tla b/proof/TAPIR.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..3a6b13d1d0ed2be9d1e977d9dd0bdac95c7b6ed8
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/TAPIR.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,272 @@
+------------------------------- MODULE TAPIR -------------------------------
+(* This is a TLA+ specification of the TAPIR algorithm.                    *)
+EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, TLC, TLAPS
+Max(S) == IF S = {} THEN 0 ELSE CHOOSE i \in S: \A j \in S: j <= i
+(* TAPIR constants:                                                        *)
+(*    1. Shards: function from shard id to set of replica ids in the shard *)
+(*    2. Transactions: set of all possible transactions                    *)
+(*    3. nr_shards: number of shards                                       *)
+CONSTANTS Shards, Transactions, NrShards
+\* Note: assume unique number ids for replicas
+(* IR constants & variables (description in the IR module)                 *)
+CONSTANTS Clients, Quorums, SuperQuorums,
+          max_vc, max_req, f
+VARIABLES rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rLastView, rViewReplies, rNonce,
+          rViewOnDisk,
+          sentMsg, cCrtOp,
+          cCrtOpToFinalize, cMsgCounter, cCrtOpReplies, cCrtOpConfirms,
+          cState, aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility, gViewChangesNo
+irReplicaVars == <<rState, rRecord, rCrtView, rViewOnDisk, rLastView,
+                   rViewReplies, rNonce>>
+irClientVars == <<cCrtOp,        \* current operation at a client
+                  cCrtOpReplies, \* current operation replies
+                  cMsgCounter,
+                  cState,
+                  cCrtOpToFinalize,
+                  cCrtOpConfirms>>                  \* Client variables.
+irAppVars == <<aSuccessful, arRecord, aVisibility>> \* Application variables.
+irOtherVars == <<sentMsg, gViewChangesNo>>          \* Other variables.
+IRMessageId == [cid: Clients, msgid: Nat]
+(* TAPIR Variables/State:                                                  *)
+(*        1. State at each replica:                                        *)
+(*            rPrepareTxns = List of txns this replica is prepared         *)
+(*                           to commit                                     *)
+(*            rTxnsLog = Log of committed and aborted txns in ts order     *)
+(*            rStore = Versioned store                                     *)
+(*            rBkpTable = Table of txns for which this replica             *)
+(*                        is the bkp coordinator                           *)
+(*        2. State of communication medium:                                *)
+(*            sentMsg = sent (and duplicate) messages                      *)
+(*        3. State at client:                                              *)
+(*            cCrtTxn = crt txn requested by the client                    *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+\* TAPIR variables & data structures
+VARIABLES rPreparedTxns, rStore, rTxnsLogAborted, rTxnsLogCommitted,
+          rClock, cCrtTxn, cClock
+tapirReplicaVars == <<rPreparedTxns, rStore, rTxnsLogAborted,
+                      rTxnsLogCommitted,
+                      rClock>>
+tapirClientVars == <<cCrtTxn, cClock>>
+vars == <<irReplicaVars, irClientVars, irAppVars, irOtherVars,
+         tapirReplicaVars, tapirClientVars>>
+StoreEntry == [vs: Nat, val: Nat] \* vs = version
+Store == [key: Nat,
+          entries: SUBSET StoreEntry,
+          latestVs: Nat,
+          latestVal: Nat]
+TransactionTs == [cid: Clients, clock: Nat] \* Timestamp
+ReadSet == [key: Nat, val: Nat, vs: Nat]
+WriteSet == [key: Nat, val: Nat]
+Transaction == [rSet: SUBSET ReadSet,
+                wSet: SUBSET WriteSet,
+                shards: SUBSET Nat]
+TypeOK == 
+    /\ rStore \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Store]
+    /\ rPreparedTxns \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
+    /\ rTxnsLogAborted \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
+    /\ rTxnsLogCommitted \in [UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} -> SUBSET Transaction]
+TAPIRResults == {"Prepare-OK", "Retry", "Prepare-Abstain", "Abort"}
+TAPIROpType == {"Prepare", "ABORT", "COMMIT"}
+TAPIROpBody == [opType : TAPIROpType, txn: Transaction]
+TAPIRClientFail == TRUE \* state we lose at the app level
+TAPIRReplicaFail == TRUE \* state we lose at the app level
+\* TAPIR implementation of IR interface
+TAPIRExecInconsistent(op) == TRUE
+TAPIRExecConsensus(op) == IF op.type = "Consensus" THEN "Prepare-OK" ELSE "Abort"
+TAPIRDecide(results) == "Prepare-OK"
+TAPIRMerge(R, d, u) == R \cup d \cup
+                       {[msgid |-> x.msgid, op |-> x.op, res |-> "Prepare-OK"]: x \in u}
+TAPIRSync(records) == TRUE
+TAPIRSuccessfulInconsistentOp(c, S, op) == TRUE
+TAPIRSuccessfulConsensusOp(c, S, op, res) == TRUE
+\* Initialize for all shards
+InitIR ==
+  /\ rState = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> "NORMAL"]]
+  /\ rRecord = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+  /\ rCrtView = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
+  /\ rViewOnDisk = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
+  /\ rLastView = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
+  /\ rViewReplies = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+  /\ rNonce = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
+  /\ sentMsg = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> {}]
+  /\ cCrtOp = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]]
+  /\ cCrtOpToFinalize = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]]
+  /\ cMsgCounter = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> 0]]
+  /\ cCrtOpReplies = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> {}]]
+  /\ cCrtOpConfirms = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [c \in Clients |-> {}]]
+  /\ cState = [c \in Clients |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ aSuccessful = {}
+  /\ arRecord = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+  /\ aVisibility = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [o \in IRMessageId |-> {}]]
+  /\ gViewChangesNo = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> 0]
+\* IR instance per shard TODO: modify replica also
+IR(s) == INSTANCE IR_consensus WITH AppClientFail <- TAPIRClientFail,
+                                    AppReplicaFail <- TAPIRReplicaFail,
+                                    OpBody <- TAPIROpBody,
+                                    ExecInconsistent <- TAPIRExecInconsistent,
+                                    ExecConsensus <- TAPIRExecConsensus,
+                                    Merge <- TAPIRMerge,
+                                    Sync <- TAPIRSync,
+                                    SuccessfulInconsistentOp <- TAPIRSuccessfulInconsistentOp,
+                                    SuccessfulConsensusOp <- TAPIRSuccessfulConsensusOp,
