mod circle; mod dummy; mod mandelbrot; mod rectangle; mod wgpu; use crate::color::set_alpha; use crate::component::arrow::Arrow; use crate::component::code::{pseudocode, Code}; use crate::component::grid::Grid; use crate::egui; use crate::egui::{Color32, Context, Frame, Pos2, Shape, Stroke, Ui}; use crate::fade_in::{fade_in, fade_in_manual, fade_out, fade_out_manual}; use crate::governor::Governor; use crate::slide::s4_automata::{conways_game_of_life, randomize_grid}; use crate::slide::s6_fractals::circle::circle; use crate::slide::s6_fractals::dummy::is_black; use crate::slide::s6_fractals::mandelbrot::mandelbrot; use crate::slide::s6_fractals::rectangle::rectangle; use crate::slide::s6_fractals::wgpu::Accelerator; use crate::slide::Slide; use crate::window::WindowPosition; use eframe::egui::style::Margin; use eframe::egui::{Align2, ColorImage, Vec2}; use eframe::epaint::CircleShape; use std::iter; use std::ops::{Bound, RangeBounds}; /// Mandelbrot, etc. pub struct Fractals { /// Where we are in the transitions. state: FractalsState, /// For showing more pixels. governor: Governor, /// Pseudocode display. code: Code, /// Persistent grid state. grid: Grid, } #[derive(Default)] #[allow(unused)] enum FractalsState { /// Nothing on screen (except header). #[default] Before, /// Fading in grid. Grid { /// When we started fading in the grid. fade_start: f64, }, /// Erasing the automata cells. Erase { /// When we started fading out the dots. fade_start: f64, }, /// Fade in axes. Axes { /// When we started fading in the axes. fade_start: f64, }, Rectangle { /// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in. pixels: usize, }, Circle { /// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in. pixels: usize, }, Mandelbrot { /// When we started fading in the quote about fractals. quote: Option<f64>, /// How many pixels of the grid we've filled in. pixels: usize, /// Whether fractal traversal mode is enabled. traversal: bool, }, MandelbrotZoom { /// When we started fading in. fade_start: f64, /// When we started smoothing the gradient. smooth_start: Option<f64>, /// When we started zooming in. zoom_start: Option<f64>, /// Fractal zoom background image. image: ColorImage, /// GPU accelerator. accelerator: Accelerator, zoom: f32, }, } impl Default for Fractals { fn default() -> Self { const HORIZONTAL_OFFSET: f32 = 275.0; // Code goes on the left. let mut code = Code::default(); = "fractal_code"; code.position = WindowPosition::FromCenter(Vec2::new(-HORIZONTAL_OFFSET, 0.0)); code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s6_fractals/")); // Grid goes on the right. let mut grid = Grid::default(); = "fractal_grid"; grid.position = WindowPosition::FromCenter(Vec2::new(HORIZONTAL_OFFSET, 0.0)); grid.size_cells = 128; randomize_grid(&mut grid); // Make grid more life-like. for _ in 0..10 { grid = conways_game_of_life(&grid, 0, Color32::BLACK, false); } // Grid cell stroke aliases too much at this resolution. grid.stroke_width = 0.0; Self { state: FractalsState::default(), governor: Governor::default(), code, grid, } } } impl Slide for Fractals { fn transition(&mut self, ctx: &Context) -> bool { // Increment state by one. match &mut self.state { FractalsState::Before => { self.state = FractalsState::Grid { fade_start: ctx.input().time, } } FractalsState::Grid { .. } => { // Make sure we finished fading in. self.code.alpha = 1.0; self.grid.alpha = 1.0; self.state = FractalsState::Erase { fade_start: ctx.input().time, }; } FractalsState::Erase { .. } => { self.state = FractalsState::Axes { fade_start: ctx.input().time, } } FractalsState::Axes { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Rectangle { pixels: 0 }, FractalsState::Rectangle { .. } => self.state = FractalsState::Circle { pixels: 0 }, FractalsState::Circle { .. } => { self.state = FractalsState::Mandelbrot { quote: None, pixels: 0, traversal: false, } } FractalsState::Mandelbrot { quote, traversal, .. } => { if quote.is_none() { *quote = Some(ctx.input().time); } else if !