# Web Browser Template

This repository is where you will build your browser

When code is pushed to this repository
  [GitLab CI][glci] will automatically run
  [the tests][tests] for the week's homework.
For that to work, you must have a `browser.py` file
  that exports all of the expected functions and classes.
You don’t have to put all of your code into one file,
  but all of your classes and methods should be exported from this file.
The easiest way to do that is to add `from other_file import *` at the top.

Details on the testing system can be found in [its repository][tests].

[glci]: https://docs.gitlab.com/ee/ci/
[tests]: https://gitlab.cs.washington.edu/cse490x-22sp/cse490x-22sp-tests

Do not modify the `.gitlab-ci.yml` file,
  which configures GitLab CI to run the tests.