+                                    Decide <- TAPIRDecide,
+                                    Results <- TAPIRResults,
+                                    Replicas <- Shards[s],
+                                    Quorums <- Quorums[s],
+                                    SuperQuorums <- SuperQuorums[s],
+                                    S <- s
+\* TAPIR messages
+Message ==
+       [type: {"READ"},
+        key: Nat,
+        dst: UNION Shards]
+    \cup
+       [type: {"READ-REPLY"},
+        key: Nat,
+        val: Nat,
+        vs: Nat,      \* version
+        dst: Clients]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"READ-VERSION"},
+        key: Nat,
+        vs: Nat,
+        dst: UNION Shards]
+  \cup 
+       [type: {"READ-VERSION-REPLY"},
+        key: Nat,
+        vs: Nat,
+        dst: Clients]
+InitTAPIR == /\ cCrtTxn = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
+             /\ cClock = [c \in Clients |-> 0]
+             /\ rPreparedTxns =  [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+             /\ rStore = [r \in UNION {Shards[i]: i \in 1..NrShards} |-> {}]
+             /\ rTxnsLogAborted = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+             /\ rTxnsLogCommitted = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> {}]]
+             /\ rClock = [s \in 1..NrShards |-> [r \in Shards[s] |-> 0]]
+Init == InitIR /\ InitTAPIR
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Tapir replica actions}} ^'                    *)
+\*TAPIRReplicaReceiveRead(r) == TRUE
+\*TAPIRReplicaAction(r) ==
+\*    \/ /\ rState[r] = "NORMAL"
+\*       /\ \/ TAPIRReplicaReceiveRead(r)
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Tapir client actions}} ^'                     *)
+TAPIRClientExecuteTxn(c) ==
+   \* first, resolve all reads (read from any replica and get the vs)
+   \* then send prepares in all shard involved by seting the cCrtOp in the
+   \*   respective IR shard instance
+   \* TODO: for now just simulate this, pick a transaction from
+   \*       transaction pool, get some versions from the replica
+   \*       stores
+   /\ cCrtTxn[c] = <<>>
+   /\ \E t \in Transactions:
+     LET rSet == {rse \in ReadSet:
+                    /\ \E trse \in t.rSet : rse = trse
+                    /\ LET
+                         r == Max({r \in Shards[(rse.key % NrShards) + 1]:
+                                 \E se \in rStore[r]: rse.key = se.key})
+                       IN
+                         /\ r /= 0
+                         /\ \E se \in rStore[r]:
+                           /\ rse.key = se.key
+                           /\ rse.val = se.latestVal
+                           /\ rse.vs = se.latestVs
+                  }
+         shards == {s \in 1..NrShards: 
+                      \/ \E trse \in t.rSet: s = (trse.key % NrShards) + 1
+                      \/ \E twse \in t.wSet: s = (twse.key % NrShards) + 1 }
+     IN
+       /\ Cardinality(rSet) = Cardinality(t.rSet) \* found all the reads
+       /\ cCrtTxn' = [cCrtTxn EXCEPT ![c] = [rSet |-> rSet,
+                                             wSet |-> t.wSet,
+                                             shards |-> shards]]
+   /\ UNCHANGED <<irReplicaVars, irClientVars, irOtherVars, irAppVars,
+                  tapirReplicaVars, cClock>>
+TAPIRClientPrepareTxn(c) ==
+     /\ cCrtTxn[c] /= <<>>
+     /\ \E s \in cCrtTxn[c].shards: \* prepare in shard s
+                                    \* - ok if already prepared
+       /\ IR(s)!ClientRequest(c, [type |-> "Consensus",
+                                  body |-> [opType |-> "Prepare",
+                                            txn    |-> cCrtTxn[c]]])
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<irReplicaVars, irAppVars,
+                    cCrtOpReplies,
+                    cCrtOpConfirms,
+                    cCrtOpToFinalize,
+                    gViewChangesNo,
+                    cState, tapirClientVars, tapirReplicaVars>>
+TAPIRClientAction(c) == 
+   \/ /\ cState[c] = "NORMAL"
+      /\ \/ TAPIRClientExecuteTxn(c) \* for now just simulate this
+                                     \* (don't send explicit READ messages)
+         \/ TAPIRClientPrepareTxn(c)
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{High-Level Actions}} ^'                       *)
+Next ==
+     \/ \E c \in Clients: TAPIRClientAction(c)
+     \/ /\ \E s \in 1..NrShards: IR(s)!Next
+        /\ UNCHANGED <<tapirClientVars, tapirReplicaVars>>
+     \/ \* Avoid deadlock by termination
+       ((\A s \in 1..NrShards: 
+          \A i \in 1..Cardinality(Shards[s]):
+            rLastView[s][i] = max_vc) /\ UNCHANGED <<vars>>)
+Inv == IR(1)!TypeOK /\ IR(1)!FaultTolerance
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Mon Aug 31 12:55:38 PDT 2015 by aaasz
+\* Created Sat Jan 31 18:31:52 PST 2015 by aaasz
diff --git a/proof/Test.tla b/proof/Test.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..594eef96051df44ea5a7b4abf046c12db1123b3a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/Test.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,64 @@
+--------------------------------- MODULE Test ---------------------------------
+(* This is a TLA+ specification of the Inconsistent Replication algorithm. *)
+(* (And a mechanically-checked proof of its correctness using TLAPS)       *)
+EXTENDS Naturals, FiniteSets, TLC
+VARIABLES rViewReplies, recoveredOps
+OpType == {"Inconsistent", "Consensus"}
+Operations == [type: OpType, body: Nat]
+TypeOK ==
+  /\ rViewReplies \in SUBSET ([lv: Nat,
+                               r: SUBSET ([msgid: Nat,
+                                           op: Operations,
+                                           res: Nat,
+                                           status: OpStatus]
+                                     \cup [msgid: Nat,
+                                           op: Operations,
+                                           status: OpStatus]),
+                               src: Nat])
+A == 
+  rViewReplies
+B ==
+  \* set of all records received in replies in A
+  UNION {x.r: x \in A}
+test_recoveredConensusOps_R ==
+  \* any finalized consensus operation (in at least one record, in the maximum
+  \* latest view)
+  {x \in B:
+     /\ x.op.type = "Consensus"
+     /\ x.status = "FINALIZED"
+     /\ LET most_updated_reply ==
+             CHOOSE reply \in A:
+                          /\ \E rec \in reply.r: /\ rec.msgid = x.msgid
+                                                 /\ rec.status = "FINALIZED"
+                          /\ \A rep \in A:
+                            IF \E rec \in rep.r: /\ rec.msgid = x.msgid
+                                                 /\ rec.status = "FINALIZED"
+                            THEN rep.lv <= reply.lv
+                            ELSE TRUE
+                   IN
+                     x \in most_updated_reply.r}
+Init ==
+  /\ rViewReplies = {[lv |-> 1, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 1, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 1],