*traversal { *traversal = true; } else { self.state = FractalsState::MandelbrotZoom { fade_start: ctx.input().time, smooth_start: None, zoom_start: None, image: ColorImage::new([1280, 720], Color32::RED), accelerator: Accelerator::new(1280, 720), zoom: 1.0, } } } FractalsState::MandelbrotZoom { smooth_start, zoom_start, .. } => { if smooth_start.is_none() { *smooth_start = Some(ctx.input().time); } else if zoom_start.is_none() { *zoom_start = Some(ctx.input().time); } else { return true; } } } false } fn show(&mut self, ui: &mut Ui) { let all_fade_out_start = match &self.state { FractalsState::MandelbrotZoom { fade_start, .. } => *fade_start, _ => f64::INFINITY, }; Frame::none().margin(Margin::same(20.0)).show(ui, |ui| { ui.vertical_centered(|ui| { fade_out(ui, all_fade_out_start, |ui| { ui.heading("Fractals"); let quote_fade_start = match &self.state { FractalsState::Before | FractalsState::Grid { .. } | FractalsState::Erase { .. } | FractalsState::Axes { .. } | FractalsState::Rectangle { .. } | FractalsState::Circle { .. } => None, FractalsState::Mandelbrot { quote, .. } => *quote, _ => Some(0.0), }; if let Some(quote_fade_start) = quote_fade_start { fade_in(ui, quote_fade_start, |ui| { ui.add_space(ui.available_height() - 50.0); ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| { ui.label(r#""Beautiful, damn hard, increasingly useful. That's fractals." -Benoit Mandelbrot"#); }); }); } }); }); }); ui.ctx().request_repaint(); // The function that will be used to color the grid. // // It is dynamically typed (so that multiple distinct functions can be used). // // Note that we use indirection via a reference but not a heap-allocated [`Box`]. We can get // away with that since the function doesn't leave our stack frame. let mut algo: Box<dyn Fn(f32, f32) -> Color32> = Box::new(wrap_bool_algo(is_black)); // Don't necessarily need to understand what is going on here. fn wrap_bool_algo<A: Fn(f32, f32) -> bool>(a: A) -> impl Fn(f32, f32) -> Color32 { move |x: f32, y: f32| { if a(x, y) { Color32::BLACK } else { Color32::WHITE } } } // Again, don't necessarily need to understand what is going on here. #[allow(unused)] fn wrap_f32_algo<A: Fn(f32, f32) -> f32>(a: A) -> impl Fn(f32, f32) -> Color32 { move |x: f32, y: f32| { let c = (a(x, y) * 255.0) as u8; // Slight bluish tint. Color32::from_rgb((c as u16 * 9 / 10) as u8, (c as u16 * 19 / 20) as u8, c) } } // Limit to this many pixels. If [`None`], will render all pixels. // We use a mutable reference so we can increment in one place. let mut limit_pixels: Option<&mut usize> = None; // Whether to skip rendering and clearing entirely. let mut skip = false; match &mut self.state { FractalsState::Before => { // Don't proceed to render the code/grid. return; } &mut FractalsState::Grid { fade_start } => { // Fade in the code and grid. fade_in_manual(ui, fade_start, |_, alpha| { self.code.alpha = alpha; self.grid.alpha = alpha; }); skip = true; } &mut FractalsState::Erase { fade_start } => { fade_out_manual(ui, fade_start, |_, alpha| { // Fade out the automata cells. for (_, _, cell) in self.grid.iter_mut() { if cell.a() > 0 { *cell = set_alpha(*cell, alpha); } } }); skip = true; } &mut FractalsState::Axes { .. } => { skip = true; } FractalsState::Rectangle { pixels } => { self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s6_fractals/")); algo = Box::new(wrap_bool_algo(rectangle)); limit_pixels = Some(pixels) } FractalsState::Circle { pixels } => { self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s6_fractals/")); algo = Box::new(wrap_bool_algo(circle)); limit_pixels = Some(pixels); } FractalsState::Mandelbrot { pixels, .. } => { self.code.code = pseudocode(include_str!("s6_fractals/")); algo = Box::new(wrap_bool_algo(mandelbrot)); limit_pixels = Some(pixels); } FractalsState::MandelbrotZoom { fade_start, smooth_start, zoom_start, image, accelerator, zoom, } => { fade_out_manual(ui, *fade_start, |_, alpha| { self.grid.alpha = alpha; self.code.alpha = alpha; }); let inverse_fade_time = 1.0 - ((ui.ctx().input().time - *fade_start) as f32 * 0.25).clamp(0.0, 1.0); let smooth_time = smooth_start .map(|s| (ui.ctx().input().time - s) as f32) .unwrap_or(0.0); let smoothing = (smooth_time * 0.75).min(1.0); let fade_target = Pos2::new(-3.75, 0.0); let zoom_target = Pos2::new(-0.613287065, -0.44526086); let zoom_time = zoom_start .map(|s| (ui.ctx().input().time - s) as f32) .unwrap_or(0.0); let screen = ui.ctx().input().screen_rect(); *zoom = (3.0 * 0.95f32.powf(zoom_time * 10.0).max(0.0001)) + inverse_fade_time * 7.0; let lerp = (zoom_time * 0.4).sqrt().min(1.0); let center = Pos2::new( zoom_target.x * lerp + fade_target.x * inverse_fade_time, zoom_target.y * lerp + fade_target.y * inverse_fade_time, ); let cutoff = 270f32.min(32.0 + (18.0 / *zoom).sqrt());, *zoom, cutoff, smoothing, image); egui::Image::new(&ui.ctx().load_texture("zoom", image.clone()), Vec2::ZERO) .paint_at(ui, screen); fade_in(ui, all_fade_out_start, |ui| { ui.style_mut() .visuals .widgets .noninteractive .fg_stroke .color = Color32::WHITE; ui.add_space(ui.available_height() - 50.0); ui.centered_and_justified(|ui| { ui.label(format!