Explore projects
Yuxuan Mei / bullet3
zlib LicenseBullet Physics SDK: real-time collision detection and multi-physics simulation for VR, games, visual effects, robotics, machine learning etc.
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Karan Goel / brain2music
MIT LicenseEEG brainwave data to music (more like noise) in realtime.
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Shared CSE 478 project repository. (Use your personal mushr478-netid repository, not this one!)
Archived 0Updated -
A simple To-do python app that saves the current to-do list to a file and reads from it when starting up. The file allows for other programs to add to the list without accessing the app directly (will probably not update instantaneously)
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The minimal set of drivers and visualization for the racecar. Most of this code is originally from the MIT Racecar project: https://github.com/mit-racecar/racecar
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The minimal set of drivers and visualization for the racecar. Most of this code is originally from the MIT Racecar project: https://github.com/mit-racecar/racecar
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Lab 2: Using TVM to generate schedules for deep learning hardware accelerators
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Jacqueline He / MinGPT fork cse447
MIT LicenseUpdated -