+                     [lv |-> 2, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 2, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 2],
+                     [lv |-> 3, r |-> {[msgid |-> 1, op |-> [type |-> "Consensus", body |-> 1], res |-> 3, status |-> "FINALIZED"]}, src |-> 3]}
+  /\ recoveredOps = {}
+Next ==
+  /\ recoveredOps' = test_recoveredConensusOps_R
+  /\ Assert(Cardinality(recoveredOps) = 0, "Should fail")
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rViewReplies>>
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Fri Apr 24 14:34:42 PDT 2015 by aaasz
+\* Created Fri Dec 12 17:42:14 PST 2014 by aaasz
diff --git a/proof/VR.tla b/proof/VR.tla
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..943bcca36518171d366051fe23de2aad63255ff2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/VR.tla
@@ -0,0 +1,763 @@
+------------------------ MODULE VR ------------------------------------------
+(* This is a TLA+ specification of the VR algorithm.                       *)
+EXTENDS FiniteSets, Naturals, TLC, TLAPS
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Constants}} ^'                                *)
+(*  Constant parameters:                                                   *)
+(*        Replicas: the set of all replicas (Replica IDs)                  *)
+(*        Clients: the set of all clients (Client IDs)                     *)
+(*        Quorums: the set of all quorums                                  *)
+(*        SuperQuorums: the set of all super quorums                       *)
+(*        Results: the set of all possible result types                    *)
+(*        OperationBody: the set of all possible operation bodies          *)
+(*          (with arguments, etc. - can be infinite)                       *)
+(*        S: shard id of the shard Replicas constitute                     *)
+(*        f: maximum number of failures allowed (half of n)                *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+(*  Constants used to bound variables, for model checking (Nat is bounded) *)
+(*        max_vc: maximum number of View-Changes allowed for each replicas *)
+(*        max_req: maximum number of op requests performed by clients      *)
+CONSTANTS Replicas, Clients, Quorums, Operations, f, max_req, max_vc, max_c
+ASSUME IsFiniteSet(Replicas)
+ASSUME QuorumAssumption ==
+          /\ Quorums \subseteq SUBSET Replicas
+          /\ \A Q1, Q2 \in Quorums: Q1 \cap Q2 # {}
+(* The  possible states of a replica and the two types of operations       *)
+(*  currently defined by IR.                                               *)
+ClientState == {"NORMAL", "FAILED"}
+(* Definition of operation space                                           *)
+Operation == [op: Nat,
+              c: Nat,
+              s: Nat] \cup {<<>>}
+(* Message is defined to be the set of all possible messages               *)
+\* TODO: Assumptions
+\* Assume unique message ids
+\* Assume no more than f replica failures
+Message ==
+       [type: {"REQUEST"},
+        op: Nat,
+        c:  Clients,
+        s:  Nat]
+  \cup [type: {"REPLY"},
+        v: Nat,
+        s: Nat,
+        x: Nat,
+        dst: Clients] 
+  \cup
+       [type: {"PREPARE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        m: Operation,
+        n: Nat,
+        k: Nat]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"PREPARE-OK"},
+        v: Nat,
+        n: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"COMMIT"},
+        v: Nat,
+        k: Nat]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"DO-VIEW-CHANGE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+        vp: Nat,
+        n: Nat,
+        k: Nat,
+        src: Replicas,
+        dst: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"START-VIEW"},
+        v: Nat,
+        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+        n: Nat,
+        k: Nat, 
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup 
+       [type: {"RECOVERY"},
+        x: Nat, \* nonce
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"RECOVERY-RESPONSE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        x: Nat,
+        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+        n: Nat,
+        k: Nat,        
+        dst: Replicas,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup 
+       [type: {"STATE-REQUEST"},
+        v: Nat,
+        n: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+  \cup
+       [type: {"STATE-RESPONSE"},
+        v: Nat,
+        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+        n: Nat,
+        k: Nat,
+        src: Replicas]
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Variables and State Predicates}} ^'           *)
+(* Variables:                                                              *)
+(*        1. State at each replica:                                        *)
+(*            rStatus = Denotes current replica state. Either:             *)
+(*                       - NORMAL (processing operations)                  *)
+(*                       - VIEW-CHANGING (participating in recovery)       *)
+(*                       - RECOVERING (recovering replica)                 *)
+(*            rLog = operations log and their results                      *)
+(*            rViewNr = current view number                                *)
+(*            rOpNr = assigned to the most recently received request       *)
+(*            rCommitNr = the OpNr of the most recently commited op        *)
+(*            rClientTable = for each client, the number of its most recent*)
+(*                           request                                       *)
+(*        2. State of communication medium:                                *)
+(*            sentMsg = sent (but not yet received) messages               *)
+(*        3. State at client:                                              *)
+(*            cCrtOp = crt operation requested by the client               *)
+(*            cReqNr = crt request number                                  *)
+(*                                                                         *)
+VARIABLES rStatus, rLog, rViewNr, rOpNr, rLastView, rReplies,
+          rClientTable, rCommitNr, rNonce, rCrtOp,
+          sentMsg,
+          cCrtOp, cReqNr, cStatus,
+          aSuccessful,
+          gViewChangesNo,
+          gCrashesNo
+(* Defining these tuples makes it easier to express which varibles remain  *)
+(* unchanged                                                               *)
+\* Replica variables.
+rVars == <<rStatus, rLog, rViewNr, rOpNr, rLastView,
+           rClientTable, rCommitNr, rReplies, rNonce, rCrtOp>>
+\* Client variables.
+cVars == <<cCrtOp,        \* current operation at a client
+           cReqNr,
+           cStatus>>
+\* Application variables
+aVars == <<aSuccessful>>  \* we'll use them to write invariants
+\* Other variables.
+oVars == <<sentMsg, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+\* All variables.
