--- title: Algorithm lower bounds nav_order: 4 --- How can we apply the sorting lower bound to other problems in data structures and algorithms? {% capture question %} Consider a priority queue implementation that guarantees worst-case *Θ*(1) runtime for all methods. Without knowing anything about the optimization, give a runtime argument for why this optimization is impossible. (What would this suggest about the worst-case runtime for heapsort?) {% endcapture %} {% include question.html question=question number=1 %} {% capture question %} Earlier, we learned that the problem of finding duplicates in an array reduces to sorting. If we know that the worst-case runtime for comparison-based sorting algorithms must be in *Ω*(*N*log *N*), is it true that the worst-case runtime for any duplicate-finding algorithm must also be in *Ω*(*N*log *N*)? {% endcapture %} {% capture explanation %} A reduction to sorting is just one approach to detecting duplicates! Learning something about one algorithm for solving a problem doesn't preclude other possible algorithms. We could alternatively use a `HashSet`. Instantiate an empty HashSet. For each element in the (unsorted) input array, first check if it is in the `HashSet`. If the element is already in the `HashSet`, return true. Otherwise, add it to the `HashSet` and continue to the next element. {% endcapture %} {% include question.html question=question explanation=explanation number=2 %}