( "x={:.5}, y={:.5}, max={:.1}, scale={:.5}", center.x, center.y, cutoff, *zoom )) }); }); } } // Which pixels the algorithm should render. let mut render_range: (Bound<usize>, Bound<usize>) = (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Unbounded); // Which pixels should be set to transparent. let mut clear_range: (Bound<usize>, Bound<usize>) = (Bound::Unbounded, Bound::Unbounded); // Double mutable borrow to avoid moving limit_pixels. if let Some(limit_pixels) = &mut limit_pixels { if **limit_pixels < self.grid.size_cells.pow(2) && self.governor.ready(ui.ctx().input().time, 0.02) { let new_limit_pixels = **limit_pixels + self.grid.size_cells.pow(2) * 33 / 32 / 32; // This is the range we just added, and therefore must render. render_range = ( Bound::Included(**limit_pixels), Bound::Excluded(new_limit_pixels), ); // This is all the pixels after (that may be obsolete). clear_range = (Bound::Included(new_limit_pixels), Bound::Unbounded); **limit_pixels = new_limit_pixels; } else { // Waiting on timer, don't touch the pixels. skip = true; } } // Paint the grid. if !skip { // Store the resolution before mutably borrowing self.grid. let size_cells = self.grid.size_cells; for (i, (gx, gy, c)) in self.grid.iter_mut().enumerate() { if render_range.contains(&i) { // 0 to 1. let nx = (gx as f32 + 0.5) / size_cells as f32; let ny = (gy as f32 + 0.5) / size_cells as f32; // -2 to 2. let x = nx * 4.0 - 2.0; let y = ny * 4.0 - 2.0; *c = algo(x, y); } else if clear_range.contains(&i) { *c = Color32::TRANSPARENT; } } }; self.grid.show_with_overlays(ui.ctx(), |ui, to_screen| { match &self.state { &FractalsState::Axes { fade_start } => { fade_in_manual(ui, fade_start, |ui, alpha| { let color = set_alpha(Color32::BLACK, alpha); let middle = self.grid.size_cells / 2; Arrow { origin: to_screen *, middle), tip: to_screen * - 1, middle), stroke: color, label: "x".into(), label_at_tip: true, label_align: Some(Align2::CENTER_CENTER), label_offset: Vec2::new(-20.0, 10.0), stroke_width: 4.0, font_size: 25.0, ..Arrow::default() } .show(ui); Arrow { origin: to_screen *, middle), tip: to_screen *, 0), stroke: color, label: "y".into(), label_at_tip: true, label_align: Some(Align2::CENTER_CENTER), label_offset: Vec2::new(-10.0, 20.0), stroke_width: 4.0, font_size: 25.0, ..Arrow::default() } .show(ui); }); } &FractalsState::Mandelbrot { traversal, .. } if traversal => { //const TIME_SCALE: f64 = 0.4; let mouse_position = ui.ctx().input().pointer.hover_pos(); if let Some(mouse_position) = mouse_position { //let mut last_pos = Pos2::new(0.5 * (ui.ctx().input().time * TIME_SCALE).cos() as f32 - 1.0, 0.5 * (ui.ctx().input().time * TIME_SCALE).sin() as f32); let mut last_pos = ((to_screen.inverse() * mouse_position).to_vec2() * 4.0 - Vec2::splat(2.0)) .to_pos2(); ui.painter().add(Shape::Circle(CircleShape { center: to_screen * ((last_pos.to_vec2() + Vec2::splat(2f32)) * 0.25).to_pos2(), radius: 10.0, fill: Color32::RED, stroke: Stroke::default(), })); for (i, pos) in mandelbrot_iter(last_pos).take(16).enumerate() { Arrow { origin: to_screen * ((last_pos.to_vec2() + Vec2::splat(2f32)) * 0.25).to_pos2(), tip: to_screen * ((pos.to_vec2() + Vec2::splat(2f32)) * 0.25).to_pos2(), stroke: set_alpha( Color32::LIGHT_BLUE, 1.0 / (1.0 + i as f32 * 0.2), ), stroke_width: 4.0, ..Arrow::default() } .show(ui); last_pos = pos; } } } _ => {} } }); } } /// Iterates points in a traversal of the mandelbrot set. /// /// Never terminates, so caller is responsible for setting limits. pub fn mandelbrot_iter(Pos2 { x, y }: Pos2) -> impl Iterator<Item = Pos2> + 'static { let mut x1 = 0.0; let mut y1 = 0.0; // Rust iterator magic ;) iter::repeat(()).map(move |_| { let x_tmp = x1 * x1 - y1 * y1 + x; y1 = 2.0 * x1 * y1 + y; x1 = x_tmp; Pos2::new(x1, y1) }) }