+vars == <<rVars, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+TypeOK ==
+  /\ rStatus \in [Replicas -> ReplicaState]
+  /\ rLog \in [Replicas ->  [1..max_req -> Operation]]
+  /\ rViewNr \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rOpNr \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rCommitNr \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rLastView \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rReplies \in [Replicas -> SUBSET ([type: {"prepare-ok"},
+                                        v: Nat,
+                                        n: Nat,
+                                        src: Replicas]
+                                  \cup [type: {"start-view-change"},
+                                        v: Nat,
+                                        src: Replicas]
+                                  \cup [type: {"do-view-change"},
+                                        v: Nat,
+                                        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+                                        vp: Nat,
+                                        n: Nat,
+                                        k: Nat,
+                                        src: Replicas]
+                                  \cup [type: {"recovery-response"},
+                                        v: Nat,
+                                        x: Nat,
+                                        l: [1..max_req -> Operation],
+                                        n: Nat,
+                                        k: Nat,
+                                        src: Replicas])]
+  /\ rNonce \in [Replicas -> Nat]
+  /\ rClientTable \in [Replicas -> [Clients -> Nat]]
+  /\ rCrtOp \in [Replicas -> Operation]
+  /\ sentMsg \in SUBSET Message                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                                  
+  /\ cCrtOp \in [Clients -> Operation]
+  /\ cReqNr \in [Clients -> Nat]
+  /\ cStatus \in [Clients -> ClientState]
+  /\ aSuccessful \in SUBSET Operation
+  /\ gViewChangesNo \in Nat
+  /\ gCrashesNo \in Nat
+Init ==
+  /\ rStatus = [r \in Replicas |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rLog = [r \in Replicas |-> [i \in 1..max_req |-> <<>>]]
+  /\ rViewNr = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rLastView = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rOpNr = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rCommitNr = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rReplies = [r \in Replicas |-> {}]
+  /\ rNonce = [r \in Replicas |-> 0]
+  /\ rClientTable = [r \in Replicas |-> [c \in Clients |-> 0]]
+  /\ rCrtOp = [r \in Replicas |-> <<>>]
+  /\ sentMsg = {}
+  /\ cCrtOp = [c \in Clients |-> <<>>]
+  /\ cReqNr = [c \in Clients |-> 0]
+  /\ cStatus = [c \in Clients |-> "NORMAL"]
+  /\ aSuccessful = {}
+  /\ gViewChangesNo = 0
+  /\ gCrashesNo = 0
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Actions}} ^'                                  *)
+Send(m) == sentMsg' = sentMsg \cup {m}
+AmLeader(r, v) == r = (v % Cardinality(Replicas)) + 1
+IsLeader(r, v) == AmLeader(r, v)
+LeaderOf(v) == CHOOSE x \in Replicas: IsLeader(x, v)
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Client Actions}} ^'                           *)
+\* Note: CHOOSE does not introduce nondeterminism (the same value is chosen
+\* each time)
+\*Client sends a request
+ClientRequest(c) ==
+  \E op \in Operations:
+    /\ cCrtOp[c] = <<>> \* the client is not waiting for a result
+                        \* of another operation
+    /\ cReqNr' = [cReqNr EXCEPT ![c] = @ + 1]
+    /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = [op |-> op,
+                                        c  |-> c,
+                                        s |-> cReqNr[c] + 1]]
+    /\ Send([type |-> "REQUEST",
+             op |-> op,
+             c  |-> c,
+             s  |-> cReqNr[c] + 1])
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<cStatus, rVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+    /\ cReqNr[c] < max_req \* BOUND the number of requests a client can make
+\*Client received a reply
+ClientReceiveReply(c) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "REPLY"
+    /\ msg.s = cReqNr[c] \* reply to c's request for crt op
+    /\ cCrtOp[c] /= <<>> 
+    /\ cCrtOp' = [cCrtOp EXCEPT ![c] = <<>>]
+    /\ aSuccessful' = aSuccessful \cup {cCrtOp[c]}
+    /\ UNCHANGED <<cReqNr, cStatus, rVars, oVars>>
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{Replica Actions}} ^'                          *)
+(* Normal Operation protocol                                               *)
+\* Replica sends prepares
+ReplicaReceiveRequest(r) ==
+  /\ r = 1
+  /\ AmLeader(r, rViewNr[r])
+  /\ \A replica \in {3}: /\ rViewNr[replica] = 0 /\ rStatus[replica] = "NORMAL"\* PRUNE send request only after view-change
+                         /\ \E reply \in rReplies[2]: reply.type="do-view-change" /\ reply.src = replica
+  /\ rCrtOp[r] = <<>>
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "REQUEST"
+     /\ msg.s > rClientTable[r][msg.c]
+     /\ LET operation == [op |-> msg.op,
+                          c |-> msg.c,
+                          s |-> msg.s]
+        IN
+          /\ rCrtOp' = [rCrtOp EXCEPT ![r] = operation]
+          /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r][rOpNr[r] + 1] = operation]
+          /\ Send([type |-> "PREPARE",
+                   v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+                   m    |-> operation,
+                   n    |-> rOpNr[r] + 1,
+                   k    |-> rCommitNr[r]])
+     /\ rClientTable' = [rClientTable EXCEPT ![r][msg.c] = msg.s]
+     /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = @ + 1]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rStatus, rLastView, rReplies,
+                 rNonce, rViewNr, rCommitNr, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+\* Replica receives a prepare request from the leader
+ReplicaReceivePrepare(r) ==
+  /\ r \in {1,3} \* PRUNE
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "PREPARE"
+     /\ \/ /\ msg.v > rViewNr[r] \/ msg.n > rOpNr[r] + 1 \* Need state transfer
+                                                         \* (miss a prepare or in a lower view)
+           /\ Send([type |-> "STATE-REQUEST",
+                    v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+                    n    |-> rOpNr[r],
+                    src  |-> r])
+           /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo>>
+        \/ /\ msg.v = rViewNr[r] /\ \/ msg.n = rOpNr[r] + 1
+                                    \/ msg.n = rOpNr[r]
+           /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r][msg.n] = msg.m]
+           /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = msg.n]
+           /\ rClientTable' = [rClientTable EXCEPT ![r][msg.m.c] = msg.m.s]
+           /\ Send([type |-> "PREPARE-OK",
+                    v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+                    n    |-> msg.n,
+                    src  |-> r])
+           /\ UNCHANGED <<rCrtOp, rStatus, rViewNr, rLastView,
+                          rReplies, rCommitNr,
+                          rNonce, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+ReplicaReceiveStateRequest(r) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "STATE-REQUEST"
+     /\ msg.v < rViewNr[r] /\ msg.n < rOpNr[r]
+     /\ Send([type |-> "STATE-RESPONSE",
+              v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+              l    |-> rLog[r],
+              n    |-> rOpNr[r],
+              k    |-> rCommitNr[r],
+              src  |-> r])
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+ReplicaReceiveStateResponse(r) ==
+  \E msg \in sentMsg: \* TODO: some more cases to check to merge
+                      \* these - for now don't need, just one operation req 
+     /\ msg.type = "STATE-RESPONSE"
+     /\ \/ msg.v = rViewNr[r] /\ msg.n > rOpNr[r]
+        \/ msg.v > rViewNr[r]
+     /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = msg.v]
+     /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r] = msg.l]
+     /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = msg.n]
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rClientTable, rCrtOp, rCommitNr,
+                    rStatus, rLastView, rReplies,
+                    rNonce, cVars, aVars, oVars>>   
+\* Leader receives a prepare ok
+ReplicaReceivePrepareOK(r) ==
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "PREPARE-OK"
+     /\ msg.v = rViewNr[r]
+     /\ msg.n = rOpNr[r]
+     /\ AmLeader(r, msg.v)
+     /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup
+                            {[type |-> "prepare-ok",
+                               v |->  msg.v,
+                               n |->  msg.n,
+                               src |-> msg.src
+                             ]}]
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rClientTable, rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr,
+                    rStatus, rLastView, rLog, rViewNr,
+                    rNonce, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+\* Leader received enough replies
+ReplicaSendReply(r) ==
+   /\ AmLeader(r, rViewNr[r])
+   /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ \A rep \in Q: \E reply \in rReplies[r]:
+      /\ reply.src = rep
+      /\ reply.type = "prepare-ok"
+      /\ reply.v = rViewNr[r]
+      /\ reply.n = rOpNr[r]
+   /\ Send([type |-> "REPLY",
+            v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+            s    |-> rLog[r][rOpNr[r]].s,
+            x    |-> 1,
+            dst  |-> rLog[r][rOpNr[r]].c])
+   /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+(* View-change protocol                                                    *)
+\* A replica starts a view change procedure
+ReplicaSendStartViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ r \in {2, 3} \* PRUNE just replicas 2 and 3 start a view change
+  /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = @ + 1]
+  /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW-CHANGE",
+           v    |-> rViewNr[r] + 1,
+           src  |-> r])
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rReplies, rNonce, rClientTable,
+                 rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr,
+                 rLastView, rLog, cVars, aVars, gCrashesNo>>
+  /\ gViewChangesNo < max_vc \* BOUND on number of view changes
+  /\ gViewChangesNo' = gViewChangesNo + 1
+\* A replica received a message to start view change
+ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ r \in {2, 3} \* PRUNE just these paricipate in a view change
+  /\ \E r1 \in {2, 3}: 
+       rStatus[r1] = "NORMAL" \* PRUNE
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW-CHANGE"
+    /\ \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "NORMAL"
+          /\ msg.v > rViewNr[r]
+          /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+       \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+          /\ msg.v >= rViewNr[r]
+          /\ UNCHANGED <<rStatus>>
+    /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup
+                            {[type |-> "start-view-change",
+                              v    |-> msg.v,
+                              src  |-> msg.src]}]
+    /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = msg.v]
+    /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW-CHANGE",
+             v    |-> msg.v,
+             src  |-> r])
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rClientTable, rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr, 
+                 rNonce, rLog, rLastView, cVars,
+                 aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+\* We received enough view change replies to be able to
+\* send a do-view-change 
+ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ r \in {2,3} \* PRUNE just these participate in a view change
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ r \in Q
+    /\ \A rep \in Q: rep = r \/ \E reply \in rReplies[r]:
+      /\ reply.src = rep
+      /\ reply.type = "start-view-change"
+      /\ reply.v = rViewNr[r]
+  /\ Send([type |-> "DO-VIEW-CHANGE",
+           v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+           l    |-> rLog[r],
+           vp   |-> rLastView[r],
+           n    |-> rOpNr[r],
+           k    |-> rCommitNr[r],
+           src  |-> r,
+           dst  |-> LeaderOf(rViewNr[r])])
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+\* Replica received DO-VIEW-CHANGE message
+ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r) ==
+  /\ r = 2 \* PRUNE just the new leader switches view
+  \* /\ \A rr \in {2,3}: rStatus[rr] = "NORMAL" /\ rNonce[rr] > 0 /\ rViewNr[rr] = 0
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+       /\ msg.type = "DO-VIEW-CHANGE"
+       /\ msg.dst = r
+       /\ \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "NORMAL"
+             /\ msg.v > rViewNr[r]
+          \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+             /\ msg.v >= rViewNr[r]
+       /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"]
+       \* keep only the one with the higher view (v)
+       /\ LET
+            existingRecord == {x \in rReplies[r]:
+                                /\ x.type = "do-view-change"
+                                /\ x.src = msg.src} \* should only be one item in set
+          IN
+            IF \A x \in existingRecord: x.v < msg.v
+            THEN rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] =
+                                        (@ \ existingRecord) \cup
+                                          {[type       |-> "do-view-change",
+                                            v          |-> msg.v,
+                                            l          |-> msg.l,
+                                            vp         |-> msg.vp,
+                                            n          |-> msg.n,
+                                            k          |-> msg.k,
+                                            src        |-> msg.src]}]
+            ELSE FALSE
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<cVars, rClientTable, rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr,
+                 rViewNr, rLastView, rLog, rNonce, aVars, oVars>>
+\* Note: Assume one reply for view change per replica in Q
+\* (in ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange we keep only the most recent reply)
+ReplicaSendStartView(r) ==
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ r \in Q
+    /\ \A r1 \in Q:
+      /\ \A r2 \in Q: \E rr, pr \in rReplies[r]:
+                                  /\ rr.type = "do-view-change"
+                                  /\ pr.type = "do-view-change"
+                                  /\ rr.src = r1
+                                  /\ pr.src = r2
+                                  /\ rr.v = pr.v
+                                  \*/\ rr.v > rLastView[r]
+                                  /\ AmLeader(r, rr.v)
+    \* received at a least a quorum of replies
+    /\ LET
+           A ==
+             \* set of all do-view-change replies from Q
+             {x \in rReplies[r]: /\ x.src \in Q
+                                 /\ x.type = "do-view-change"}
+           B ==
+             \* set of all do-view-change replies in A that have the biggest vp
+             {x \in A: \A rep \in A: rep.vp <= x.vp}
+           replyWithMostCompleteLog ==
+           \* if multiple replies in B, choose the one with the largest op number
+              CHOOSE x \in B: \A rep \in B: rep.n <= x.n
+           ops(c) ==
+             {x \in Operation: 
+               \E i \in 1..max_req: 
+                  /\ replyWithMostCompleteLog.l[i] = x
+                  /\ x /= <<>>
+                  /\ x.c = c}
+           v_new ==
+             \* the one decided by quorum Q
+             CHOOSE v \in {x.v: x \in A}: TRUE
+       IN
+           /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r] = replyWithMostCompleteLog.l]
+           /\ Send([type |-> "START-VIEW",
+                    v    |-> v_new,
+                    l    |-> replyWithMostCompleteLog.l,
+                    n    |-> replyWithMostCompleteLog.n,
+                    k    |-> replyWithMostCompleteLog.k,
+                    src  |-> r])
+           /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = replyWithMostCompleteLog.n]
+           /\ rCommitNr' = [rCommitNr EXCEPT ![r] = replyWithMostCompleteLog.k]
+           /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = v_new]
+           /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![r] = v_new]
+           \* Update client table based on the latest op commited from each client
+           /\ rClientTable' = [rClientTable EXCEPT ![r] = [c \in Clients |-> 
+                                 IF ops(c) /= {}
+                                 THEN CHOOSE s \in {op.s: op \in ops(c)}:
+                                               \A op \in ops(c): op.s <= s  
+                                 ELSE 0]]
+  /\ rCrtOp' = [rCrtOp EXCEPT ![r] = <<>>]
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rNonce, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+\*A replica receives a start view message
+ReplicaReceiveStartView(r) ==
+  /\ aSuccessful /= {} \* PRUNE possible paths
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+    /\ msg.type = "START-VIEW"
+    /\ \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "NORMAL"
+          /\ msg.v > rViewNr[r]
+       \/ /\ \/ rStatus[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+             \/ rStatus[r] = "RECOVERING"
+          /\ msg.v >= rViewNr[r]
+    /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = msg.v]
+    /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![r] = msg.v]
+    /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r] = msg.l]
+    /\ LET ops(c) ==
+             {x \in Operation: 
+               \E i \in 1..max_req: 
+                  /\ msg.l[i] = x
+                  /\ x /= <<>>
+                  /\ x.c = c}
+       IN
+         rClientTable' = [rClientTable EXCEPT ![r] = [c \in Clients |-> 
+                            IF ops(c) /= {}
+                            THEN CHOOSE s \in {op.s: op \in ops(c)}:
+                                          \A op \in ops(c): op.s <= s  
+                            ELSE 0]]
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr,
+                 rNonce, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+(* Recovery protocol                                                       *)
+\*A replica fails and looses everything
+ReplicaFail(r) ==
+  /\ r \in {2,3} \* PRUNE just these are allowed to fail
+  /\ rNonce[r] < 3 \* BOUND
+  /\ gCrashesNo < max_c \* BOUND
+  /\ gCrashesNo' = gCrashesNo + 1
+  \*/\ \E msg \in sentMsg: msg.type = "START-VIEW-CHANGE" /\ msg.src = r \* PRUNE
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "FAILED"]
+  /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = 0]
+  /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ rCrtOp' = [rCrtOp EXCEPT ![r] = <<>>]
+  /\ rCommitNr' = [rCommitNr EXCEPT ![r] = 0]
+  /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = 0]
+  /\ rClientTable' = [rClientTable EXCEPT![r] = [c \in Clients |-> 0]]
+  /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT![r] = [i \in 1..max_req |-> <<>>]]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rLastView, rNonce, cVars, aSuccessful, sentMsg, gViewChangesNo>>
+  /\ \* We assume less than f replicas fail simultaneously
+     Cardinality({re \in Replicas:
+                           \/ rStatus[re] = "FAILED"
+                           \/ rStatus[re] = "RECOVERING"}) < f
+\* Recovery protocol
+ReplicaRecover(r) ==
+  /\ Send([type |-> "RECOVERY",
+           x    |-> rNonce[r] + 1,
+           src  |-> r])
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "RECOVERING"]
+  /\ rNonce' = [rNonce EXCEPT ![r] = @ + 1]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rLog, rViewNr, rReplies,
+                 rClientTable, rCrtOp,
+                 rLastView, rCommitNr,
+                 rOpNr,
+                 cVars, aVars,
+                 gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+ReplicaSendRecoveryResponse(r) ==
+  /\ rViewNr[r] = 0
+  /\ \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "RECOVERY"
+     \* TODO: send nil if not leader,
+     \* does not really matter for our purposes
+     \* right now
+     /\ Send([type |-> "RECOVERY-RESPONSE",
+              v    |-> rViewNr[r],
+              x    |-> msg.x,
+              l    |-> rLog[r],
+              n    |-> rOpNr[r],
+              k    |-> rCommitNr[r],
+              src  |-> r,
+              dst  |-> msg.src])
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rVars, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo>>
+ReplicaReceiveRecoveryResponse(r) ==
+    \E msg \in sentMsg:
+     /\ msg.type = "RECOVERY-RESPONSE"
+     /\ msg.x = rNonce[r]
+     /\ msg.dst = r
+     /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = @ \cup
+                            {[type |-> "recovery-response",
+                               v |->  msg.v,
+                               x |-> msg.x,
+                               l |-> msg.l,
+                               n |-> msg.n,
+                               k |-> msg.k,
+                               src  |-> msg.src]}]
+     /\ UNCHANGED <<rStatus, rLastView, rLog, rViewNr,
+                    rClientTable, rCrtOp, rOpNr, rCommitNr,
+                    rNonce, cVars, aVars, oVars>>
+ReplicaFinishRecovery(r) ==
+  /\ \E Q \in Quorums:
+    /\ \A rep \in Q: \E reply \in rReplies[r]:
+      /\ reply.type = "recovery-response"
+      /\ reply.src = rep
+      /\ reply.x = rNonce[r]
+    \* received at a least a quorum of replies
+    /\ LET
+           A ==
+             \* set of all recovery-response replies from Q
+             {x \in rReplies[r]: /\ x.src \in Q
+                                 /\ x.type = "recovery-response"
+                                 /\ x.x = rNonce[r]}
+           B ==
+             \* set of all recovery-response replies in A from the biggest view
+             {x \in A: \A rep \in A: rep.v <= x.v}
+           leaderReply == 
+             \* reply from leader
+             IF ~ \E x \in B: IsLeader(x.src, x.v)
+             THEN <<>>
+             ELSE CHOOSE x \in B: IsLeader(x.src, x.v)
+       IN
+           /\ leaderReply /= <<>>
+           /\ Assert(leaderReply.v = 0, "Assert that we recover just in view 0")
+           /\ rLog' = [rLog EXCEPT ![r] = leaderReply.l]
+           /\ rOpNr' = [rOpNr EXCEPT ![r] = leaderReply.n]
+           /\ rViewNr' = [rViewNr EXCEPT ![r] = leaderReply.v]
+           /\ rLastView' = [rLastView EXCEPT ![r] = leaderReply.v]
+           \* TODO: rClientTable
+  /\ rStatus' = [rStatus EXCEPT ![r] = "NORMAL"]
+  /\ rReplies' = [rReplies EXCEPT ![r] = {}]
+  /\ UNCHANGED <<rNonce, cVars, aVars, gViewChangesNo, gCrashesNo, sentMsg, rClientTable,
+                 rCrtOp, rCommitNr>>
+(* `^ \center \large{\textbf{High-Level Actions}} ^'                       *)
+ClientAction(c) ==
+  \/ /\ cStatus[c] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \/ ClientRequest(c) \* some client tries to replicate commit an operation
+        \/ ClientReceiveReply(c)  \* some client receives a reply from a replica
+        \*\/ ClientFail(c)     \* some client fails
+  \/ /\ cStatus[c] = "FAILED"
+     \*/\ \/ ClientRecover(c)
+ReplicaAction(r) ==
+  \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "NORMAL"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveRequest(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendReply(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceivePrepare(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceivePrepareOK(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendStartViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendRecoveryResponse(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStateRequest(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStateResponse(r)
+        \*\/ ReplicaFail(r)       \* some replica fails
+  \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "FAILED"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaRecover(r) \* start view-change protocol
+  \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "RECOVERING"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveRecoveryResponse(r) \* Replica received a
+                                             \* recovery response
+        \/ ReplicaFinishRecovery(r)
+  \/ /\ rStatus[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING"
+     /\ \/ ReplicaReceiveStartViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveDoViewChange(r)
+        \/ ReplicaSendStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaReceiveStartView(r)
+        \/ ReplicaFail(r)
+Next ==
+     \/ \E c \in Clients: ClientAction(c)
+     \/ \E r \in Replicas: ReplicaAction(r)
+     \/ \* Avoid deadlock by termination
+       (\A i \in 1..Cardinality(Replicas): rLastView[i] = max_vc) /\ UNCHANGED <<vars>>
+Spec == Init /\ [] [Next]_vars
+FaultTolerance ==
+  /\ \A successfulOp \in aSuccessful, Q \in Quorums:
+         (\A r \in Q: rStatus[r] = "NORMAL" \/ rStatus[r] = "VIEW-CHANGING")
+      => (\E r \in Q: \E i \in 1..max_req: rLog[r][i] = successfulOp)
+Inv == FaultTolerance
+Inv2 == aSuccessful = {}
+\* Modification History
+\* Last modified Sat Aug 01 13:57:28 PDT 2015 by aaasz
+\* Created Fri Dec 12 17:42:14 PST 2014 by aaasz
diff --git a/proof/VR_MC_constants b/proof/VR_MC_constants
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000000000000000000000000000000000..8fbe813f0b62ec24e224a374b5928a16c6c4969b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/proof/VR_MC_constants
@@ -0,0 +1,8 @@
+Quorums <- {{1,2}, {1,3}, {2,3}}
+Clients <- {1}
+max_req <- 1
+f <- 1
+max_vc <- 3
+Operations <- {1}
+Replicas <- {1,2,3}
+max_c <- 3
diff --git a/replication/ir/client.cc b/replication/ir/client.cc
index 7825794b19f6455da7e61465780ecbbc1780eaf1..6e38ae72704565af2baed14830aff1440c81caa6 100644
--- a/replication/ir/client.cc
+++ b/replication/ir/client.cc
@@ -80,10 +80,10 @@ IRClient::InvokeInconsistent(const string &request,
     PendingInconsistentRequest *req =
 	new PendingInconsistentRequest(request,
-				       reqId,
-				       continuation,
-				       timer,
-				       config.QuorumSize());
+                                   reqId,
+                                   continuation,
+                                   timer,
+                                   config.QuorumSize());
     pendingReqs[reqId] = req;
@@ -100,8 +100,8 @@ IRClient::SendInconsistent(const PendingInconsistentRequest *req)
     } else {
         Warning("Could not send inconsistent request to replicas");
-	pendingReqs.erase(req->clientReqId);
-	delete req;
+        pendingReqs.erase(req->clientReqId);
+        delete req;
@@ -313,40 +313,38 @@ IRClient::HandleInconsistentReply(const TransportAddress &remote,
-    PendingInconsistentRequest *req = static_cast<PendingInconsistentRequest *>(it->second);
+    PendingInconsistentRequest *req =
+        static_cast<PendingInconsistentRequest *>(it->second);
     // Make sure the dynamic cast worked
     ASSERT(req != NULL);
-    Debug("Client received reply: %lu %i", reqId, req->inconsistentReplyQuorum.NumRequired());
+    Debug("Client received reply: %lu %i", reqId,
+          req->inconsistentReplyQuorum.NumRequired());
     // Record replies
     viewstamp_t vs = { msg.view(), reqId };
     if (req->inconsistentReplyQuorum.AddAndCheckForQuorum(vs, msg.replicaidx(), msg)) {
         // If all quorum received, then send finalize and return to client
-        req->timer->Stop();
-        delete req->timer;
-        req->timer = new Timeout(transport, 500, [this, reqId]() {
-                ResendConfirmation(reqId, false);
-            });
-        // asynchronously send the finalize message
-        proto::FinalizeInconsistentMessage response;
-        *(response.mutable_opid()) = msg.opid();
-        if (transport->SendMessageToAll(this, response)) {
-            req->timer->Start();
-        } else {
-            Warning("Could not send finalize message to replicas");
-            pendingReqs.erase(it);
-            delete req;
-            return;
-        } 
         // Return to client
         if (!req->continuationInvoked) {
+            req->timer->Stop();
+            delete req->timer;
+            req->timer = new Timeout(transport, 500, [this, reqId]() {
+                    ResendConfirmation(reqId, false);
+                });
+            // asynchronously send the finalize message
+            proto::FinalizeInconsistentMessage response;
+            *(response.mutable_opid()) = msg.opid();
+            if (transport->SendMessageToAll(this, response)) {
+                req->timer->Start();
+            } else {
+                Warning("Could not send finalize message to replicas");
+            } 
             req->continuation(req->request, "");
-            req->continuationInvoked = true;
+            req->continuationInvoked = true;       
@@ -427,7 +425,7 @@ IRClient::HandleConfirm(const TransportAddress &remote,
     uint64_t reqId = msg.opid().clientreqid();
     auto it = pendingReqs.find(reqId); 
     if (it == pendingReqs.end()) {
-        Debug("Received reply when no request was pending");
+        // ignore, we weren't waiting for the confirmation
@@ -436,12 +434,12 @@ IRClient::HandleConfirm(const TransportAddress &remote,
     viewstamp_t vs = { msg.view(), reqId };
     if (req->confirmQuorum.AddAndCheckForQuorum(vs, msg.replicaidx(), msg)) {
-	pendingReqs.erase(it);
-	if (!req->continuationInvoked) {
-	    // Return to client
-	    PendingConsensusRequest *r2 = static_cast<PendingConsensusRequest *>(req);
-	    r2->continuation(r2->request, r2->decideResult);
-	}
+        pendingReqs.erase(it);
+        if (!req->continuationInvoked) {
+            // Return to client
+            PendingConsensusRequest *r2 = static_cast<PendingConsensusRequest *>(req);
+            r2->continuation(r2->request, r2->decideResult);
+        }
         delete req;
diff --git a/replication/ir/replica.cc b/replication/ir/replica.cc
index 411669232b2bb11ae141f490db37877225efa110..0d41208dc7cf85d303025e4eb6fa31803421f650 100644
--- a/replication/ir/replica.cc
+++ b/replication/ir/replica.cc
@@ -113,7 +113,7 @@ IRReplica::HandleFinalizeInconsistent(const TransportAddress &remote,
     // Check record for the request
     RecordEntry *entry = record.Find(opid);    
-    if (entry != NULL) {
+    if (entry != NULL && entry->state == RECORD_STATE_TENTATIVE) {
         // Mark entry as finalized
         record.SetStatus(opid, RECORD_STATE_FINALIZED);
diff --git a/replication/vr/replica.cc b/replication/vr/replica.cc
index 09ecf24d6f7d44157f6950d3df31b28e23d757fe..67d11d14642b53da2e1d6d74086bcd97301d9060 100644
--- a/replication/vr/replica.cc
+++ b/replication/vr/replica.cc
@@ -513,7 +513,8 @@ VRReplica::HandleUnloggedRequest(const TransportAddress &remote,
     Debug("Received unlogged request %s", (char *)msg.req().op().c_str());
     ExecuteUnlogged(msg.req(), reply);
+    reply.set_clientreqid(msg.req().clientreqid());
     if (!(transport->SendMessage(this, remote, reply)))
         Warning("Failed to send reply message");
diff --git a/store/common/backend/kvstore.h b/store/common/backend/kvstore.h
index 9bdae9e1f605d68f2e0dbb9f2370a8cfa1c7fe09..225793c80e4b73ec484651f6b37859742a109a9f 100644
--- a/store/common/backend/kvstore.h
+++ b/store/common/backend/kvstore.h
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@
 #include "lib/assert.h"
 #include "lib/message.h"
+#include <string>
 #include <unordered_map>
 #include <list>
diff --git a/store/common/backend/tests/Rules.mk b/store/common/backend/tests/Rules.mk
index e53ac75d272b9ecf30fa25939f9687c9289aff35..2219be16c8a9610dc81aa27462186655b7d35e2b 100644
--- a/store/common/backend/tests/Rules.mk
+++ b/store/common/backend/tests/Rules.mk
@@ -8,14 +8,14 @@ GTEST_SRCS += $(addprefix $(d), \
 		versionstore-test.cc \
-$(d)kvstore-test: $(o)kvstore-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-common) $(LIB-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
+$(d)kvstore-test: $(o)kvstore-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-store-common) $(LIB-store-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
 TEST_BINS += $(d)kvstore-test
-$(d)versionstore-test: $(o)versionstore-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-common) $(LIB-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
+$(d)versionstore-test: $(o)versionstore-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-store-common) $(LIB-store-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
 TEST_BINS += $(d)versionstore-test
-$(d)lockserver-test: $(o)lockserver-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-common) $(LIB-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
+$(d)lockserver-test: $(o)lockserver-test.o $(LIB-transport) $(LIB-store-common) $(LIB-store-backend) $(GTEST_MAIN)
 TEST_BINS += $(d)lockserver-test
diff --git a/test-client/Rules.mk b/test-client/Rules.mk
deleted file mode 100644
index 55bcdd026b419643c9c3565a40e2b50f0e3cd8e5..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-client/Rules.mk
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,9 +0,0 @@
-d := $(dir $(lastword $(MAKEFILE_LIST)))
-SRCS += $(addprefix $(d), test-client.cc)
-PROTOS += $(addprefix $(d), test-client-proto.proto)
-$(d)test-client: $(LIB-message) $(LIB-tcptransport) $(LIB-udptransport) $(o)test-client-proto.o $(o)test-client.o
-BINS += $(d)test-client
diff --git a/test-client/test-client-proto.proto b/test-client/test-client-proto.proto
deleted file mode 100644
index 1895637398031dbd07f12291bc59d04ef072b3d3..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-client/test-client-proto.proto
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,5 +0,0 @@
-syntax = "proto2";
-message TestMessage {
-    required int32 status = 1;
diff --git a/test-client/test-client.cc b/test-client/test-client.cc
deleted file mode 100644
index 6dfa02ad13c9cfaaeb7852faf81e4be11ac52dbd..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-client/test-client.cc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,96 +0,0 @@
-#include "lib/message.h"
-#include "lib/configuration.h"
-#include "lib/udptransport.h"
-#include "lib/tcptransport.h"
-#include "test-client/test-client-proto.pb.h"
-#include <thread>
-#include <fstream>
-#include <sstream>
-class Worker : public TransportReceiver
-    Worker(const string configPath, int id)
-        : id(id), n(0), transport(0.0, 0.0, 0, false)
-    {
-        std::ifstream configStream(configPath, std::ifstream::in);
-        fprintf(stderr, "Reading %s %d\n", configPath.c_str());
-        if (configStream.fail()) {
-            Debug("Unable to read configuration file: %s\n", configPath.c_str());
-        }
-        config = new transport::Configuration(configStream);
-        transport.Register(this, *config, -1);
-        transport.Timer(100, [=]() {
-            Debug("Scheduling SendMessage");
-            this->SendMessage();
-        });
-    }
-    ~Worker() {}
-    void Run()
-    {
-        transport.Run();
-    }
-    void SendMessage()
-    {
-        n++;
-        if (n > 10) {
-            transport.Stop();
-            return;
-        }
-        Debug("Sending Message %d %d", id, n);
-        TestMessage msg;
-        msg.set_status(n);
-        transport.Timer(1000, [=]() {
-            if (!transport.SendMessageToReplica(this, 0, msg)) {
-                Debug("Unable to send request");
-            }
-            this->SendMessage();
-        });
-    }
-    void ReceiveMessage(const TransportAddress &remote, const string &type, const string &data)
-    {
-        Debug("Received reply type: %s", type.c_str());
-    }
-    int id, n;
-    UDPTransport transport;
-    //TCPTransport transport;
-    transport::Configuration *config;
-void test_thread(int id)
-    Worker *w;
-    std::stringstream buf;
-    buf << "test" << id;
-    w = new Worker(buf.str(), id);
-    w->Run();
-int main()
-    std::thread t1(test_thread, 1);
-    std::thread t2(test_thread, 2);
-    t1.join();
-    t2.join();
-    return 0;
diff --git a/test-client/test1 b/test-client/test1
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c2c99a234e9878b127dd801fec0b087447b48d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-client/test1
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-f 1
-replica localhost:51729
-replica localhost:51730
-replica localhost:51731
diff --git a/test-client/test2 b/test-client/test2
deleted file mode 100644
index 76c2c99a234e9878b127dd801fec0b087447b48d..0000000000000000000000000000000000000000
--- a/test-client/test2
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,4 +0,0 @@
-f 1
-replica localhost:51729
-replica localhost:51730
-replica localhost:51731